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Hi all,

Can anyone please help me?

In Holland we can just check the land registry on the internet for a small fee to see who's the owner of a property. Here we can also check how much money is last paid for that property and how much the bank loan on that property is. I'm looking for something like that in Thailand.

From the internet I get this:

"The land title deed is a public document available from the Land Registry, so it's straightforward to verify, for those of us who can read Thai."

So it should be available in Thailand too, either online or offline. Only I don't speak/read Thai. The land registry I'm interested in is in Kamphaenphet.

Background of my question: when we first got married in Holland my husband and me decided to have a pre nup. Instead of getting it notarized (we already had a lot of stress from getting permission from Immigration Services here on the last minute) we just drew up something ourselves. At the time I knew very well this wasn't the same but after 2,5 years still being blindly in love I figured it would be enough. After all we both wanted it: my husband because he has quite a lot of property is his name in Thailand that his family is using and me to protect my interests back home.

Now however I wanted to buy a new house here and for that reason I wanted to formalize the pre nup. My husband is getting greedy now. Altough he has his own job here and plenty of money to spend he seems to be after my money too. Out of the blue the situation got ugly and he got himself a lawyer. I still think the document we drew up should do the trick but better safe than sorry. I know my husband owns 3 houses, a condo and some land. I aslo have an estimation of the values and in our document that he signed he admits to having those properties, but now I would like to get some proof of this to make 100% sure I'm safe.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!



If you're not in Thailand and can't read Thai, you'll need to contract someone who is in Thailand to do the search for you. Easiest way to do that is just to hire a lawyer. Expect to pay between 10,000 - 20,000 baht. If you don't know any, I believe Sunbelt, one of the forum sponsors, can help you out with that. But any Thai lawyer should be able to offer the service.

As you correctly surmise, it isn't a difficult process for a Thai. You will need to know at least the ampur and district where the property is located, and preferably an exact address. "Thailand" is a big place.


From the information provided, your prenuptial agreement was never registered in Thailand and is therefore not valid for assets located in Thailand or enforceable in a Thai court. It is too late to register the document in Thailand. Was the marriage ever registered in Thailand? I cannot answer for the situation in Holland.


@gregb: yes, 2 of the involved addresses are available. The third not but I do know it's 2 or 3 doors down from one of the known addresses. Would that be sufficient?

Do you know if the service is available via the internet? Else I'd preferably have to get someone near the location of the registry I guess?

@interestedObserver: no, somehow it's a bit hard to register marriage between two men in Thailand ;) I don't want to enforce anything. After 6 years being together I think it would be silly to fight each other over some money.

I just want to cover all my bases by getting proof he has the property, just in case it comes to a nasty divorce and he's going to try to claim part of my property. When I have sufficient proof he has more property than me no court will convict me to share my belongings in Holland with him.

@both: thanx for taking the time to answer me!

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