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Just thought i would let the forum know how long it took my TG to lodge her Tourist Visa (had 2 before granted)

On this forum i have read stories of multiple hours along with stand upish rude staff .But not this time

Well from time of walking thru the door to lodging the forms and walking out again 15 minutes

And the staff were so kind and courteous.

Lodged on the 19th and was told to call back on the 24th to get the yes or no

Also can recomend the Sathorn Villa Hotel which is 10 minutes walk to the visa centre,(thanks Ronnie for the tip)


I had the same experience with the Visa Office......we filled out the forms there so it took a bit longer....but had no probs with the staff at all.

Just thought i would let the forum know how long it took my TG to lodge her Tourist Visa (had 2 before granted)

On this forum i have read stories of multiple hours along with stand upish rude staff .But not this time

Well from time of walking thru the door to lodging the forms and walking out again  15 minutes

And the staff were so kind and courteous.

Lodged on the 19th and was told to call back on the 24th to get the yes or no

Also can recomend the Sathorn Villa Hotel which is 10 minutes walk to the visa centre,(thanks Ronnie for the tip)


Please post the actual time from lodging the application to receiving your visa, as that is really the true measure of their service.

I have a visa pending for my Thai, also 3rd visit, but we did it by courier from Chiang Mai. Courier agent said it would be ten days. Said the courier did the run overnight.

We are expecting a call anyday from the courier service, as it has been 9 days, although with aweekends involved, I expect to wait until the 14th elpased day before I call to see about it.

We have requested a multi-entry visa, fingers crossed.


Gee, I suppose we'll find out soon enough.

Looks like we maybe going back to Oz (Been offered a fantastic job package). SO will need to get the wiffie her temporary visa. Fingers crossed it won't take to long.



Thank you Wozza for the heads up regarding the internet site tracking for the visa service.

I accessed it and was advised that the visa section had turned the passpport over to the courier on the 20th. Called this morning, the 22nd and lo and behold, I was advised the passport arrived this morining, despite repeaed advice that it was an overnight courier delivery service.

I suspect, someone didn't make a call right away upon receipt in CNX. Will never know as I went down and got it this morning.

Time sequence is as follows:

9th To Courier in CNX a Friday, arrival visa section Monday AM

14th Visa section cited as Application Date even though I filled in the 8th

20th Visa section web site says given to courier.

22nd Called courier and confirmed available for pick up. Picked up.

Did receive multiple entry vsa for one year, this is third visit.

I am really impressed by this new service and will send a thank you letter to the ambassador and President of the visa service company.

It has been my experience to treat each visa application as an original application and to fully document it. Shot gun approach rather than laser approach is key in my view as you never know what document will impress the most,

This time documents attached to Application numbered 27 pages which didn't include copies of chanots or car registration, these documents were cited as previously provided, but available upon request. Bank book pages were only a month back.

PM me if you would like more info on what documents you should provide in a full package, indicating in your message what documents you have and are intending to submit.

Good luck all, there is no better feeling than success in a "difficult go".

Some, perhaps, have gotten a visa with minimum documentation, but I doubt it, especially if the Thai is young and single with no job.

Please post the actual time from lodging the application to receiving your visa, as that is really the true measure of their service.

I have a visa pending for my Thai, also 3rd visit, but we did it by courier from Chiang Mai.  Courier agent said it would be ten days.  Said the courier did the run overnight.

We are expecting a call anyday from the courier service, as it has been 9 days, although with aweekends involved, I expect to wait until the 14th  elpased day before I call to see about it.

We have requested a multi-entry visa, fingers crossed.

6 working days for a single entry lodged in Bangkok.

Please post the actual time from lodging the application to receiving your visa, as that is really the true measure of their service.

I have a visa pending for my Thai, also 3rd visit, but we did it by courier from Chiang Mai.  Courier agent said it would be ten days.  Said the courier did the run overnight.

We are expecting a call anyday from the courier service, as it has been 9 days, although with aweekends involved, I expect to wait until the 14th  elpased day before I call to see about it.

We have requested a multi-entry visa, fingers crossed.

6 working days for a single entry lodged in Bangkok.

