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[email protected]  


Please can help me someone.

I falled in love with Thailand and his peoples.Also I specially falled in love with my girlfriend Sawitree which lives in Phuket.

Now I´m search a way to live forever in Thailand not only for one year, I like to live there forever.

But I must find a job now, which I can live in Thailand, specially Phuket, forever.

Please help me, because my heart is so full pain when I live longer time in Germany.

I must stay in Stuttgart/Germany, but my heart is alltime in Phuket/Thailand.

Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In hopeful waiting

Jochen Gerlach, Stuttgart/Germany  

PHONE 0049173/3165317 or 0049711/7359975  

I´m an german and like to learn thai. Can you help me? I´d like to live maybe next time in Thailand and because this I like to learn.

I hope you can help me.


hiermit wollte ich Sie innigst um Ihre Hilfe bitten.

Ich habe es mir zum festen Ziel gesetzt nach Thailand auszuwandern weil ich mich sehr in dieses Land und die Leute verliebt habe. Ausserdem möchte ich mein Leben dort einfach noch einmal von vorne anfangen, möglichst mit meiner Freundin, die in Phuket lebt und in Karon arbeitet.

Nun zu meiner Bitte:

Könnten Sie mir behilflich sein, in Thailand eine Anstellung zu finden, mit der ich dort überleben kann und eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für immer bekommen kann. Gelernt habe ich Maler und Lackierer, kenne mich aber auch mit Logistik (UPS, Post, Warenannahmeleitung), Einzelhandel (versch. Branchen) und bedingt mit Abrechnungswesen (spez. Maschinenlesbare Rezeptabrechnung aus. Im Moment bin ich in der Personalführung als Objektleiter einer Gebäudereinigung tätig.

Würde aber um in Thailand leben zu dürfen, jede erdenkliche Anstellung annehmen und bin auch sehr schnell einlernfähig, wodurch ich auch bisher in kürzester Zeit in die unterschiedlichsten Stellungen eingearbeitet werden konnte.

Ich habe von hier aus langsam sämtliche Firmen, Botschaften, Konsulate, Handwerkskammern und alles, was ich in Verbindung mit Thailand bringen konnte angeschrieben oder angerufen.

Leider blieb mir der Erfolg versagt. Daher möchte ich Sie nun um Hilfe bitten, da ich UNBEDINGT so bald wie möglich dorthin möchte.

Bitte helfen Sie mir!!!!!!!!!!!

Ich weiß sonst nicht mehr weiter.

In der Hoffnung bald etwas von Ihnen zu hören, verbleibe ich

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jochen Gerlach

PS: Ich besitze die Führerscheine:

     - Klasse 3

     - Klasse 1

     - Flurförderschein (Gabelstapler)

     und auch

     - Sportbootführerschein zur See (bei der Deutschen Marine gemacht)

ich möchte Sie hiermit inständig um Ihre Hilfe bitten.

Ich möchte auf jeden Fall nach Phuket/ Thailand auswandern und benötige dringend eine Stelle in dieser Region, damit ich dort anständig und für immer leben kann.

Ich verlange auch von keiner Firma eine Auslandszulage, da ich ja dort leben möchte. Bitte, bitte, setzen Sie alle Hebel in Bewegung, damit ich so bald wie möglich in meine neue Heimat gehen kann.

Für entsprechende Angebote wäre ich Ihnen ewig dankbar.



I'm sending you a copy of a letter sent to me by a friend.  The originator of the letter is allegedly a Dr. Smith, who has since died.  While I do not agree with all of it (I've gotten along well here for over 25 years and not with a lot of money), I totally agree with his categorization of those who should and should not come here.  

You should read it carefully, especially items 1-4, because love doesn't conquer all.  It usually just make you wind up without any money.

Here's the letter:


I have some advice to any westerners out there contemplating moving to Thailand.

1.  If you are rich and are sensible with money, then go ahead.

2.  If an international company or similar offers you a high salaried job in Thailand, then fine.

3.  If you are retired or have steady funds from abroad and want to live modestly on those funds, go ahead, but watch yourself.  

4.  And if you're a young dude traveling around the world, and you want to spend time in Thailand teaching or whatever for experience, then that's OK too.

If you don't fall into these categories then *don't* consider it for a moment.  

