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Have U Changed


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I do notice some men are patronising and sometimes solicitous to the female posters.

Still no forum is without ,healthy and not so happy debate,flames etc.

I wonder how many of the Ladies who post on this forum feel the same as you men??? Frankly, I for one, am extremely tired of the constant need to be defensive on this forum because of men who cannot just butt out of something but have to end up in a slanging match. I could see it coming from this guy and gave him a nice warning, I could have upped his warning level and chose not to but instead gave him a chance to, as he like to put it "play nice". Flaming of Kat was unacceptable. Perhaps I used the wrong terminology but if you men would bother to re read my original post I said he was off topic and made an inflammatory remark about  Kat. I am sick of the double standards practiced by the men on this forum and if you don't like the way I moderate it, too bad. Somehow, I doubt the women would agree.

Now that the men have successfully hijacked this thread with their own personal opinions and attacks, lets try to get back on topic.

I will say one thing that has changed in me is I am less tolerant of fools but then that probably has more to do with age than Thailand.

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How have I changed as an expat?

For sure I am more laid back. My ideas of efficiency and organization have changed, and I am certainly more tolerant and patient.

Also, I guess one thing that has changed me has to do with where I live. I have become a more solitary being. I have no farang female friend to hang out with and do girl stuff. I have female Thai friends mostly colleagues, but it's not the same level of connection. So I tend to just do things on my own.

Of course, I love my life with my husband. :D He has his friends but hanging out with them is not much fun for me, I don't speak enough Thai anyway and they always talk about the same things. :o

For me, this is one reason for reading this forum, it gives me some type of connection with other farang women.

Which is why it is disappointing when the thread is highjacked by some posters who just spoil it. There are plenty of other threads for these posters, it would be nice if they recognized that there is a reason why this is called the "ladies in Thailand forum". Somewhat like a sorority. This is where we ask other women's opinions, suggestions or just vent out.

Imagine this forum has a real room with a whole bunch of women talking about women' issues. This is like a tea party, we are serving "Petit fours", Madeleines and miniature samosas. :D:D

If you want to join in, by all means, do. But ...

please don't be the bull in the China shop.

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I agree we are all probably more laid back and tolerant. And I'm sure the environment has it's effects on us (although some of us have probably been here so long as not to notice!). In a strange way it has also made me more persistent. I find that there are many more ways to solve a problem or get things done. Whereas years ago if something looked impossible or someone told me it couldn't be done, I would have probably given up, after a couple of tries anyway. Now my brain just short circuits a bit looking for other ways ( I think the technical term might be non linear problem solving!!). Basically I've become someone who never takes no for an answer.

It works in Thailand , even with the bureaucracy and it seems to work very well in the UK. I'm told no or not possible and I already have a smile on my face and am working out how to make it possible.

Maybe I'm turning into a Thai!

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I agree we are all probably more laid back and tolerant. And I'm sure the environment has it's effects on us (although some of us have probably been here so long as not to notice!). In a strange way it has also made me more persistent. I find that there are many more ways to solve a problem or get things done. Whereas years ago if something looked impossible or someone told me it couldn't be done, I would have probably given up, after a couple of tries anyway. Now my brain just short circuits a bit looking for other ways ( I think the technical term might be non linear problem solving!!).  Basically I've become someone who never takes no for an answer.

It works in Thailand , even with the bureaucracy and it seems to work very well in the UK. I'm told no or not possible and I already have a smile on my face and am working out how to make it possible.

Maybe I'm turning into a Thai!

No, that moronic grin or smile is just buying time whilst they are trying to work out what to do with someone whose vacuous stupidity they have not previously encountered before.Oh c'mon, are you so stupid as to think even the most educationally deficient Thai is not going to suss out your patronising, totally witless,condescending drivel? My khmer woman thinks you people are funny but a liitle tragic and lost because you have no soul and have become ashamed.You leave your family and that is it........ the rest, as far as most Thai are concerned, is your own psycho babble. Wrap yourself up with it if you must but please,please, keep your delusions to yourself if only to preserve your dignity.