Same here. 6 working days from lodgement to pickup of passport. We arrived at 8.30 am with everything ready for lodgement and were out of the office before 9.00 am. Upon picking up of passport and visa we would have been in the office no longer than 20 mins before we walked out with a smile on our faces.

Maybe the bugs have been ironed out of the process and everything seems to be working smoothly now. I hope this continues in the future.


Have a few questions regarding Thai GF Holiday Visa to Australia.

The first several questions on the application relate to intended dates of travel and length of stay. I dont want to book an airfare for GF until i know visa is approved. Do I have to stipulate exact dates of travel in this section, or can i just put in a 2 month window of dates and book the fares within this timeframe once visa is approved (hopefully). :D

Have asked Immigration in Australi, who responded with "we are not allowed to helpyou with your form" :o

Who said Thai customer service was bad!!!

Any assistance greatly appreciated.




The intended time of travel is only an indication you dont have to travel on the dates you submitted

I asked for a 3 moth visa then next time a six month ,I am not sure about the details of a 1 year multipal visa that prothai expat had just recieved I didnt know you could do that type of visa.

My experience was we went for a six month visa and bought a year ticket that enables you to change the dates of travel


If this is your first visa for your g/f, I believe it would be stronger if you had a firm itinerary with tickets bought and copies attached to your application.

Most tickets are refundable, with a 1000 Baht fee and it would certainly be worth it to me to risk that for a stronger application.

As previously posted, I believe in innundating them with documents, and one of the documents for me is always a document identified as an "Itinerary", to which the tickets are "Exhibit A."

It only takes a few minutes on the computer to put in the flight information, or attach the airline confirmation itinerary of flights as an exhibit.

Then list where you will be staying including full address and telephone numbers. It your only planning on going to one place this visit so indicate. If multiple places, put in as much information as you can and don't worry so much if you make the exact dates or not.

My guess is that people who are going to Australia to get a job and overstay, don't even think in terms of an itinerary or a return ticket already bought.

There is a world of difference between the criteria applied and documents required between the first application and subsequent applications in my view. The thrid time, I merely attached the reservation confirmation from the airline, even though the reservation form had many conditions applied to its effectiveness.

The first and second visa applications, I had the actual ticket, although they were refundable if the visa was refused. (Which my first one was but I turned it around in a personal interview).

wozza, I have tinkered with the idea of a six months visa, but didn't need one this time so I opted for multple three months. It is my plan to try for six months, multiple entry next time, our fourth visa.

I seem to remember somewhere that you have to justify a six month visa somehow and they are much tougher granting this type of visa, but I could be way off in this guessing game.


Visa update

Checked the web site said the passport was back at the visa centre at 11AM. took 4 days exactly for processing

But when GF called the Visa centre they said the application was sealed in an envelope and only the applicant or the embassy could open the envelope

So she has to travel to bangkok (7 hours) to open it to see if it was granted or not. DOH!

Now waiting for Mondays trip back to the embassy.

Stay tuned


Hi Guys

Long time listener first time posting.

I got a second visa in July this year for my wife and son.

It was a six month visa and from time of applying to recieving visa 5 days.

Time spent at the Australian Visa Centre was about 20 minutes each time.

The only thing was Embassy told us that next time we would have to apply for a spouse visa and that they would not give us anymore tourist visa.

I have to say the the staff at the Visa centre were friendly and had no problems.

As I know the dates for travel are only there as i guide as the staff told me roughy when we will leave and come back.

Each time i did not have plane ticket brought in advance we waited to see what Embassy said first.

Ok guys good luck with your visa's.

Have a few questions regarding Thai GF Holiday Visa to Australia.

The first several questions on the application relate to intended dates of travel and length of stay. I dont want to book an airfare for GF until i know visa is approved. Do I have to stipulate exact dates of travel in this section, or can i just put in a 2 month window of dates and book the fares within this timeframe once visa is approved (hopefully).  :D

Have asked Immigration in Australi, who responded with "we are not allowed to helpyou with your form" :o

Who said Thai customer service was bad!!!