Many middle aged westerners in particular (including professionals) like the idea of living there, having a business or making some money and "enjoying life" in Thailand.  But very few make it. (Forget about western restaurant or bar owners and alike you might meet in Thailand boasting about their good life there.  It is common for faltering foreigners to keep up appearances).  Mostly they end up broke or crazed, sometimes both, then they leave.  Thai business, visa and residency laws get you in the end.  The "Thai Way" will get you in the end.  Have a minor run-in with a wealthy or important Thai and your status and possibly your life will be at risk.  Their whole culture is geared around making sure that foreigners pursuing individual efforts are not successful.  It's ingrained in them from an early age to believe that they are the never-colonized master race of Asia (yes they really do think that) and their mythology runs so deep you'll never budge it.  Remember, in Thailand you'll never have any real business, legal or ownership rights.  But Thai's can go to your country and buy and own anything they can get their sticky hands on (because of the more tolerant business laws).  To Thai's, this is just further evidence of how clever they are, and how foolish are the foreigners to go Thailand.

Remember too, that Thailand is dominated by a comparatively small military-industrial elite [read:  Chinese].  They have all the power and most of the wealth in the country.  The idea of western foreigners living in the country and achieving wealth and status through individual entrepreneurial efforts is seen as a threat to the hegemony that they have over the Thai underclass...the bulk of the population.  For this reason, it is never allowed to happen.

Think of Thailand, for westerners, as being a bit like a casino.  A casino is a place with a touch of excitement, the lure of good fortune/the good life, and a place for fun, even with a bit of risk.  Go to a casino every now and then for fun and that's OK.  Go there everyday all-day and you will ultimately lose, because the House Advantage will always get you.  So it is in Thailand.  The Thai "House Advantage" will get you.  They make sure of it.

Of course, if going to Thailand with all your money and slowly losing it and ending up teaching English for a pittance (because that's about all you can do), either illegally or working legally but being treated like a serf by Thai institutions, appeals to you then go ahead.  Maybe a hand to mouth virtual poverty lifestyle appeals to you.  And running around the country several times a year getting visas, or always being at the mercy of authorities on visa matters also might be your bag.  If so, then go ahead, at least you'll be able to spend your nights at cheap restaurants sharing your impoverishment and frustration with other exploited western teachers.  If not, think seriously.

In case you are thinking, let me say that I am not a former go-go bar owner gone bust, I have not lost my all doing business with Thai's, no I haven't been cheated of everything by a bar-girl, no I haven't been reduced to the indignity of teaching English for a pittance.  I have my own money, have spent a lot of time in Thailand, and have done some business there, I've observed the experiences of a lot of foreigners,  can see what goes on, and have enough concern to want to tell others about it.

If my words can prevent even one westerner of modest means from selling out and going to "enjoy life" in Thailand (and getting shafted in the end) then that will be something.  Don't make the mistake of thinking that as a foreigner (even with professional skills) you can "make a contribution" to Thailand, no matter how good your intentions or needed your skills may be.  Your contribution will *never* be welcomed, only your money.  There is a saying in Thai that captures it well: "farang roo mark my dee" - foreigners who know too much [about Thailand] are no good.  Gullible tourists, however, are great. [Please note I do not use the term "farang" - I don't use racist terms for other nationalities and resent such terms used to refer to me.  Please don't post back saying it just means "white person" or whatever; I've spent a lot of time in Thailand and have heard all these arguments before.]

So go to Thailand as a tourist if you like, enjoy what you enjoy there, but  don't be taken in by the culture or people, as many westerners have, and don't under any circumstances give up anything back home to go and stay there unless you are financially secure for life, or know exactly what you are doing.

There is a tradition of resident foreigners in Thailand not telling you the truth about the country because they don't like to admit to themselves and to others about the mistake they have made in moving there.  But especially now, with the financial mess Thailand had got itself into through a mixture of greed, incompetence, arrogance and corruption, and the prospect of difficult times ahead (to say the least) it is time for plain speaking.

A final comment to anyone of replying in strong disagreement with me.  Unless you have lived, worked and conducted business in Thailand for several years at least, I'm not interested.  The views of "oh how can you say that, Thailand is really great" 2 week tourists carry no weight with those of us who know Thailand and Thai's well."


