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Australians Urged To Stay Away From Samui Monkey Theatre

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AUSTRALIANS are being urged to avoid a monkey theatre which has been described as cruel, disgraceful and an insult to animal welfare.

The Samui Monkey Theatre in Bophut, Thailand, runs three 90-minute shows each day featuring dancing macaque monkeys playing miniature guitars.

The monkeys are also made to fetch coconuts and play basketball.



Edited by Rooo
Reduced artcle to comply with fair quoting.
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corr good job i ain't an animal i might be forced to play the guitar or even baseball. what ever next would i be forced to enjoy myslef.

anyway it isn't that bad thier training methods.

the monkeys might subjected to slightly harsh training but if they take the rough with the smooth i think that when they have free time and unlimited bannanas they relax just llike anyone who does a ew hours work a day.

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I understood the show has been canceled the past 2 days.

That's because Samui's underwater, nothing to do with Animal Cruelty..;)

ha ha.i supposed that would be cruel to ask monkeys to preform under water. I don't know if Austrailians are stupid enough to want to go to a monkey show when it is flooded.

Proper good advise from Austrailia. people are stranded on samui and it is a disaster zone and all the austrailans can say is don't go to the monkey show.


whats next emergecy situation monkeys have ran out of toilet paper

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i saw this nws artical and it could not hae come at a better tme. samui is declaired a distaster zone and al;l the aussies can do is tell us to not go to the monket theatre.

thats great when iam up to my waist in water now i know that i should cacel my plans to see the monek show.

not saying that they are right or wong just think that aussies could have had bette advice in this period of time. made me laugh.

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Has anyone ever been to the Snake Show in the south of Samui?

A friend who went there once told me it was a very sad experience, the animals looked sick with festering sores on them, just kept in conrete enclosures.

Anyone seen this?

unfortunately that is S.O.P. for any thai commercial enterprise involving any animal life.

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Why are they not nice to monkeys what did a monkey ever do to them other then make them money

they make money because they are trained via what ever means.

i don't actually know what exactl;yt they do the monkeys other than someone said from a newspaper ( so it must be true ) that they are trested badly.

i do not know what that iunvloves and i do not now if evry owner of a monkey treats their monkeis bad ordoes this message mean to braod cast to the whole fo thailand.

i ahveseen people treat them very bad over here then i have also seen some trwat them very good even as far as to call the monkey t" their son"

it seems to me like an example.like " i saw some one mis treasting his dog in england so all english people treat their dogs badly.

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