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Tired Of Thailand Thinking Of Equador


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why dont you return to the place of your birth , and make it a better place. But then you may not be able to get away with what people get away with in Thailand ,and else where. piece of mind is a good place to start .

Peace of mind comes to those vacant of a conscious.

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why dont you return to the place of your birth , and make it a better place. But then you may not be able to get away with what people get away with in Thailand ,and else where. piece of mind is a good place to start .

Peace of mind comes to those vacant of a conscious.

Or to those who act with one...

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Why not Colombia? Less than $800 per month income requirement, Visa easy to get, good health care in cities, the climate as it varies because of altitude. I like it cool so Paipa gets my vote. You've the Caribbean or Pacific Ocean the Amazon on the southern border. Its a 3 hour flight from major cities to Miami. Generally the food isn't spicy, most comidas served are some kind of meat, rice, potatoes. Good seafood.

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Why not Colombia? Less than $800 per month income requirement, Visa easy to get, good health care in cities, the climate as it varies because of altitude. I like it cool so Paipa gets my vote. You've the Caribbean or Pacific Ocean the Amazon on the southern border. Its a 3 hour flight from major cities to Miami. Generally the food isn't spicy, most comidas served are some kind of meat, rice, potatoes. Good seafood.

I'm starting to hear lots of good things about Colombia now. My friend, who use to stay part time in Brazil, is now in Colombia...even has an investment in a small apartment building! He says it's really changed in the past 4-5 years.

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Why not Colombia? Less than $800 per month income requirement, Visa easy to get, good health care in cities, the climate as it varies because of altitude. I like it cool so Paipa gets my vote. You've the Caribbean or Pacific Ocean the Amazon on the southern border. Its a 3 hour flight from major cities to Miami. Generally the food isn't spicy, most comidas served are some kind of meat, rice, potatoes. Good seafood.

I'm starting to hear lots of good things about Colombia now. My friend, who use to stay part time in Brazil, is now in Colombia...even has an investment in a small apartment building! He says it's really changed in the past 4-5 years.

Columbia used to be one of the most dangerous places on earth. Now Mexicans go to relax.

I really hate all this talk about S. America. It is my plan "B" once the investigation catches up :)

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Why not Colombia? Less than $800 per month income requirement, Visa easy to get, good health care in cities, the climate as it varies because of altitude. I like it cool so Paipa gets my vote. You've the Caribbean or Pacific Ocean the Amazon on the southern border. Its a 3 hour flight from major cities to Miami. Generally the food isn't spicy, most comidas served are some kind of meat, rice, potatoes. Good seafood.

I'm starting to hear lots of good things about Colombia now. My friend, who use to stay part time in Brazil, is now in Colombia...even has an investment in a small apartment building! He says it's really changed in the past 4-5 years.

It just doesn't have the restrictions that Thailand has as far as business and they look favorable upon retirees. If my wife wasn't Thai and she doesn't want to learn Spanish we would look into it. My first wife's family is there as well as friends I made while living there in my youth. Its beautiful bountiful and really close to the US if I have major health issues. I like it high in the mountains for the weather, its cool and easy to find somewhere warm by going down the mountain. As the say in Colombia, in North America the weather looks for man, in Colombia, man looks for the weather

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If anyone has spent +/- 10 years in Thailand and has made no bonding with the country -- wife, GF, and family aside -- that they would have no compunction to pick up and leave for and start anew in South/Central American, then that might say more about them than about the Kingdom.

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If anyone has spent +/- 10 years in Thailand and has made no bonding with the country -- wife, GF, and family aside -- that they would have no compunction to pick up and leave for and start anew in South/Central American, then that might say more about them than about the Kingdom.

....and more often than not, this is the sort of deeper character that blames all their woes and troubles on the society in question.

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Difficult to bond with a country that does not want to bond with you. wink.gif My many brothers and sisters are waiting for my Thai wife with open arms, with no second thoughts. So if I get that job, I go asap.

Every farang here as a different experience. Generalizing all of us is quite an arrogant attitude to take.

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Every farang here as a different experience. Generalizing all of us is quite an arrogant attitude to take.

Not really. As generalizations appear, one can easily attach such to a broader majority of Farang and how they relate to Thailand. To even stereotypical proportions - depends on the subjectivity of your perspective.

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Difficult to bond with a country that does not want to bond with you. wink.gif My many brothers and sisters are waiting for my Thai wife with open arms, with no second thoughts. So if I get that job, I go asap.

Every farang here as a different experience. Generalizing all of us is quite an arrogant attitude to take.

And that is not generatizing, right? Or you just talk about the territory of Thailand?

