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Housing Committee Meeting


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According to the Condominium Act:

Section 42/252 In case of necessity, the following persons have the right to call an extraordinary general meeting at any given time:

(1) the Manager;

(2) the Committee by a majority vote of its members at a Committee Meeting;

(3) co-owners that hold not less than 20% of the total votes who jointly sign a written request to the committee to organize an extraordinary meeting. The committee shall organize the meeting within fifteen days from the date of receiving the written request. If the committee fails to organize such meeting, the referenced co-owners have the right to convene the meeting thereof and to appointment one of its members in the group to release the meeting invitation.

Section 42/353 Calling a general meeting shall be made by sending out a Notice for the General Meeting specifying the meeting location, date and time and the meeting agenda as well as the details of matters to be presented in the meeting that shall be sent to co-owners at least seven days before the meeting date.

Section 4354 A general meeting shall be attended by at least one-fourth of the members who have the right to vote of the total number of the qualified members in order to constitute a quorum.

If the co-owners do not attend the meeting in the number to constitute a quorum pursuant to paragraph one, another general meeting shall be announced and held within fifteen days from the published date of the previous meeting. For this new meeting the constitution of a quorum shall be irrelevant.

The Manager and the marriage party of the Manager shall not preside over the meeting.


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