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I want to set up 2 webcams, one to look at my big fish tank, and the other to look at a view of Bangkok.

I would like some webcam streaming suggestions. Tytpcal setup of XP/SP2 running Xserver behind a Router, with the port forwarding etc.

All I want is some software that the HTML can pick up the images rather than the webcam software taking control of the serving.

Any suggestions particularly freebies would be appreciated.



HTML can pick up the images rather than webcam software serving???

HTML, ie Interner Explorer can pick images off your computer only if something is serving them, usually to ports 80 or 8080. You can't get around this problem - someting must be serving images to those ports. Webcam software seems to the natural choice, unless you get some FTP program to upload stills to your own, separate website automatically, but it won't be "streaming".

Another option is to sign up for Yahoo Geocities, they have very easy webcam setup - in Internet Explorer (the only supported browser) you open their "uploader" page that would serve your images to Yahoo server, then you can view it from anywhere you want on your designated geocities page, or incorporate the video feed into your personal geocities website. You can't control the size of the video, though, and many office proxies block access to streaming video from Yahoo (and MSN).

I don't think if it can't get any easier than getting some webcam soft serving your video, dynamic dns account that would give your webcam permanent Internet address, and that's about it.

Currently I'm using WebcamXP evaluation version, in my second day, and so far I like it. It gives lots more control than free programs, has simple "chat" window for your visitors, can serve audio as well, and, if I really like it over the time, I'll try to find previous, free version of it somewhere on the net.

My webcam can be viewed at www."myname".homedns.org:8080

I'm broadcasting only for immediate family members and close friends, sorry.


how about some of the streaming webcam websites?

webcamnow.com has a general/family section that you could use to broadcast.

Its free and a whole lot simpler than a frame by frame jpg setup.


I have it fixed, thanks guys.

I am using buuru webcam and its writing an image every fre seconds to the server. I have set the HTML and Java to update the page every few seconds.


My next challenge is to get 2 different cams to stream or at least update a .JPG

At the moment, my poor server machine checks. So another weekend of interesting "Fun"

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