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Bittorent On Tot Adsl Low Speeds 1-2kbs


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theres all kinds of reasons for the crappy speeds on BT with TOT ADSL.

From what I have worked out.

1) Your behind a proxy server, which means other computers cant talk to you. http://www.lagado.com/proxy-test

2) Your router might not be configured right, you need to forward the ports. www.portforward.com

3)BT absolutely sucks in Thailand, hardly technical. But I've given up hope of getting a decent speed on it. :o

Try bitlord you might have better luck with that as it does most of the routing for you.

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Like you I get 30kbps sometimes. On heavily seeded files. But the rest of the time its so slow. It took me over two weeks to get a copy of 'Bangkok Hilton' it was a four gig file. nail bitingly slow.

Well, 30 kbps is really slow. That's not more that a 4 kBps!!!!!. The rest of the time it is slower??? How slow? Better for you to go back to dial-up.

At a good seed/leech-ratio I have an overall dl-rate of 800 kbps or 100 kBps on four files with my TOT ADSL 1024/256. The maximum I had on one file was 75 kBps.

Taking two weeks to dl a file doesn't say a thing. It's the seed/leech ratio that does it.

Have a look at the several P2P-forums and you'll learn more ratio's, settings, etc. Feel free to PM me.

Good luck,


BitComet, 2.4 GHz, 1 GB, TOT ADSL 1024/256, upcountry

For your own safety, don't forget to use block-lists while using P2P!!!

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Friend of mine in Pattaya has the same results...

P2P had been working ok for a long time, but now it slowed down to a crawl.

He decided to move over to a TT&T line with the Maxnet4life 1024/512 package (at over 4000 Baht/month)

Things are great again...

The cheap packages simply can't support P2P due to the high contention ratio's.

Remember that at the source(CAT) a 1024kbps link costs 25000 Baht/month, so you can do the maths how much this has to be shared to become sustainable for an ISP!

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Hello, I use Azureus on TOT 1024/256 gold cyber and am averaging 20-30KB/s on average seed/leech ratio torrents, sometimes alot more with good torrents. Azureus uses port 6881 by default, but you can change it. The nice thing about it is you only need the one port opened and forwarded, and it will still work without however very slowly.

You can set up port forwarding or it equivalents on that silly HASE270 hyundai tot modem thing by doing the following.

Type into your browser window to get to the web config interface, username is root password test.

In the lower blue section there is NAPT button hit that and the in the new screen forget the NAT tab use the NAPT settings. Enter the port 6881 local and public, select TCP from the drop down and put the Local address of your LAN port ie After hit save and reboot from the red buttons on the left and then select the save only option.

That should get ya going with better speeds.

Remember to open the same ports in Zonealarm or windows firewall if your using, also I'd guess you could do this with multiple ports if you seperate them with commas - only a guess as have no need to try it. Hope that can help someone.


Do not mess with any settings in this web interface you can really screw things up if you don't know what your doing, also the translation from Korean to english on the model I have is very badly done, some buttons not labelled correctly etc etc. Just remember what you did so you can undo it if need be.

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Check your TOT/ADSL port forwarding!!! Today Sunday 18 September 2005 at about 15:30 h, I only got speeds of 1 kBps. I checked my locals and remote connections and found only locals. It means that port forwarding doesn't work. I checked my gateway and what did I see? My gateway settings were RESET. Well, I didn't do that.

I resetted the gateway to port forwarding again and things work again. Slow though but not at 1 kBps.

Good luck


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Like you I get 30kbps sometimes. On heavily seeded files. But the rest of the time its so slow. It took me over two weeks to get a copy of 'Bangkok Hilton' it was a four gig file. nail bitingly slow.

Well, 30 kbps is really slow. That's not more that a 4 kBps!!!!!. The rest of the time it is slower??? How slow? Better for you to go back to dial-up.

At a good seed/leech-ratio I have an overall dl-rate of 800 kbps or 100 kBps on four files with my TOT ADSL 1024/256. The maximum I had on one file was 75 kBps.

Taking two weeks to dl a file doesn't say a thing. It's the seed/leech ratio that does it.

Have a look at the several P2P-forums and you'll learn more ratio's, settings, etc. Feel free to PM me.

To be honest I've really given up on it, I prefer to pay a premium and download from news now, its just less hassle and constant high speeds. I guess im too impatient :o

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