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Grieving Father Warns Of Thai Cover Ups And Subversive Criminal Elements


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Please try and understand the angle with which I am approaching this. While I may never know the kind of loss and grief these concerned and loving parents are experiencing I think most people have lost someone dear and close to them. I can never empathise with these families as all the people that have died that i knew were as a result of natural aging causes. However we all expect an explanation of cuse of death no matter how they died.

This is a wonderful thing the parents are doing by providing a website to investigate unnatural deaths, but I feel there should be a "parent beware" aspect of this. Whilst it is true that government agencies in Thailand have a reputation, proven or otherwise of covering up facts, parents need to be aware that what they find may have been best left alone.

Like most holiday destinations, alcohol, drugs and sex are a much sought after commodity, and whilst I am not suggesting there was any of these elements involved in the death of Sarah Carter, other parents wishing to seek the truth may not like what they find.

This is not a "stop bagging Thailand" post, but it does seem an easy opption for many people.



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The subversive element the story refers to are actually informants who are deputized. Sometimes in law and justice the , law isn't always effective, and the deputies are called upon to perform task that normal cops cannot in order to set up leads and set up evidence.

These deputies voluntarily perform task or are pushed to the limit and eventually after being used to do dubious acts transform into double agents playing both sides. The majority of mysterious farang deaths in Pattaya are do to these people, who are closely knit to corrupt sectors of thai law enforcement, who have been under surveillance for quite some time or who were simply folks with bad luck who were caught doing things while staying in rooms that were under surveillance.

These informants gain access to hotel rooms via the housekeepers, who they pay money to in order to gain access. Never stay in rooms directly connected to offices, maintenance rooms, stairwells or janitor closets. If you have a digital camera or cellphone with a camera scan the room, you will be able to see infrared light if it is being used to illuminate the night. Dont believe me? point a remote control at your camera and you will see the IR light.

Believe me this is a true occurrance in cheap hotels and guest houses, its almost a plague since the boom of cheap remote video cameras came in from China 4 years ago which can be purchased for 1000 baht.

Interesting post. A bit far out though. :ph34r:

I hope it's a just figurement of your imagination otherwise we'll all have to freak out.

Come on, I *love* conspiracy theories! They are usually backed up by evidence, which usually is a website. There you go, it's on the internet, so it must be true.

KRS1: Anyback-up for your insight information? We all need to know this, it is important.

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Just tried your link,has it already been Blocked by the Establishment in Thailand?


That's usually not an indication of blocking. That's just an indication that the site doesn't exist.

edit: tried it from my VPN into Aus. Same result.

When you try to access a blocked site, you are redirect to a website of the ICT Ministry saying that you have tried to access a website that is not considered appropriate. You will not simply get a 404.

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Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

You cannot stop people from what they want to do. At the age of 18 you're an adult and are free to do as you please. When travelling in foreign countries you should take care whether you're a man or a woman. Even in your home country you should take care. Which country is completely free from crime? None that I know of! When my children grow up they will have my blessings to go or do whatever their hearts desire.

As in skipping work and start doing drugs. :rolleyes:

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Good on this fine New Zealand father for shaming out this 'farce' for what it is. Just the 'similtanious heart attack' cop out alone is the most patheitic thing any educated person could expect to hear.

I ride past that gaff every day and I can tell you I have not seen a person in or around it since this hit the bigtime. Don't know why they still even bother to keep it open. There used to be 3 or 4 TUK TUK's that parked out the front of it all day everyday servicing the hotel clientele. I haven't seem them there in a few months also.

Tried-------- thailand.trajedies.com------that is OK

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Given all of the above the Downtown Inn would appear to be somewhat overrated on Tripadvisor (4 stars) and Booking.com (3 stars). None of the viewers mentioned the risk of sudden death from mysterious causes. Perhaps the owner is in the habit of reviewing his own cess pit.

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The subversive element the story refers to are actually informants who are deputized. Sometimes in law and justice the , law isn't always effective, and the deputies are called upon to perform task that normal cops cannot in order to set up leads and set up evidence.

These deputies voluntarily perform task or are pushed to the limit and eventually after being used to do dubious acts transform into double agents playing both sides. The majority of mysterious farang deaths in Pattaya are do to these people, who are closely knit to corrupt sectors of thai law enforcement, who have been under surveillance for quite some time or who were simply folks with bad luck who were caught doing things while staying in rooms that were under surveillance.

These informants gain access to hotel rooms via the housekeepers, who they pay money to in order to gain access. Never stay in rooms directly connected to offices, maintenance rooms, stairwells or janitor closets. If you have a digital camera or cellphone with a camera scan the room, you will be able to see infrared light if it is being used to illuminate the night. Dont believe me? point a remote control at your camera and you will see the IR light.

Believe me this is a true occurrance in cheap hotels and guest houses, its almost a plague since the boom of cheap remote video cameras came in from China 4 years ago which can be purchased for 1000 baht.

Interesting post. A bit far out though. :ph34r:

I hope it's a just figurement of your imagination otherwise we'll all have to freak out.

Come on, I *love* conspiracy theories! They are usually backed up by evidence, which usually is a website. There you go, it's on the internet, so it must be true.

KRS1: Anyback-up for your insight information? We all need to know this, it is important.

It is very very very true. Take my word and walk in caution.

Trust me it's true.

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