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Militants May Join Thailand Insurgency

Boon Mee

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I really think if you give the disputed land to the muslims in the south of Thailand then all the peace loving muslims will move away from there.

If there are Muslims who are not part of the problem, they will probably move out of any new kingdom created by the militants.

Why would any Muslims want to live in a land created by murder. If they are as peace loving as they say they will reject this.

The only ones who would live there are drug dealers, murders, human trafficers, and thugs. It will be a paradise for the criminaly insane. Lecter Hanabil will call it home. And all the people who feel Thaskins governement is to blame,.....feel free to join them. I'm sure Thailand will not miss you.

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Most of the world is in denial and following a dreadful appeasement policy. I think most hope the problem with muslim radicals will go away, so let them have what they want or ignore it.

Like a bunch of Ostriches with their heads in the sand.

“The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men”


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Most of the world is in denial and following a dreadful appeasement policy. I think most hope the problem with muslim radicals will go away, so let them have what they want or ignore it.

Like a bunch of Ostriches with their heads in the sand.

“The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men”


i think this subject will not be treated with indifference as it is on every bodies mind no matter where you go it is brought up as a discussion point daily, boring as it may be getting to some, this will not just fade away, as indo siam posted we need to stop this now and not later, as later will be to hard,

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Most of the world is in denial and following a dreadful appeasement policy. I think most hope the problem with muslim radicals will go away, so let them have what they want or ignore it.

Like a bunch of Ostriches with their heads in the sand.

“The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men”


i think this subject will not be treated with indifference as it is on every bodies mind no matter where you go it is brought up as a discussion point daily, boring as it may be getting to some, this will not just fade away, as indo siam posted we need to stop this now and not later, as later will be to hard,

The question is, how can it be stopped?

Here's an example of how this mentality is worldwide:

Honor Killing in Denmark

The Dark Ages come to Denmark in broad daylight, as a Pakistani man murders his sister in a public street: Bror draebte sin soester .


"Calmly and methodically, big brother stoops over his little sister while shooting one projectile after the other into her. Her spouse, affected by several shots to the abdomen, can only look on helplessly, while his wife is executed by her own family."

This senseless murder brought to you by Islam, the religion of peace. :o

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I try to stay away from these loaded subjects, but to be honest I find it hard when we seem to be unable to progress from our basic cave-man roots, despite our much vaunted 'education'.

So many educated people around the world seem to be unable to apply that education and understanding in their world, from leaders down to mr/ms average. There remains a unbreacheable barrier in the mind that won't allow them to stand outside of a conflict and try to understand both sides in order to resolve that conflict.

When a state rolls in with it's army, civilians die, but it's simply 'collateral damage'. No biggie.

When a suicide bomber blows up soldiers/civilians, its a biggie.

I despise terrorists, but equally I despise states that kill with no regard except to their own interests. Both are 'evil', if there is such a thing.

A large part of the problem is when states are religiously aligned, not secular. No government aligned with a religion will ever deal evenhandedly with other religious minorities. Peaceful protest normally fall on deaf ears, and as frustrations rise, it will eventually have no choice but to become violent, in order to draw attention to the problem.

Stupid simplifications of current situations, disregarding what led to it, will end with bloodshed on both sides, till both sides are tired and want out. Only then do 'educated' people start to think. I am not aware of one situation that has been won by a state, compromise always has to follow bloodshed. But the ###### moronic 'we will wipe them off the earth' idiots must first spill much blood before they find their miniscule brains.


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I try to stay away from these loaded subjects, but to be honest I find it hard when we seem to be unable to progress from our basic cave-man roots, despite our much vaunted 'education'.

So many educated people around the world seem to be unable to apply that education and understanding in their world, from leaders down to mr/ms average. There remains a unbreacheable barrier in the mind that won't allow them to stand outside of a conflict and try to understand both sides in order to resolve that conflict.