For anyone else out there who reads this and does not agree, don;t tell me.  I'm just the messenger.


Mr. Messenger,

Always two sides of a story. I will be happy to introduce you to MANY foreign businessmen who have done quite well in Thailand. They I'm sure would do well in their Home Land as well. Visa versa, ones who fail, usually would fail in their own country. Too blame Thailand for their failure is a typical excuse.

Call me and if you have an open mind, I'll be happy to show you the " other side of the story" Think you'll be shocked of the money being made.


As I said in the original post, mate, I didn't write that letter.  I only agree with the categories, not with everything he says. I also know plenty of successes, but far more failures.  At any rate I did ask nicely not to shoot the messenger.  

My point was to warn the person who made the initial post not to get carried away by love and throw his money and perhaps his future away.  You sound like one who has seen this happen.  If the guy wants to come over here based on love and no prospects, I believe in a harsh warning so if he does take a risk, it might at least be more calculated.

As I said in the original post, mate, I didn't write that letter.  I only agree with the categories, not with everything he says. I also know plenty of successes, but far more failures.  At any rate I did ask nicely not to shoot the messenger.  

My point was to warn the person who made the initial post not to get carried away by love and throw his money and perhaps his future away.  You sound like one who has seen this happen.  If the guy wants to come over here based on love and no prospects, I believe in a harsh warning so if he does take a risk, it might at least be more calculated.

Hi caughtintheact,

thank you for your comment. I´m shure, that some you write correct and I like to know all about Thailand not only the fine site. But for me is shure, that I like to go there, when I get a chance. I really love this land and cannot stay for longer in Germany, when I don´t taste the way of thai.

I think much about the problems you write and I only can hope that it will gone o.k.

I don´t go from now to tomorrow. I look for longer time for a way to go there correctly and so shure I can do.

But I´m shure that I must do it.

Thank you so much for write your true.


[email protected]  


Please can help me someone.

I falled in love with Thailand and his peoples.Also I specially falled in love with my girlfriend Sawitree which lives in Phuket.

Now I´m search a way to live forever in Thailand not only for one year, I like to live there forever.

But I must find a job now, which I can live in Thailand, specially Phuket, forever.

Please help me, because my heart is so full pain when I live longer time in Germany.

I must stay in Stuttgart/Germany, but my heart is alltime in Phuket/Thailand.

Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In hopeful waiting

Jochen Gerlach, Stuttgart/Germany  

PHONE 0049173/3165317 or 0049711/7359975  

I´m an german and like to learn thai. Can you help me? I´d like to live maybe next time in Thailand and because this I like to learn.

I hope you can help me.


hiermit wollte ich Sie innigst um Ihre Hilfe bitten.

Ich habe es mir zum festen Ziel gesetzt nach Thailand auszuwandern weil ich mich sehr in dieses Land und die Leute verliebt habe. Ausserdem möchte ich mein Leben dort einfach noch einmal von vorne anfangen, möglichst mit meiner Freundin, die in Phuket lebt und in Karon arbeitet.

Nun zu meiner Bitte:

Könnten Sie mir behilflich sein, in Thailand eine Anstellung zu finden, mit der ich dort überleben kann und eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für immer bekommen kann. Gelernt habe ich Maler und Lackierer, kenne mich aber auch mit Logistik (UPS, Post, Warenannahmeleitung), Einzelhandel (versch. Branchen) und bedingt mit Abrechnungswesen (spez. Maschinenlesbare Rezeptabrechnung aus. Im Moment bin ich in der Personalführung als Objektleiter einer Gebäudereinigung tätig.

Würde aber um in Thailand leben zu dürfen, jede erdenkliche Anstellung annehmen und bin auch sehr schnell einlernfähig, wodurch ich auch bisher in kürzester Zeit in die unterschiedlichsten Stellungen eingearbeitet werden konnte.

Ich habe von hier aus langsam sämtliche Firmen, Botschaften, Konsulate, Handwerkskammern und alles, was ich in Verbindung mit Thailand bringen konnte angeschrieben oder angerufen.

Leider blieb mir der Erfolg versagt. Daher möchte ich Sie nun um Hilfe bitten, da ich UNBEDINGT so bald wie möglich dorthin möchte.