Any assistance greatly appreciated.


you dont have to stipulate dates but give a window of expected travel.....dont buy the ticket till you have the visa.....my time window was Aug 8 - Nov 8.....her actual travel dates were 8 Aug to 5 Oct.......I was there for two weeks....applied for the visa within 2 days of arrival.....got the visa on the 5 Aug and bought the ticket on the 6th.....I did book the ticket prior to buying it with the promise of the balance being paid on the 6th.....This was for a Perth flight, I know that the flights have been half empty for the Bkk-Per leg for a while now.


No problem buying a ticket for Bkk-SYD or MEL for tomorrow (Saturday) at the same price as booking 3 weeks in advance through Singapore Airlines. Approx. 27,500-36,000 baht RT including tax.


Applicaton Update

7 days after lodging a application for a tourist visa (3rd) time The GF opened the envelope and was devestated to find it was declined

The visa centre was unable to answer any of her questions about why it had been declined but were very sympathetic with her in her distressed state

She returned later after composing herself and found the staff helpful and although they couldnt comment on the exact reasons they suggested that she had 2 previous tourist visas before so the next application should be for a spouse or a intending marrige visa.

So be it

We can only speak highly about the visa centre and its staff

one good thing that the old system had that you could speak directly to the case officer on the day ,this system they only see the paper work and not the person


Just got the offical Embassy refusal letter faxed to me

Application date Monday19/9/05

date of letter Wednesday22/9/05

notice of pick up Friday26/9/05

In short under heading

Reason for Visa refusal

You did not satisfy Subclause 676.221(2) (a) which reads that .

The applicant satifies the Minister that the applicants expressed intention to only visit Australia is genuine .


GENUINE?? I didnt see the section for applying for a Toy Visa

My supporting documents weighed 800 grams

She has been twice before and returned twice before the visa expired

What does a guy have to do?

And I call Australian Imigration in Melbourne today and they said you can apply for a tourist visa as many times as you like as long as your previous visits were within the requirements of the visa

Bangkok told her you can only go 2 times AMAZING THAILAND

Applicaton Update

She returned later after composing herself and found  the staff helpful and although they couldnt comment on the exact reasons they suggested that she had 2 previous tourist visas before so the next application should be for a spouse or a intending marrige visa.

Not sure I understand.

She's been to Australia 2 times on a tourist visa, so they don't think she has a good reason to go back a third time as a tourist?


I sent off to the Embassy an email asking what further evedence i need to supply for a fresh applcation. Griitting my teeth I was so polite in choosing my words

Lets see if i get a reply

The whole application thing including train hotel accomodation food etc cost 13000 baht.

Mrs feels uneasy going thru that again but I say stuff it and give it another shot

And I call Australian Imigration in Melbourne  today and they said you can apply for a tourist visa as many times as you like as long as your previous visits were within the requirements of the visa

Bangkok told her you can only go 2 times AMAZING THAILAND

I was told exactly the same thing in Thailand. When my g/f was granted her second tourist visa, she was informed that should she want a third, she would need to apply for a finace visa.

Consequently, we applied for a 'de-facto' visa on the third occasion, which was granted.

This is the most difficult category as far as getting approval, but as I had never been married before, had no kids etc., it was eventually approved.

I guess the reason for your refusal stems from the Aussie Immigration Dept. wanted you to prove your committment to the relationship. If they continually grant tourist visa's, they may believe that your partner is only coming out to OZ to work.



Just got the offical Embassy refusal letter faxed to me

Application date      Monday19/9/05

date of letter      Wednesday22/9/05

notice of pick up        Friday26/9/05

In short under heading

Reason for Visa refusal

You did not satisfy Subclause 676.221(2) (a) which reads that .

The applicant satifies the Minister that the applicants expressed intention to only visit Australia is genuine .


GENUINE?? I didnt see the section for applying for a Toy Visa

My supporting documents weighed 800 grams

She has been twice before and returned twice before the visa expired

What does a guy have to do?

And I call Australian Imigration in Melbourne  today and they said you can apply for a tourist visa as many times as you like as long as your previous visits were within the requirements of the visa

Bangkok told her you can only go 2 times AMAZING THAILAND

Wozza I have this posted in another section of this site, but here it is again. This refusal was from back in Febuary. My gf even had a letter from the school she teaches at. As I read these postings I wonder how many are "fair dinkum" or just infested with intelligence officers :o giving the Johnny Howhard, I mean Howard government a BOOST of "how nice we are"! :D

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