When a state rolls in with it's army, civilians die, but it's simply 'collateral damage'. No biggie.

When a suicide bomber blows up soldiers/civilians, its a biggie.

I despise terrorists, but equally I despise states that kill with no regard except to their own interests. Both are 'evil', if there is such a thing.

A large part of the problem is when states are religiously aligned, not secular. No government aligned with a religion will ever deal evenhandedly with other religious minorities. Peaceful protest normally fall on deaf ears, and as frustrations rise, it will eventually have no choice but to become violent, in order to draw attention to the problem.

Stupid simplifications of current situations, disregarding what led to it, will end with bloodshed on both sides, till both sides are tired and want out. Only then do 'educated' people start to think. I am not aware of one situation that has been won by a state, compromise always has to follow bloodshed. But the ###### moronic 'we will wipe them off the earth' idiots must first spill much blood before they find their miniscule brains.


your are right

what im reading here from most .is the extremests from the other side.

Edited by smb
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Most of the world is in denial and following a dreadful appeasement policy. I think most hope the problem with muslim radicals will go away, so let them have what they want or ignore it.

Like a bunch of Ostriches with their heads in the sand.

“The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men”


i think this subject will not be treated with indifference as it is on every bodies mind no matter where you go it is brought up as a discussion point daily, boring as it may be getting to some, this will not just fade away, as indo siam posted we need to stop this now and not later, as later will be to hard,

The question is, how can it be stopped?

Here's an example of how this mentality is worldwide:

Honor Killing in Denmark

The Dark Ages come to Denmark in broad daylight, as a Pakistani man murders his sister in a public street: Bror draebte sin soester .


"Calmly and methodically, big brother stoops over his little sister while shooting one projectile after the other into her. Her spouse, affected by several shots to the abdomen, can only look on helplessly, while his wife is executed by her own family."

This senseless murder brought to you by Islam, the religion of peace. :o

Can u call killing and torturing prisoners is the act of Christianity the religion of peace?

Your problem is when a Muslim does something wrong you blame Islam but if any other person from any other religion does it, you blame him as a person

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Make no mistake: Islam is the provocateur in Thailand. It’s widely believed that Islam actually wants to provoke everyone so it can get conflicts started. Then the escalation blame game starts at which Islam is a master. Why not pre-empt the source of this trouble and just ban Islam?

Here is the blame game that Islam plays so well. Islam is certainly at fault for destabilizing Thailand, but Islam will never admit it. Islam has no conscience, only obedience to Allah (Satan). Islam is not capable of admitting its guilt.

And, we can clearly see the illogical claims that Islam makes of Israel. The very same unreasonable claims to an Islamic homeland are now being made in Thailand. :o

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yeh Kringle, your other brain is obviously in full function. Go post somewhere with morons

How about this: Get a whole bunch of money together and buy ALL the land the muslims own down south and goodbye. Go buy land somewhere besides Thailand.

If all you can do is kill innocent people to make your point, then we'll buy you out and you can go to where your thoughts are excepted, namely Malaysia. If not there then go anywhere else but here but just leave.\

No killing, just pay you some money and LEAVE.

I'm just looking at an other alternative.

What a stupid post.

I don't know the answer to the troubles down south and don't know how to deal with all the other muslim radicals around the world but something has to be done. It was meant as a joke and neither of you have come up with anything viable to handle these idiots so get off your high horse.

Don't go away mad, just go away.

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What an emotional rollercoaster ride this Muslim problem puts you on, yesterday,following this forum I was of the mind that a peaceful solution should/could be found to allow Muslim and non-Muslim people to co-exist

Today I wake up to the headlines> X people killed in Southern Thailand, X people killed by Muslim suicide bomber in Bagdad , X people killed by Muslim terrorist suicide bomber in Kabul and on and on it goes.

So today I am of the mind that a very big and deadly stick must be taken to all the extremists,insurgents,terrorists who carry out their deadly deeds in the name of Islam.

