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A Goldilocks Moment

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I came home last night alone. Watched some TV, surfed the Internet, and went to sleep. This morning I took a shower, went to brush my teeth and I see the below items on the tiny shelf above the sink. Someone had been been in my place the day before while I was away and took a shower! Nothing apparently taken. Time to get a new lock for the front door I'd say.

I left the items on the table by my front door along with a piece of paper with a giant question mark on it in case they come back for it.

Anyone else experience things like this? I have a feeling it is quite common.


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dont worry Goldilocks left a picture she had taken getting change after the shower

sure it wasnt something you picked up at Green Mango while a little bit drunk with SUPER beer googles on ?


Edited by Boater
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Just checked my birds knicker draw, have you got anything to tell me mr koheesti?

I'll be having words with my girl friend when she finnishes her shift in the massage parlor.

I bought her them special for her 65th birthday and that's how I get treated.

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dont worry Goldilocks left a picture she had taken getting change after the shower

sure it wasnt something you picked up at Green Mango while a little bit drunk with SUPER beer googles on ?

you can not un-see that.

or could he... beer and spirits can cost a man dearly

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All joking aside, is this something common with Thais? I've lived places before where the landlord thought they still had the right to come into the flat they have rented out to do things like cook dinner.

Monday night was my first night here, and this happened on Thursday before I came home. Maybe one of the landlord's family members thought it was still empty and came in to take a shower? Maybe surprised to see my stuff but thought that since they were here anyway, might as well take that shower.

Whoever it was, I left the stuff on my front porch and it is still there.

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dont worry Goldilocks left a picture she had taken getting change after the shower

sure it wasnt something you picked up at Green Mango while a little bit drunk with SUPER beer googles on ?

WOAH! Heavy pic dude!

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