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..... Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks."


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I have to say that I feel quite heartened by some of the responses to this posting…I may have grossly underestimated the amount of humanity in this forum…

And I would have to say that there are a whole lotta people here who think they are so much better than anyone else because they have "high minded ideals".

do you mean tht some have a more reasoned thought process or the ability to think about something without the need to resort to violence or emotional outrages?

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I also sometimes get concerned about the "rantings", but then I think that everyone has their pet peeves or the things they just can't tolerate and for which nothing less than a horrible death is sufficient. 

When I hear these things, I put them in the context that it is just that one person (or few) and that it doesn't represent everyone.  I also remember that it is a good thing that there are police and jails--if not to keep bad people away from us, at least to keep posters from getting their hands on those poor people!!

I suppose you are right - letting off steam in a forum is a lot better than running to the cupboard to find the rope :o

Wilko> I agree - re-assuring to see some moderate views out there !

Thaibebop> If you are suggesting by "better than anyone else" that the huge majority = mass according to some.

want witch hunts and lynch mobs, perhaps I was right to be alarmed in the first place !!

Edited by thaibebop
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I have to say that I feel quite heartened by some of the responses to this posting…I may have grossly underestimated the amount of humanity in this forum…

And I would have to say that there are a whole lotta people here who think they are so much better than anyone else because they have "high minded ideals".

do you mean tht some have a more reasoned thought process or the ability to think about something without the need to resort to violence or emotional outrages?

You smell roses, I smell sh1t.

I guess it's all the nose of the beholder? :o

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I have to say that I feel quite heartened by some of the responses to this posting…I may have grossly underestimated the amount of humanity in this forum…

And I would have to say that there are a whole lotta people here who think they are so much better than anyone else because they have "high minded ideals".

do you mean tht some have a more reasoned thought process or the ability to think about something without the need to resort to violence or emotional outrages?

You smell roses, I smell sh1t.

I guess it's all the nose of the beholder? :o

I suppose it depends on how high your nose is :D

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I have to say that I feel quite heartened by some of the responses to this posting…I may have grossly underestimated the amount of humanity in this forum…

And I would have to say that there are a whole lotta people here who think they are so much better than anyone else because they have "high minded ideals".

do you mean tht some have a more reasoned thought process or the ability to think about something without the need to resort to violence or emotional outrages?

You smell roses, I smell sh1t.

I guess it's all the nose of the beholder? :o

I suppose it depends on how high your nose is :D

It could also depend on what level one places their sh1t.

It is a 3-D world, multiple angles ya know. :D

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I have to say that I feel quite heartened by some of the responses to this posting…I may have grossly underestimated the amount of humanity in this forum…

And I would have to say that there are a whole lotta people here who think they are so much better than anyone else because they have "high minded ideals".

There's another one!!

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As Some one who believes totally in freedom of expression i must say that people are intiteled to express their opions no matter how repulsive or sickening i find them. I can not accuse them of being arogant or small minded, because in doing so i would be guilty of the exact same crime. I am a very liberal person who belives totaly in the freedom of the indavidul to express their opion, so i am happy to have an oppertunity to have a debate with someone of a diierent point of view.

Personaly i am totaly apposed to all froms of capital punisment, as miscarrages of justice will always happen, and IMHO it is better that 20 murders live, than one inocent person is exacuted. To give the state the right of life or death over it's citizens is very danerous, just look at history.

So hey there a big world out there and we all have our oppions, lets talk about rather that fight.

tj :o

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I have to say that I feel quite heartened by some of the responses to this posting…I may have grossly underestimated the amount of humanity in this forum…

And I would have to say that there are a whole lotta people here who think they are so much better than anyone else because they have "high minded ideals".

There's another one!!

Another one what, wilko? :o

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As Some one who believes totally in freedom of expression i must say that people are intiteled to express their opions no matter how repulsive or sickening i find them. I can not accuse them of being arogant or small minded, because in doing so i would be guilty of the exact same crime. I am a very liberal person who belives totaly in the freedom of the indavidul to express their opion, so i am happy to have an oppertunity to have a debate with someone of a diierent point of view.

Personaly i am totaly apposed to all froms of capital punisment, as miscarrages of justice will always happen, and IMHO it is better that 20 murders live, than one inocent person is exacuted. To give the state the right of life or death over it's citizens is very danerous, just look at history.

So hey there a big world out there and we all have our oppions, lets talk about rather that fight.

tj :o

Good point, and everyone is entitled to their own spelling too :D

Seriously though, I do agree in your point about allowing self-expression. My earlier comment was only perhaps based on what is commonly found, that the most extreme view-points are often those most loudly expressed - therefore we should not judge an entire forum (or community, or race, or religion) on the voices of the loudest members.

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  • 2 weeks later...
As Some one who believes totally in freedom of expression i must say that people are intiteled to express their opions no matter how repulsive or sickening i find them.

Sorry just want to pick up on one thing here....by should we think for an instant that everyone’s entitled to their own opinion?

There are certain expressions that get repeated over and over again and seem to be unquestionably accepted –“you’re entitled to your own opinion” and “freedom of Speech” being another.

If your opinion is not thought out and is not based on any logical argument or fact then why in God’s name should you be entitled to it?

As for freedom of speech – what if I wrote a letter in 1944 to tell Germany how to make a nuclear bomb?

These concepts are easy to say but they all have a limit –

What these people have are not opinions – they are cloudy murky thoughts and prejudices – publish them, post them, reply to them but please don’t dignify them with the designation of opinion….

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I have to say that I feel quite heartened by some of the responses to this posting…I may have grossly underestimated the amount of humanity in this forum…

I see ignorance + hypocrisy.

Have people talking here ever got involved in violence?

Have you been raped b4?

Do u know the worst villains of the world?

What is wrong to think(only) that evil people should receive evil treatments?

So 3 years for rape is what u guys prefer, right? That's civilized, right?

and IMHO it is better that 20 murders live, than one inocent person is exacuted.
The problem is they not only live, they are allowed to come back to kill again!
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As Some one who believes totally in freedom of expression i must say that people are intiteled to express their opions no matter how repulsive or sickening i find them.

Sorry just want to pick up on one thing here....by should we think for an instant that everyone’s entitled to their own opinion?

There are certain expressions that get repeated over and over again and seem to be unquestionably accepted –“you’re entitled to your own opinion” and “freedom of Speech” being another.

If your opinion is not thought out and is not based on any logical argument or fact then why in God’s name should you be entitled to it?

As for freedom of speech – what if I wrote a letter in 1944 to tell Germany how to make a nuclear bomb?

These concepts are easy to say but they all have a limit –

What these people have are not opinions – they are cloudy murky thoughts and prejudices – publish them, post them, reply to them but please don’t dignify them with the designation of opinion….

You place too much value on opinions. Everyone CAN have them as they take no intelligent thought to create them. They are not fact and don't have to be well thought out. They can be based purely on emotions if one so chooses. Freedom of Speech is always there. In 1944 you could've have written that letter, some people may have tried to stop you if they knew or punish you because you sent it, but you could still send it.

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I have to say that I feel quite heartened by some of the responses to this posting…I may have grossly underestimated the amount of humanity in this forum…

I see ignorance + hypocrisy.

Have people talking here ever got involved in violence?

Have you been raped b4?

Do u know the worst villains of the world?

What is wrong to think(only) that evil people should receive evil treatments?

So 3 years for rape is what u guys prefer, right? That's civilized, right?

and IMHO it is better that 20 murders live, than one inocent person is exacuted.
The problem is they not only live, they are allowed to come back to kill again!

OK - the exception proves the rule!

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