Nostadamus foretold that the next anti-christ will rise out of the East and it is generally accepted that he referred to Iran who is accused of training terrorists and providing arms to them but who has yet to openly put their hand on the table. If and when they do this current crisis will escalate into a world-wide war against Muslims.

And the Muslims themselves can prevent it.

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Only once these scum kill innocent kids will any goverment take charge and start to get ride of this type of vermen.

These people don't want peace.......they don't want to let people just live their lives, They want to change everyone to their religion, well their twisted version of it.

Good luck.....I hope when Thailand fights these killers, they don't do it with gloves on like the US does.

I really want to visit your beautiful country, but I also want to keep my head, always remember these are the people who chop off heads, not vote for change.


Do us all a favor and stay home....it's far too dangerous for you here. :D

Additionally, it certainly would help your cause if you learn something about a discussion before joining into with vitriolic comments. It's always advantageous to do some research, then return. Thank you for your cooperation. :D

In the meantime, feel free to indulge in another Amstel beer. :o

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Concerning Thailand - specifically - here is something for all the apologists for the Muslim terrorists to read - this is the statement by the Muslim OIC, following its inspection tour of the southern Thai provinces - less than three months ago:

OIC Statement Aboiut Thailand

Quoting from that piece:

BANGKOK, 8 June 2005 — The violence in Buddhist Thailand’s Muslim-majority south, in which more than 700 people have been killed since January 2004, is not a religious conflict, the head of an international Muslim delegation said yesterday.

“The roots of the problem could be anything but religion,” Sayed El-Masri, a former assistant secretary-general of the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference, said after a tour of the troubled provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat.

“Compared with many other countries, we find here permissiveness and tolerance. Nobody interferes with the Muslim community,” he told a news conference in Bangkok.

Note the source.

What I suspect that he is really saying: Muslims in Thailand are treated better than most Muslims in Muslim-run countries.

The three "PULO provinces" were beautiful, and reasonably well off. They are now joining the list of dismal, frightened, depressing places like Kashmir now, Kosovo ten years ago, Beirut 20 years ago.

I wish it were otherwise. I identify strongly with Thailand - in all the world, this is where I have settled to raise my family, and pursue my businesses. The fact that a small group of vicious malcontents is intently focused upon terrorizing the people, and destroying the livelihoods of an entire regional population - this enrages me.

There is no excuse.


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The question is, how can it be stopped?

Here's an example of how this mentality is worldwide:

Honor Killing in Denmark

The Dark Ages come to Denmark in broad daylight, as a Pakistani man murders his sister in a public street

This senseless murder brought to you by Islam, the religion of peace. :o

and similarly... by the same extension:


The Dark Ages come to America in broad daylight as an American murders men, women, and children, most of whom shared his Chrisitian beliefs.

This senseless murder of dozens brought to you by Chrisitianity, the religion of peace... Timothy McVey... :D

Yes, the question is... how can it be stopped.

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a world wide jihad is what they (the extremists and terrorists) want , and they wont stop fomenting trouble around the world until they get it.

they put their belief in passages of the koran that supposedly state that peace will only come to the world when all the world are believers of the koran , because muslim cannot (supposedly) kill muslim.

ignore this threat at your peril or we will all be living in the 14c. century before long.

as many of us have said on this thread , the only way to solve this is to get rid of the terrorists before they get rid of us , as they most certainly will if they get half a chance.

just cast your minds back to september 11 2001 , and the rejoicing in the streets of many towns in the islamic world.

should the terrorists ever achieve the upper hand , there is an inexhaustable reservoir of support just waiting to jump on the bandwagon , they wont take much convincing.

appeasement of terrorism is pure suicide , their (the extremist) agenda is not the agenda of the regular muslim , but should their agenda be seen to be getting results then it will become the common agenda , and then the streets really will run with blood.

