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Problem With Yingluck As PM Candidate Is Her Brother Thaksin Loves Her

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I often wonder what it is like to be so blinded by hatred for a person that any rational thought to the current political instability is hitherto impossible.

It is worrying that after multiple coups, numerous constitutions, juntas, fascist dictators, brutal actions by the military, lack of accountability for military human rights abuses and so and so on, that people still remain fixated on a populist politician and successful businessman that is now in exile, rather than the proven and consistent danger of the last seven decades.

Mass social engineering techniques......Farang, as well as Thais.

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If Thaksin's love and concern for this sister override his self-interest, he will turn to lesser choices. Names like Bannapot Damapong, brother of Thaksin's ex-wife Pojaman, and Boonklee Plangsiri, former top Shin Corp executive, have been floated.

In Bannapot's case, it's floating like something in a toilet bowl.

He's still waiting to begin his 1,000 days (plus) in prison garb...


Bannaphot Damapong, another brother of Potjaman.

Bannaphot, on the left alongside his sister in July 2008, when the Criminal Court found Potjaman and Bannaphot guilty of intentionally avoiding a tax payment of 546 Million Baht. Also found guilty were Potjaman's personal secretary, Kanchana Honghern, on the right. The court sentenced Potjaman and Bannaphot each to 3 years in prison and Kanchana to 2 years in prison. He's never served his sentence, so not sure how they plan on getting around that little nuance.


I wonder what her family-member, former-PM Somchai would advise her, having himself also been used as a nominee-leader in this way, and appeared not to enjoy the experience very much.

I don't think he had much of a choice in the matter as his wife Yaowapa seems to make the command decisions as the proverbial pants wearer in the marriage.


The uniquely both-banned-from-politics couple, Somchai and Yaowapa


There's a far more reasonable analysis on the Post mentioning this move could ultimately backfire; the large numbers of undecided voters may simply see her as a Shinawatra, meaning more of the red vs yellow nonsense, and decide against it owing to the troubles over the past 9 years.

I also note in the other paper's article that Apiwan Wiriyacha is another name being "floated."

Similar to Potjaman's brother Bannapot, but without his conviction, the Red Shirt Leader and PTP MP has a bunch of court cases for terrorism he has yet to face as well as he's currently undergoing impeachment proceedings in Parliament.

Solid PM material.



No worries about Yingluck's nomination : Pheu Thai

The Pheu Thai Party on Tuesday dismissed media reports that its key strategists were worried about Yingluck Shinawatra, becoming the party's prime minister candidate. Yingluck is a sister of convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit said that it was untrue that the Party's President Chavalit Yongchaiyudh and veteran politician Snoh Thienthong had expressed any concern about Yingluck's possible nomination.

Prompong said Chavalit and Snoh's aides were asked about the matter and they insisted both of them had no worries.

Snoh's aide insisted the Pracharaj Party Leader would definitely join Pheu Thai after dissolution of the House of Representatives in a bid to boost Pheu Thai's chance of winning the most MP seats in the upcoming election and the right to form a new government, according to the spokesman.

Prompong also rejected speculation that Chavalit, a former prime minister, would leave Pheu Thai to set up a new political party.


-- The Nation 2011-04-12


I often wonder what it is like to be so blinded by hatred for a person that any rational thought to the current political instability is hitherto impossible.

It is worrying that after multiple coups, numerous constitutions, juntas, fascist dictators, brutal actions by the military, lack of accountability for military human rights abuses and so and so on, that people still remain fixated on a populist politician and successful businessman that is now in exile, rather than the proven and consistent danger of the last seven decades.

I often wonder what it is like to be so willfully blinded by ignorance that any rational thought is simply discarded in favor of praising the virtues of a demagogue they have never had any personal experience with.

I have had personal experience with Thaksin. He is a malevolent evil far and above any other figure in Thailand today. The problems with political instability are almost completely his doing. The rest of the concerns are hardly more than rabble rousing by a loathsome, heinous cretin who rivals Hitler in his depravity.

The consistent danger of the last 7 decades pale in comparison to the proven evil of that villainous, wicked barbarian now in exile. Your time would be better spent by opening your eyes and learning more about the lout you are trying to promote, rather than chastising those of us who are not morally bankrupt and actually care about the long term stability of this great country.


I often wonder what it is like to be so blinded by hatred for a person that any rational thought to the current political instability is hitherto impossible.

It is worrying that after multiple coups, numerous constitutions, juntas, fascist dictators, brutal actions by the military, lack of accountability for military human rights abuses and so and so on, that people still remain fixated on a populist politician and successful businessman that is now in exile, rather than the proven and consistent danger of the last seven decades.

