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What Do They Want From Me?


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Just had a registered letter delivered from the Provincial Water Authority (I know that because I recognize their logo).

But that's all I can understand. It's all in Thai - even my address was.

What do they want from me? I've scraped all personal information, which was handwritten, from the jpeg but I hope that's not essential to determining the subject matter and what they want from me.

Lotsa thanks to anyone who can help laugh.gif


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They are telling you that you paid the PWA in Rayong a Deposit for water supply some time ago and they now want to return it to you.

You have to go to the Rayong Office with the original Receipt they gave you for the deposit, and a copy of your I.D. and House Registration, to get repaid.


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It would appear that you stopped using the water at some point (perhaps you're now on a well?) and so they'd like you to claim your deposit back from them. Go and show them your previous water bill payment receipts, ID, and house registration, and they'll reimburse you for the amount mentioned at the end of the second line in the letter. (If you don't go before the date mentioned in the final blank you've whited out, you'll forfeit your rights to the money.)

EDIT: Whoops, Patrick got here first. smile.gif

Edited by Peppy
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Thank you very much guys.

Only strange thing is that I've been paying my regular water bill through automatic bank debit ever since I signed up for it in November(?) of 2009. I do remember paying a deposit and probably have the receipt tucked away somewhere, but I've been drawing water through the PWA system ever since. Including today (laundry day!) laugh.gif

Do they just return the deposit if you've been a good customer for some length of time? Maybe they wanta cut me off! blink.gif

Guess I'll just gather up all my bits 'n' pieces of paper, including all my bills showing every previous bill paid, and stop by at the water office after Songkran. Need a good excuse for a ride into Rayong anyway.

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I wonder why they'd think I stopped using the water. Every 2nd of the month, the meter reader comes by on his motorbike and takes note of the numbers. Day or two later, I get the bill, and it's automatically paid through my bank account.

Don't use much water - four or five cubic meters per month, so my bill is only about 85 baht, but I do need a water supply.

Guess I'll have to run into Rayong and stop at their office in hopes we can figure out what's going on. Sure hope I can convince them that I am really living here and need water! ohmy.gif

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I took the letter as a Thai touch-typing exercise, and then tried to translate it (with lots of help from www.thai-language.com). Now here's what I came up with. I'm pretty sure some of the interpretations are far-fetched, and I'd appreciate corrections. (posted with permission from JusMe)

เรื่อง ขอให้รับเงินประกันการใช้น้ำคืน

Subject: please receive the collateral(?) for the water service back

เรียน …

Attention! ...


Provincial Waterworks Authority, Rayong branch (PWA Rayong)


noticed that you have a (water service) collateral


which has not yet been collected back due to

เลิกถาวร/เลิกชั่วคราว/โอนเปลี่ยนชื่อ/ถูกระงับการใช้น้ำ และอื่น ๆ

permanent suspension / temporary suspension / change of name / halting(?) of water usage, or others

เป็นจำนวนเงิน … บาท (…)

amounting to … baht ( amount in words )

ของบ้านเลกที่ … ถนน … ตำบล … อำเภอ … จังหวัตระยอง เลขที่ผู้ใช้น้ำ …

of house number … street … tambon … amphur … province rayong, number of customer ...


so for your benefit

โปรดติดต่อการประปาส่วนภูมิภาคสาขาระยอง งานจัดเก็บรายได้

please contact PWA Rayong Revenues Department


to collect the collateral back


for processing bring following documents:

1) ใบเสร็จรับเงินค่าประกันการใช้น้ำ

receipt of water usage collateral


(if lost, please declare(?) and bring declaration instead)

2) สำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชน

copy of personal identification card

3) สำเนาทะเบียนบ้านปัจจุบัน

current copy of house registration (thabian baan)

ภายในวันที่ … และหากไม่รับคืนตามกำหนด

before …, and if (you do) not collect back by then


you accept that the collateral subsequently becomes a revenue of PWA


Therefore pay attention and please contact PWA Rayong


within the aforementioned schedule


best regards

(นางป... ส...)

(Mrs. P... S...)

หัวหน้างาน 8 งานจัดเก็บรายได้ 2 ปฏิบัติงานแทน

Division 8 Revenues Department 2 Deputy Executive (???)


Manager PWA Rayong


Revenues Department

โทร. … ต่อ …

Tel. … Ext. ...

"บริการถูกใจ ยืนหยัดในคุณภาพ"

„Service to one's liking, persistent in quality“

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That's a fine (if slightly literal/not so very idiomatic) translation, Puschl. The only major change I'd make would be to use "deposit" rather than "collateral" for ค่าประกัน/เงินประกัน.

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Here's an update, and I hope conclusion to the whole affair.

I stopped at the PWA office today and handed the form letter to the girl at the desk, saying, in English, "I don't understand."

She circled a part of the letter - (see the tiny attachment)

or a portion of that, and said to me, "No problem."

I asked, "Water? Okay?"

"No problem." And she smiled nicely.

So, although I still don't understand what happened, here's hoping it all came to a successful conclusion.


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บ.เรสซิเดนส์แคร์ จำกัด (บ.เสียงสน(I'm not sure it is correct or not)) (ชื่อตามนี้)

Residence Care Co., Ltd. (Siangson Co., Ltd or Siangson Village, I'm not sure บ. refer to company or village) (Name as this one)

Edited by joy16
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