from talking with muslims in the uk , (and i watched the events of september 11/2001 on a tv in a room with over 20 pakistani and afghani muslims , i was the only whitey there ), they all said they were as afraid of them as the non muslim world was. because they knew that if they ever became the driving force behind muslim thought , then muslims would lose any freedoms that they had and it would be like the life they had escaped from under the taliban. they hoped that the west would crush them before they became too powerful. they have unlimited supplies of funding and all the time in the world.

when westerners talk like that we are accused of being racist , but the fact is , most muslims want to see those scum crushed too , because as has already been pointed out , should they win , life will be intolerable for the muslims as well as non muslims.

hopefully taksin will be the man to crush them here in thailand.

this is one dispute for which there is no peaceful way out , if one side is only determined to win or die in the process of trying to win.

i think the only thing holding taksin back is the eyes of the world and the human rights organisations whose eyes are focussed on the area now.

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Concerning Thailand - specifically - here is something for all the apologists for the Muslim terrorists to read - this is the statement by the Muslim OIC, following its inspection tour of the southern Thai provinces - less than three months ago:

OIC Statement Aboiut Thailand

Quoting from that piece:

BANGKOK, 8 June 2005 — The violence in Buddhist Thailand’s Muslim-majority south, in which more than 700 people have been killed since January 2004, is not a religious conflict, the head of an international Muslim delegation said yesterday.

“The roots of the problem could be anything but religion,” Sayed El-Masri, a former assistant secretary-general of the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference, said after a tour of the troubled provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat.

“Compared with many other countries, we find here permissiveness and tolerance. Nobody interferes with the Muslim community,” he told a news conference in Bangkok.

Note the source.

What I suspect that he is really saying:  Muslims in Thailand are treated better than most Muslims in Muslim-run countries.

The three "PULO provinces" were beautiful, and reasonably well off.  They are now joining the list of dismal, frightened, depressing places like Kashmir now, Kosovo ten years ago, Beirut 20 years ago.   

I wish it were otherwise.  I identify strongly with Thailand - in all the world, this is where I have settled to raise my family, and pursue my businesses.    The fact that a small group of vicious malcontents is intently focused upon terrorizing the people, and destroying the livelihoods of an entire regional population - this enrages me.

There is no excuse.


I am not quite sure what your point is. When even the OIC states that this is not a religious conflict, doesn't that imply that there are other motives for the unrest?

There is a lot more to this conflict that you would think just reading the Thai newspapers. Take the hostage incident, where the two marines were captures and killed. The villigers demand was to meet with Malaysian reporters. They have obviously given up any hope of having their side of the story told in the Thai media.

Which is exactly where the majority of the hatemongerers here get their information from. I don't know what scares me the most, the lunatics in the south, or the lunatics on this forum - I am probably more likely to bump into the latter.

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the religion of peace

no such thing as a religion of peace sriracha john.

religion only succeeds in dividing us.

Well your correct on that one more people have been killed through out history in the name of religion, I would venture to say beyond any other cause.

some one brought up the process of Nazi Germany, everyone was talking about as they seized countries but very few acted.

My question as to Muslim nation or Muslim world was very loaded, it is really not the south of Thailand that is in question, along with the other hot spots, it is the world.

Does anyone have any knowledge as to what the Koran say about this?

That is where the extremist game plan has supposedly originated.

I think the religious zealots in Afghanistan pretty much showed what the thier idea of an orderly world is. not really the way I would care to live nor the way I would like to see my family and the generations to follow to live.

I really fear that the answer will be violence, and it will be the only answer before this one is over.

I was once asked while working in Kuwait how proud I was to be working to provide freedom to the Iraqi people. The answer was that I was not, in my heart of hearts I knew the prices that would be paid by the Iraqi people, I could take no pride in the suffering of innocent people. However this is going to happen in many many more places before an answer is reached. I hope that my family does not become one of those ponds in life as many already have.

There are bad people in all religions and good people as well, the good will suffer along with the bad that is the nature of war.

