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UN's Ban calls for probe into violence against Syrian protesters


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UN's Ban calls for probe into violence against Syrian protesters

2011-03-24 08:00:48 GMT+7 (ICT)

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday condemned the violence against peaceful protesters in the southern Syrian city of Deraa that left several dead and many more wounded in the past two days, stressing that those responsible must be held accountable.

According to reports, at least six people have died after security forces fired on protesters outside the Omari mosque in Deraa. The mosque has reportedly been the focus of anti-Government demonstrations in recent days.

"There should be a transparent investigation into the killings, and those responsible must be held accountable," Ban's spokesperson said in a statement.

The Secretary-General also reiterated his call on the Syrian authorities to refrain from violence and to abide by their international commitments regarding human rights, including the right to peaceful assembly.

Ban also reminded the Syrian Government of its obligation to protect civilians and of its responsibility to address the legitimate aspirations of its people through a purposeful dialogue and reforms.

On Tuesday, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) called for an "independent, transparent and effective" investigation into the killing of six people by security forces in Deraa since last Friday, when thousands took to the streets following Friday prayers, calling for greater political freedom and an end to corruption.

In addition, OHCHR reiterated the need to put an immediate halt to the excessive use of force against peaceful protesters by security forces, especially the use of live ammunition.

Syria is among a handful of nations in North Africa and the Middle East witnessing popular uprisings demanding greater freedoms and democratic reforms.

The wave of protests that began in Tunisia has already toppled the long-serving leader of that country, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, as well as Hosni Mubarak of Egypt. In Libya, the regime of Muammar al-Qadhafi has waged a fierce military offensive against the opposition movement.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-24

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