Edited by Demodokos
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Everyone brings something different to the table but, personally, I never considered a move to Thailand until after several preliminary trips and the non-family-type 'bond' was already in place ... and is still in place 7 years hence.

Although I do speak (though now very rusty) Spanish I also started studying Asian languages 20 years before I ever set foot in Asia and that itself is 20 years ago.

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Countries like Colombia have clearly cleaned house and it is better than even the locals had hoped.

One show to find is Anthony Bourdain shows about international food. He recently went to Colombia for culinary show and it blew me away. Google it and view it.

Having grown up amid military dictators in the 70s (Videla, Stroessner and Bánzer), what they have now is a walk in the park. Ecuador included (to stay on topic).

I would love to move to Venezuela, where the bulk of my family is, but that country is heading towards civil war, as maybe this one is.

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Countries like Colombia have clearly cleaned house and it is better than even the locals had hoped.

One show to find is Anthony Bourdain shows about international food. He recently went to Colombia for culinary show and it blew me away. Google it and view it.

Having grown up amid military dictators in the 70s (Videla, Stroessner and Bánzer), what they have now is a walk in the park. Ecuador included (to stay on topic).

I would love to move to Venezuela, where the bulk of my family is, but that country is heading towards civil war, as maybe this one is.

His show was great. Saw it a few weeks ago.

For those who say Thailand can never change, just point them to Colombia. It was way worse there than it has ever been here....we still have hope! :)

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Countries like Colombia have clearly cleaned house and it is better than even the locals had hoped.

One show to find is Anthony Bourdain shows about international food. He recently went to Colombia for culinary show and it blew me away. Google it and view it.

Having grown up amid military dictators in the 70s (Videla, Stroessner and Bánzer), what they have now is a walk in the park. Ecuador included (to stay on topic).

I would love to move to Venezuela, where the bulk of my family is, but that country is heading towards civil war, as maybe this one is.

His show was great. Saw it a few weeks ago.

For those who say Thailand can never change, just point them to Colombia. It was way worse there than it has ever been here....we still have hope! :)


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I actually applaud the OP for making a decision for himself. He comes out as a bit of a ... with the dog remark. However, If I were not in love and committed to a relationship and was not happy where I was, I would move. I wouldn't take someone I was not committed to in a meaningful way with me particularly with the new language and cultural issues.


Yeah , just chuck the misses aside , i'm sure you'll get another one for a while. And say goodbye to the kids ... just tell em your gunna nip down to 7-eleven . If there's any pets involved ... give them a new toy to play with, they'll like that. Best to slip away in the middle of the night , probably after 1.30am , that way the whole family should be asleep.

Give it a few weeks and they will all have forgotten about you ... misses will be out searchin for a new one.

Read the op; he has no kids or <deleted> dog.

Really, some of the responses on here are so asinine and typical. To those prolls that keep hitting the thread and offering up zero info for the op, how's about post your drivel elsewhere (preferably another forum); it is just not interesting or of any use.

Short of being a tad insensitive in op, the Op is in a great position. He has a g/f (who he is paying!), not a wife, not a family, and not a bleddy dog. No commitment and with travel in mind, absolutely go for it. I personally could not do it at this juncture (having wife/kid) but that is a totally diff kettle of fish and having a go at the op because of his perceived insensitivity with this in mind would make me look a complete tit (as it already has with some on this thread).

If in your shoes, I'd give her a bit of advanced warning to get her affairs in order (back to Pattaya?) and perhaps move the bike into her name as a going away present. Don't be silly and start dropping 100ks into her bank, or the car. I also wouldn't ask her along as it's clear you'd prefer a change; besides, travel is so much better on your tod. I wouldn't think too heavily on her; it's a totally diff culture and you actually don't OWE anything. Lastly, do not give the proll retorts a second thought.

Hope it works out well. ;)

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You mean Colombia? I am happily married with a Thai wife. But to be 100% manly and not politically correct, I do miss breasts, real breasts. Untouchables, I know, but I can look while I go downstairs to fetch the morning breakfasts.

Real breasts?

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Wherever I go, my family go, there is no question about it.

A family is very easy to produce, it can be done anywhere in the world, for a very small investment.

You place too high a value on something that can be taken away from you so easily.

My wife is Thai and would not want to leave her home country.

I have no absolute right to stay in Thailand.

Face reality and learn to live with it.

You will then suffer less disappointment in the long term.

My family of 4 was only 1,299 Baht at Lotus Tesco in the post Red-shirt sell-off. Unlike the brilliant pontificator, pjclark1, I can't leave the country, now, because I am afraid I waould lose all that money. Sia daai.

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