This conflict is not avoidable it is going to happen

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Concerning Thailand - specifically - here is something for all the apologists for the Muslim terrorists to read - this is the statement by the Muslim OIC, following its inspection tour of the southern Thai provinces - less than three months ago:

OIC Statement Aboiut Thailand

Quoting from that piece:

BANGKOK, 8 June 2005 — The violence in Buddhist Thailand’s Muslim-majority south, in which more than 700 people have been killed since January 2004, is not a religious conflict, the head of an international Muslim delegation said yesterday.

“The roots of the problem could be anything but religion,” Sayed El-Masri, a former assistant secretary-general of the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference, said after a tour of the troubled provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat.

“Compared with many other countries, we find here permissiveness and tolerance. Nobody interferes with the Muslim community,” he told a news conference in Bangkok.

Note the source.

What I suspect that he is really saying:  Muslims in Thailand are treated better than most Muslims in Muslim-run countries.

The three "PULO provinces" were beautiful, and reasonably well off.  They are now joining the list of dismal, frightened, depressing places like Kashmir now, Kosovo ten years ago, Beirut 20 years ago.   

I wish it were otherwise.  I identify strongly with Thailand - in all the world, this is where I have settled to raise my family, and pursue my businesses.    The fact that a small group of vicious malcontents is intently focused upon terrorizing the people, and destroying the livelihoods of an entire regional population - this enrages me.

There is no excuse.


Good comment Indo-Siam, The actions by the probably decent albut ignorant women and children who held rescuers at bay while the two soldiers were brutally murdered recently only goes to show the distrust held by Muslims toward the Thai authority.

IMHO Mr Thaksin has to get off his high horse and convince the moderate Muslims that together they can rid Southern Thailand of the murdering minority and build a safe prosperous community where Thai and Muslim can co-exist in harmony.

But a plan regarding future development and funding for the area must be put forward by the government to try to gain the trust of the decent Muslim populace, conversely these same Muslims must assist the military in weeding out the evil scum among them. Remove the weeds and with proper care and attention the roses will flourish.

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the religion of peace

no such thing as a religion of peace sriracha john.

religion only succeeds in dividing us.

Well your correct on that one more people have been killed through out history in the name of religion, I would venture to say beyond any other cause.

some one brought up the process of Nazi Germany, everyone was talking about as they seized countries but very few acted.

My question as to Muslim nation or Muslim world was very loaded, it is really not the south of Thailand that is in question, along with the other hot spots, it is the world.

Does anyone have any knowledge as to what the Koran say about this?

That is where the extremist game plan has supposedly originated.

I think the religious zealots in Afghanistan pretty much showed what the thier idea of an orderly world is. not really the way I would care to live nor the way I would like to see my family and the generations to follow to live.

I really fear that the answer will be violence, and it will be the only answer before this one is over.

I was once asked while working in Kuwait how proud I was to be working to provide freedom to the Iraqi people. The answer was that I was not, in my heart of hearts I knew the prices that would be paid by the Iraqi people, I could take no pride in the suffering of innocent people. However this is going to happen in many many more places before an answer is reached. I hope that my family does not become one of those ponds in life as many already have.

There are bad people in all religions and good people as well, the good will suffer along with the bad that is the nature of war.

This conflict is not avoidable it is going to happen

If the anti-terrorist forces do not make an honest effort to play fair and make every effort to avoid killing and hurting innocents, they will find more and more previously neutral or friendly muslims joining the fight on the wrong side. If you want to present yourself as a better option in terms of morals, you have to live up to those morals as well.

If war is your only answer, there is no end to the conflict.

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the religion of peace

no such thing as a religion of peace sriracha john.

religion only succeeds in dividing us.

Well your correct on that one more people have been killed through out history in the name of religion, I would venture to say beyond any other cause.

some one brought up the process of Nazi Germany, everyone was talking about as they seized countries but very few acted.