The Thai Stalinists of the CP and some of their academic supporters could not make it clearer if they tried that the return of Thaksin as the liberating 'populist politician and successful businessman' is part of their bankrupt popular front politics to the forefront of the forthcoming election strategy if not nailed to the supporters' banners. They would have you conveniently forget Thaksin's past appeals to social conservativism (Minister Purachai), attacks on gays (Thaksin's smear tactics on the PMs advisors)and hand-in-glove alliance with North Eastern landowners to block any social change for the so-called poor peasantry who will undoubtedly stay poor as land reform is verboten. In short it is the Thaksin flag which more neatly represents our old friend the red-brown alliance. Do not for one moment be under the illusion that Thaksin wants to democratise the military. No, what he wanted last year was to appoint his own people to the control points of the army. That was the cause of the coup in 2006 and the red riots in 2010. His only criticism of the state is that it is not his. The Stalinist trumpets are happy to peddle illusions otherwise. In his pocket and selling bogus class politics. To ally yourself to a crook who represents a split in the ruling class. Pathetic.

What hope for his sister as Thaksin's family puppet? None.


I have had personal experience with Thaksin. He is a malevolent evil far and above any other figure in Thailand today. The problems with political instability are almost completely his doing. The rest of the concerns are hardly more than rabble rousing by a loathsome, heinous cretin who rivals Hitler in his depravity.

The consistent danger of the last 7 decades pale in comparison to the proven evil of that villainous, wicked barbarian now in exile. Your time would be better spent by opening your eyes and learning more about the lout you are trying to promote, rather than chastising those of us who are not morally bankrupt and actually care about the long term stability of this great country.

Interesting that you have had personal experience of this demon.Care to elaborate? My guess is that you may be fantasising.

The extreme language you use is actually reminiscent of Stalinist, fascist and Maoist style in describing their political enemies.Orwell would have had your number.Your comment that those who take a different view are morally bankrupt is particularly revealing.

Putting aside the slightly crazed invective, what you seem to be saying is that Thaksin has no social or political relevance.The trouble with this position is that not only is it demonstrably untrue but you may be wrong footed in the future because the Thai modus opperandi is to find areas of compromise.Personally I don't see this involving a return to power - he is too divisive for that.


^ and ^^ = two very good and accurate posts. :thumbsup:

In your slightly idiosyncratic and now well understood opinion.In the opinion of many others they appear slightly crazed.


Since the top 5 party list PTP seats seem to be reserved solely for Shin Corp of Thaksin family persons, why not try truth in advertising today and just call it

SCT party, 'Shinawatra Controls Thais' party


Chin wạtr khwbkhum thịy or CKT party

It real comes down to this and nothing more.


a loathsome, heinous cretin who rivals Hitler in his depravity.

To equate Thaksin, a corrupt (default setting for a Thai politician) populist with Hitler is pretty amazing! Have you ever stood at Belsen, and looked at the mounds containing thousands of Jews, have you ever looked into what happened at Auschwitz and Dachau, or looked into what happened to the entire Jewish population of Ukraine and Belorussia. Do us a favour, read up on these horrors and then come back and tell us whether you think Thaksin is a serious rival to Hitler.


Thaksin went ahead and divorced his own wife of 20+ years to pursue his comeback wholeheartedly. He's putting his sister up to an enormous task. He might have a cock-eyed ambition regarding his chances of getting whitewashed, but it's not that easy and the pressure will be on Yingluck to perform miracles. Even if they do pull it out of the hat, I doubt the Bangkok public will accept it, she'll face a similar standoff to that of Somchai.

She's attractive, a fresh unsullied face in politics, perhaps inexperienced but wholly unsuitable for the dirty job that her brother has in mind for her. Does she realise that bringing back Thaksin to Thailand without any accountability is going to be a very traumatic experience for the whole country with her in the centre of it all. Just ask Abhisit what a stressful job this is.

You are right indeed.

To read a fair acocunt of Thai Politics read The Nation 13 Apr 2011 front page


asks 60 m people to cast ballots;10 red leaders to be probed for lese majeste.


Let's stop feeding the gossips all around a HAS BEEN.


I often wonder what it is like to be so blinded by hatred for a person that any rational thought to the current political instability is hitherto impossible.

It is worrying that after multiple coups, numerous constitutions, juntas, fascist dictators, brutal actions by the military, lack of accountability for military human rights abuses and so and so on, that people still remain fixated on a populist politician and successful businessman that is now in exile, rather than the proven and consistent danger of the last seven decades.

I often wonder what it is like to be so willfully blinded by ignorance that any rational thought is simply discarded in favor of praising the virtues of a demagogue they have never had any personal experience with.

I have had personal experience with Thaksin. He is a malevolent evil far and above any other figure in Thailand today. The problems with political instability are almost completely his doing. The rest of the concerns are hardly more than rabble rousing by a loathsome, heinous cretin who rivals Hitler in his depravity.

The consistent danger of the last 7 decades pale in comparison to the proven evil of that villainous, wicked barbarian now in exile. Your time would be better spent by opening your eyes and learning more about the lout you are trying to promote, rather than chastising those of us who are not morally bankrupt and actually care about the long term stability of this great country.

You are absolutely correct in your thinking.

The fair truth is front page The Nation dated 13 Apr 2011


All the gossips around a has been are boring especially when we do witness the hard and serious work of PM Abhisit the past 2 years, with a strong stockmarket and a strong Thai Baht reflecting well the seriousness of the country since Thaksin has been excluded and a reward for PM Abhisit leadership.

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