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I agree we are all probably more laid back and tolerant. And I'm sure the environment has it's effects on us (although some of us have probably been here so long as not to notice!). In a strange way it has also made me more persistent. I find that there are many more ways to solve a problem or get things done. Whereas years ago if something looked impossible or someone told me it couldn't be done, I would have probably given up, after a couple of tries anyway. Now my brain just short circuits a bit looking for other ways ( I think the technical term might be non linear problem solving!!).  Basically I've become someone who never takes no for an answer.

It works in Thailand , even with the bureaucracy and it seems to work very well in the UK. I'm told no or not possible and I already have a smile on my face and am working out how to make it possible.

Maybe I'm turning into a Thai!

No, that moronic grin or smile is just buying time whilst they are trying to work out what to do with someone whose vacuous stupidity they have not previously encountered before.Oh c'mon, are you so stupid as to think even the most educationally deficient Thai is not going to suss out your patronising, totally witless,condescending drivel? My khmer woman thinks you people are funny but a liitle tragic and lost because you have no soul and have become ashamed.You leave your family and that is it........ the rest, as far as most Thai are concerned, is your own psycho babble. Wrap yourself up with it if you must but please,please, keep your delusions to yourself if only to preserve your dignity.

Flaming is not allowed in the women's section. Please remove yourself if you can't mind your manners.

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No, that moronic grin or smile is just buying time whilst they are trying to work out what to do with someone whose vacuous stupidity they have not previously encountered before.Oh c'mon, are you so stupid as to think even the most educationally deficient Thai is not going to suss out your patronising, totally witless,condescending drivel? My khmer woman thinks you people are funny but a liitle tragic and lost because you have no soul and have become ashamed.You leave your family and that is it........ the rest, as far as most Thai are concerned, is your own psycho babble. Wrap yourself up with it if you must but please,please, keep your delusions to yourself if only to preserve your dignity.

what a hateful and totally uncalled for post. it amazes me the bitterness of some men towards western women. at least we've seen your true colors and know not to give you any credibility from now on.

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Talking about patronising, witless & condesending, try reading your own posts for a change deus ex muppita. one more of this type & you'll be gone.

& quite frankly, who gives a flying what your khmer women thinks, people probably think she is funny but a bit tragic having the relationship situation she does.

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No, that moronic grin or smile is just buying time whilst they are trying to work out what to do with someone whose vacuous stupidity they have not previously encountered before.Oh c'mon, are you so stupid as to think even the most educationally deficient Thai is not going to suss out your patronising, totally witless,condescending drivel? My khmer woman thinks you people are funny but a liitle tragic and lost because you have no soul and have become ashamed.You leave your family and that is it........ the rest, as far as most Thai are concerned, is your own psycho babble. Wrap yourself up with it if you must but please,please, keep your delusions to yourself if only to preserve your dignity.

I think it is important to leave this lovely post in the Ladies Section since it will serve as a reminder to every other mindless buffoon what NOT to post here. Thanks for showing us the way. You remind us all how terrific some men are. You are shining example to every other misogynistic twit on this forum.

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No, that moronic grin or smile is just buying time whilst they are trying to work out what to do with someone whose vacuous stupidity they have not previously encountered before.Oh c'mon, are you so stupid as to think even the most educationally deficient Thai is not going to suss out your patronising, totally witless,condescending drivel? My khmer woman thinks you people are funny but a liitle tragic and lost because you have no soul and have become ashamed.You leave your family and that is it........ the rest, as far as most Thai are concerned, is your own psycho babble. Wrap yourself up with it if you must but please,please, keep your delusions to yourself if only to preserve your dignity.

Perhaps deus ex muppita should try reading more carefully.

Some things are said a bit tongue in cheek and exaggerated slightly to provoke discussion. In this case we have all been shown who the patronising, witless, condescending one is on this forum.

And we quite frankly find it sad and most of all boring.


Go and vent your anger elsewhere.

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