My question as to Muslim nation or Muslim world was very loaded, it is really not the south of Thailand that is in question, along with the other hot spots, it is the world.

Does anyone have any knowledge as to what the Koran say about this?

That is where the extremist game plan has supposedly originated.

I think the religious zealots in Afghanistan pretty much showed what the thier idea of an orderly world is. not really the way I would care to live nor the way I would like to see my family and the generations to follow to live.

I really fear that the answer will be violence, and it will be the only answer before this one is over.

I was once asked while working in Kuwait how proud I was to be working to provide freedom to the Iraqi people. The answer was that I was not, in my heart of hearts I knew the prices that would be paid by the Iraqi people, I could take no pride in the suffering of innocent people. However this is going to happen in many many more places before an answer is reached. I hope that my family does not become one of those ponds in life as many already have.

There are bad people in all religions and good people as well, the good will suffer along with the bad that is the nature of war.

This conflict is not avoidable it is going to happen

If the anti-terrorist forces do not make an honest effort to play fair and make every effort to avoid killing and hurting innocents, they will find more and more previously neutral or friendly muslims joining the fight on the wrong side. If you want to present yourself as a better option in terms of morals, you have to live up to those morals as well.

Oh C,mon now Meadish, the terrorists are the bad guys here,they are the ones bombing restruants etc indiscriminately killing their own people,and killing fellow Muslims because they had the temerity to open their shops on Fridays,or Muslim teachers because they were doing their job :o

If war is your only answer, there is no end to the conflict.

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Concerning Thailand - specifically - here is something for all the apologists for the Muslim terrorists to read - this is the statement by the Muslim OIC, following its inspection tour of the southern Thai provinces - less than three months ago:

OIC Statement Aboiut Thailand

Quoting from that piece:

BANGKOK, 8 June 2005 — The violence in Buddhist Thailand’s Muslim-majority south, in which more than 700 people have been killed since January 2004, is not a religious conflict, the head of an international Muslim delegation said yesterday.

“The roots of the problem could be anything but religion,” Sayed El-Masri, a former assistant secretary-general of the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference, said after a tour of the troubled provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat.

“Compared with many other countries, we find here permissiveness and tolerance. Nobody interferes with the Muslim community,” he told a news conference in Bangkok.

Note the source.

What I suspect that he is really saying:  Muslims in Thailand are treated better than most Muslims in Muslim-run countries.

The three "PULO provinces" were beautiful, and reasonably well off.  They are now joining the list of dismal, frightened, depressing places like Kashmir now, Kosovo ten years ago, Beirut 20 years ago.   

I wish it were otherwise.   I identify strongly with Thailand - in all the world, this is where I have settled to raise my family, and pursue my businesses.    The fact that a small group of vicious malcontents is intently focused upon terrorizing the people, and destroying the livelihoods of an entire regional population - this enrages me.

There is no excuse.


I am not quite sure what your point is. When even the OIC states that this is not a religious conflict, doesn't that imply that there are other motives for the unrest?

There is a lot more to this conflict that you would think just reading the Thai newspapers. Take the hostage incident, where the two marines were captures and killed. The villigers demand was to meet with Malaysian reporters. They have obviously given up any hope of having their side of the story told in the Thai media.

Which is exactly where the majority of the hatemongerers here get their information from. I don't know what scares me the most, the lunatics in the south, or the lunatics on this forum - I am probably more likely to bump into the latter.

And in your infiinite wisdom perhaps you can let us know what justification there is to being party to the barbaric cold blooded murder of two tied up men.

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Concerning Thailand - specifically - here is something for all the apologists for the Muslim terrorists to read - this is the statement by the Muslim OIC, following its inspection tour of the southern Thai provinces - less than three months ago:

OIC Statement Aboiut Thailand

Quoting from that piece:

BANGKOK, 8 June 2005 — The violence in Buddhist Thailand’s Muslim-majority south, in which more than 700 people have been killed since January 2004, is not a religious conflict, the head of an international Muslim delegation said yesterday.

