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How Long Do I Have To Be In A Relationship With Her For Uk Tourist Visa?

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Hi all.. i am new here and am looking to find out about obtaining a UK tourist visa for my Thai Girlfriend..

Im not sure if its the done thing to just blurt out the situation and ask opinions of whether a submitted application would be successful so i will try and break it down!

1. In order not to submit an application that would be rejected for not being in a relationship with her for long enough what is the minimum amount of time you should have known her based on first meeting?(i.e. not over internet)

2. If you are not fortunate enough to be able to stay in thailand very long at anyone time (10 day trips due to dam_n work) then how often do you need to visit in this minimum time?

I realise there would be a need to supply as much evidence of relationship as possible and that possibly some applicants in long relationships may be denied for not submitting this evidence

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The simple answer to both your questions is 'none.'

However, assuming that you are basing her application on her relationship with you, you need to show that the relationship is genuine. Obviously, the longer you have known each other, the easier this will be to do.

Provide evidence of how often and for how long you have visited her and how often you communicate, e.g. phone and emails records etc.

If you have not already done so, have a read of Uk Visit Visa Basics and the links contained therein.

Edited by 7by7
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Thanks 7by7 i appreciate the response, i have read through all the stickies and my eyes now hurt!!

Basically i have been in a relationship with my girl now for only 3 months on a "long distance basis" due to work commitments. I have been to thailand twice in this time and will probably be going again in the next 6 weeks or so i feel that i could provide necessary evidence to show a relationship realise we have probably not been together long enough for it to be granted..

How long would you wait in my situation? are we talking about it being feasible after 6 months or 9 months? I just want to be with her :)

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How long is a piece of string?

As said, there is no minimum time. What you need to do is show that the relationship is genuine and that she is visiting the UK for the purpose stated; to see you.

As I say in the pinned topic, write a supporting letter outlining the history of the relationship, the reason for the visit at this time and any plans you have for your future.

Also include plenty of evidence of contact, and if she has a job or studies to return to then evidence of this.

At the end of the day, no one here can say whether you will be successful or not; the only way to find out for sure is for her to apply.

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