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Bringing A Desktop Computer Over...


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I will be flying to Thailand in the next few months and wondered if it would be feasible to bring my desktop computer with me. I will be living in Thailand for 3 years and don't have the money to buy a laptop. Can I put it in my check in luggage(with clothing around it to protect it)? Will there be a customs fee? Any input will be appreciated...

Edit: Would the x-ray machines damage the computer components, such as the hard drive?

Edited by Hopmaster
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Unless it has a top of the range graphics card etc then simply take out the hard drive and bring that with you. If you want to save a little more money then take out the motherboard and RAM etc and when you get here simply buy a cheap power supply unit and case :thumbsup:

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I brought mine about eighteen months ago. I had kept the original packing, so it was reasonably protected. I covered the box with coloured plastic and labelled it "Fragile."

No worry getting it through customs, either.

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Well Hopmaster, I normally travel with a hard covered case (maybe fibreglass/plastic) and it is often damaged, with chunks taken out of it. I know that airport workers throw them about and drop them, I think it's normal practice. If your case is a soft one, doubtless many hard ones like mine will be dropped on top of it, from a height, also many very heavy soft ones will land on it too.

If you had the the original protected boxes that it came in, it might have a better chance of surviving, but I doubt wrapping clothes around it and putting it in a normal case would offer much protection. Also I imagine it would take up a lot of room in your case, not to mention the weight, but perhaps you plan to bring no luggage for yourself, you might want to weigh your clothes etc and pc together to see that you don't incur extra luggage charges.

Mind you, if it's an elderly pc, that you don't need in 3 years time when you return, you could risk it, if the screen was damaged you could buy a cheap one here. Having said that. there are now cheap hand held devices that you can go online with, that are cheaper than laptops, but I'm sure your aware of that.

Either way, good luck with your travels.

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I have brought two desktop full towers over. The first time was a disaster. The boards got shaken out and the motherboard damaged. The second time I stuffed the case full of Styrofoam packing nuggets and then a pillow to hold everything in place. It made the trip just fine. I also made the mistake of putting "FRAGILE" stickers on the bag the first time. I think the baggage handlers see who can throw the bag the farthest when it is marked as fragile. It is also a problem now with the money hungry airline weight limits. No problems with customs either time.

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Thank you all for the input! I will have to think about this a bit more. Maybe a small netbook is a good idea...

Went back home last year. Took my pc to my local computer shop and they took out the necessary parts. Hard drive cpu, motherboard etc.

I wrapped all the parts in bubble wrap and took them on in my hand luggage. No problems at all with customs and no damage either.

Took the parts to local computer shop here and they put it all together in a new case. Total cost was around 1000 baht from memory.

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Why not just buy a new desk top here? They are super cheap. 8000 baht ($240.00 USD) will get you a good machine including monitor, keyboard etc. You dont need to buy a notebook. Just pust all your things on an external hard drive, sell your PC there and use the money to buy one here.

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Thank you all for the input! I will have to think about this a bit more. Maybe a small netbook is a good idea...

I have brought over 3 desktops so far, with LCD monitors also, over the last 2 years. Never a problem. No questions from customs, and a couple of the bags were opened and inspected. I never disassembled anything. I just packed clothes all around and all was fine.

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H2Odunc has what is probably the least hassle, lowest-cost solution. Take out the motherboard (leave CPU in but take the fan off) and the memory sticks. That and the hard drive gives you the key components. Note that these are not particularly fragile and travel well if tucked into your clothes in suitcase/bag. Here you can buy a passable desktop case + power supply for 1300-1500 baht (US$1=30 baht). A good CD-DVD/RW costs about 700 baht. Assembly would take me about 15 minutes. Keyboard costs about 300 baht, bring old mouse or buy here 200-300 baht. If you feel inept about such assembly go to Pantip Plaza and get one of the lads in the shops toward the back on 2d, 3d, 4th floor to assemble for 200 baht. Come down to Phuket, visit our sunday morning meeting and we will put together for free.

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