“The roots of the problem could be anything but religion,” Sayed El-Masri, a former assistant secretary-general of the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference, said after a tour of the troubled provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat.

“Compared with many other countries, we find here permissiveness and tolerance. Nobody interferes with the Muslim community,” he told a news conference in Bangkok.

Note the source.

What I suspect that he is really saying:  Muslims in Thailand are treated better than most Muslims in Muslim-run countries.

The three "PULO provinces" were beautiful, and reasonably well off.  They are now joining the list of dismal, frightened, depressing places like Kashmir now, Kosovo ten years ago, Beirut 20 years ago.   

I wish it were otherwise.   I identify strongly with Thailand - in all the world, this is where I have settled to raise my family, and pursue my businesses.    The fact that a small group of vicious malcontents is intently focused upon terrorizing the people, and destroying the livelihoods of an entire regional population - this enrages me.

There is no excuse.


I am not quite sure what your point is. When even the OIC states that this is not a religious conflict, doesn't that imply that there are other motives for the unrest?

There is a lot more to this conflict that you would think just reading the Thai newspapers. Take the hostage incident, where the two marines were captures and killed. The villigers demand was to meet with Malaysian reporters. They have obviously given up any hope of having their side of the story told in the Thai media.

Which is exactly where the majority of the hatemongerers here get their information from. I don't know what scares me the most, the lunatics in the south, or the lunatics on this forum - I am probably more likely to bump into the latter.

And in your infiinite wisdom perhaps you can let us know what justification there is to being party to the barbaric cold blooded murder of two tied up men.

None whatsoever. Not even if the two marines really were behind the drive-by shooting shortly before they were apprehended. Two muslim villagers were killed in that incident - why didn't they get equal sympathy? At Bak Tai there were 78 tied up men killed while in the custody to the army. Doesn't that bother you? Or are you only upset when the perpetrators are muslims?

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What an emotional rollercoaster ride this Muslim problem puts you on, yesterday,following this forum I was of the mind that a peaceful solution should/could be found to allow Muslim and non-Muslim people to co-exist

Today I wake up to the headlines> X people killed in Southern Thailand, X people killed by Muslim suicide bomber in Bagdad , X people killed by Muslim terrorist suicide bomber in Kabul and on and on it goes.

So today I am of the mind that a very big and deadly stick must be taken to all the extremists,insurgents,terrorists who carry out their deadly deeds in the name of Islam.

Nostadamus foretold that the next anti-christ will rise out of the East and it is generally accepted that he referred to Iran who is accused of training terrorists and providing arms to them but who has yet to openly put their hand on the table. If and when they do this current crisis will escalate into a world-wide war against Muslims.

And the Muslims themselves can prevent it.



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Let's look back at the Tak Bai incident. I remember watching the footage within 12-24 hours of the incident. And - I'm talking about the START - which consisted of a mass protest, growing into a RIOT, in front of a police station. The rioters were trying to intimidate the police into releasing imprisoned murder suspects. They were seeking to use violence to overturn the rule of law.

The Army moved in to defend the police station. They clearly gave out warnings to disperse - this was under martial law, so their instructions were LAW. Some people obeyed - many others become criminal law-breakers, challenging the authorities.

After the Army gave the crowd enough time to disperse, they then went in and "arrested" the rest. Things calmed down a lot - because every time the outlaws started trouble, they got slapped down by soldiers (note : smacked, not shot on the spot). Up to this point in the video coverage, I had seen nothing inappropriate. The Army was following its lawful instructions to restore order.

But - now things started to go over the top. The Army basically tied up all the protesters - hundreds of them, next to a big pond or lake - with their shirts removed, and their hands tied behind their backs with tie-wraps/flexi-cuffs. No problem yet. But - then the soldiers started making the protesters move to waiting evacuation trucks - by making them "worm crawl" to the trucks - with their hands tied behind their backs. Across a parking lot, across a set of railroad tracks, and up an embankment - where they were then raised to their feet and pushed toward large trucks - where they were then laid out flat, and then stacked like cordwood.