Bitte helfen Sie mir!!!!!!!!!!!

Ich weiß sonst nicht mehr weiter.

In der Hoffnung bald etwas von Ihnen zu hören, verbleibe ich

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jochen Gerlach

PS: Ich besitze die Führerscheine:

     - Klasse 3

     - Klasse 1

     - Flurförderschein (Gabelstapler)

     und auch

     - Sportbootführerschein zur See (bei der Deutschen Marine gemacht)

ich möchte Sie hiermit inständig um Ihre Hilfe bitten.

Ich möchte auf jeden Fall nach Phuket/ Thailand auswandern und benötige dringend eine Stelle in dieser Region, damit ich dort anständig und für immer leben kann.

Ich verlange auch von keiner Firma eine Auslandszulage, da ich ja dort leben möchte. Bitte, bitte, setzen Sie alle Hebel in Bewegung, damit ich so bald wie möglich in meine neue Heimat gehen kann.

Für entsprechende Angebote wäre ich Ihnen ewig dankbar.


                                 GOOD LUCK

  • Like 1

Thank you Reggie for the tip, but I hear, that it´s not enough to marry a thaigirl. Some people say to me, that I must show, that I enough money for living with wife in Thailand.

My girlfriend is shure tai, because she lives in Thailand.




           New work permit rules. May 2002

12. Being a married couple with Thai citizen, with legally married

registration, publicly cohabiting as husband and wife, and

with a legal profession, which is socially respectable.  

                            YOU GET WORK PERMIT


Roger that, Tigerman, but you satill have to find a job with a company that will support the work permit, and if you can't find a job, or start your own business, then you still need proof of funds to support the wife you have become a "dependent of"
  • 4 months later...
I found the letter from Dr. Brown to be very interesting and informative.  I've often wondered what the quality of life is for some of the Expats I meet in Thailand.  As Dr. Brown explains, beware.  It is a little like visiting a casino.   :o

Thank you Reggie for the tip, but I hear, that it´s not enough to marry a thaigirl. Some people say to me, that I must show, that I enough money for living with wife in Thailand.

My girlfriend is shure tai, because she lives in Thailand.

To live here on family visit type visa you only need the marriage certificate - but you have to exit every 90 days and obtain a new visa every year+.  This is an extra expense for those who do it.  You do not have to prove support until you want to extend the visa incountry on a one year basis.

Because she lives in Thailand proves nothing as there are many here that are not citizens.  But chances are she is.

For almost all foreigners without independent means, special qualifications or the young and fancy free it would be my advise to work/live in your homeland until you can come with the means to live.  You have no support structure here and most foreigners will fail in business ventures (including many who might make it in their homeland where they understand the rules).


Hi Jochen - maybe I can add my comments:

You want to live in Thailand, and some of the previous postings have contained very useful advice and warnings.  But you are assuming that, in order to live in Thailand, you must have a job in Thailand.  And so that means running a bar etc, and maybe having all the risks and problems that have been posted here.

OK - You do not need a job in Thailand.  What you really need is money in Thailand!  Or to put it even clearer, you can have a job in Thailand which makes you no money (but you have your work permit etc).  Your real money comes from a job outside of Thailand!

Think about it.  If you have a job or business in Thailand, then you will be earning money at a Thai cost of living.  So (for example), if you run an internet cafe, you could be charging 10 baht per hour, because that is what people will pay in Thailand to use an internet cafe.  And then you have all the headaches of other competitors etc etc etc.

MY way of living in Thailand does not require me to make money in Thailand.  Instead, it relies on me making money from a business in Europe.  The cost of living in Europe is higher than Thailand, and so people will be prepared to pay more for whatever you are selling.

So, you live in a relatively cheap country like Thailand, but make your money in a relatively rich country, like Germany!

Well of course, there are not many jobs you can do which allow you to live in one country but work 'remotely' in another.  But the internet has made it very possible to do just that!

I will not fill this forum up with the exact details, so please send me a private message.  But in general, if you have an internet business, then its very easy to live in another country, but still operate this business in Europe!  And of course, you are not upsetting the local Thais or competitors in Thailand.  You just quietly run your internet business in Europe, but bring your hard-earned money into Thailand (where it will buy you a lot more food and accomodation etc than in Frankfurt!!)

Good luck!

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