I know about "worm crawling" - 1976, US Army Ranger School. Not pleasant. Not something I would do to anyone - including prisoners - outside of a weeding out process in an elite military unit (where cadidates will do things that you otherwise couldn't pay them to do with Taksin's billions). And - as soon as I saw the detainees being stacked in the trucks - I saw it up to four layers deep - I knew this was going to be fatal. Bad judgement.

But - these were not "innocent Muslims" - these were lawbreaking rioters, who were trying to free murderers from prison. They could just as well all have been shot for defying martial law. And - I had watched them being given the chance to disperse peacefully - an opportunity which not one of them took.

No question - the handling of the detainees was atrocious. Much room for resentment there.

This still does not justify taking two military investigators hostage - and not just killing them. In case you have not seen the details, they were tortured to death - with their fingers and toes individually smashed into pulp with a hammer,and boiling oil poured all over them - all before they were killed.

Looking at the postings above - Timothy McVeigh did not sadistically torture individuals for the pleasure of it. The Tak Bai military was not methodically torturing individuals for enjoyment. None of these people were pumping bullets into their own sister - and her husband - on a city street, to watch her die gurgling in front of you.

When ws the last time anyone saw anything about ANY other modern day group EXCEPT Muslims hanging the desecrated bodies of murdered foreigners off a bridge? When was the last time anyone other than Muslims beheaded a screaming foreigner - not a soldier, but an aid worker - while videotaping it for their own glory? The only comparisons I know of are the Nazi miscreants abusing Jewish concentration camp inmates, and the Imperial Japanese Army abusing Manchurian civilians.

The entire world has condemned the Nazi barbarians - and also the World War II Imperial Japanese Armed Forces. And - that is the right thing to do. And the Muslim barbarians of the early 21st Century should be viewed likewise - except I think the extemist Muslims are worse than the other two groups.

Let Islam clean its own house of these vermin - and then I will gladly befriend the Muslim world. Bring the "Wolf Brigade" over from Iraq, and let then sort out the PULO extremists.


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Most of the world is in denial and following a dreadful appeasement policy. I think most hope the problem with muslim radicals will go away, so let them have what they want or ignore it.

Like a bunch of Ostriches with their heads in the sand.

“The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men”


i think this subject will not be treated with indifference as it is on every bodies mind no matter where you go it is brought up as a discussion point daily, boring as it may be getting to some, this will not just fade away, as indo siam posted we need to stop this now and not later, as later will be to hard,

The question is, how can it be stopped?

Here's an example of how this mentality is worldwide:

Honor Killing in Denmark

The Dark Ages come to Denmark in broad daylight, as a Pakistani man murders his sister in a public street: Bror draebte sin soester .


"Calmly and methodically, big brother stoops over his little sister while shooting one projectile after the other into her. Her spouse, affected by several shots to the abdomen, can only look on helplessly, while his wife is executed by her own family."

This senseless murder brought to you by Islam, the religion of peace. :o

Excuse me...where exactly did I miss the connection between the derranged Pakistani murdering his sister and the religion of Islam....?

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Make no mistake: Islam is the provocateur in Thailand. It’s widely believed that Islam actually wants to provoke everyone so it can get conflicts started. Then the escalation blame game starts at which Islam is a master. Why not pre-empt the source of this trouble and just ban Islam?

Here is the blame game that Islam plays so well. Islam is certainly at fault for destabilizing Thailand, but Islam will never admit it. Islam has no conscience, only obedience to Allah (Satan). Islam is not capable of admitting its guilt.

And, we can clearly see the illogical claims that Islam makes of Israel. The very same unreasonable claims to an Islamic homeland are now being made in Thailand. :D

That's a very offensive post....... :o

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