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Thailand "Bank Statement"

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Assuming you only need it for your personal monthly tracking of an account, have you tried just selecting the period in which your are interested and printing it off the computer? Of course, you have to set up on line access first. But once you do that, you then have the option of printing out whatever info you need for what ever period you select or just monitoring the account on line, daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, whenever.

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At Kasikorn bank you can request a print out statement. It's not what is considered a certified copy back home, but it seems to do the trick. Otherwise, go back to your bank with your passport and ask them to make you a new book. Most likely it will only show a lump sum starting deposit as I'm sure its been a while since your previous book update. If you're lucky, they'll be able to print the actual transactions and dates. While you're at the bank, ask them to set you up with online access as well. That way you ca do as "noise" says and print out a transaction history of any time period you like.

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I suspect that the OP wants a printed bank statement showing his address in Thailand, which he will use as proof of residential address for some other bank or organisation outside Thailand.

I am in the same position. One of my banks outside Thailand wants one of

Bank, building society or credit card statement

Utility bill (e.g. gas, electricity, fixed-line phone but not mobile phone bills)

Correspondence from a government agency

Pension/benefit statements

Mortgage statement

Full or provisional driving licence# bearing address details

none of which I can provide. (They will specifically not accept documents printed from webpages ie online statements.)

I suspect that I will have to get some sort of document from Jomtien Immigration.

Other banks were much more reasonable and only wanted written confirmation (by me) of my Thai address.

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hi. this topic was discussed in another very similar thread a month or two ago. maybe you could find that one with a forum search. i recall that one of the people who posted in the thread was 'iangguygil' who works for bangkok bank and so there was probably some sound advice or info there if you can track it down .. maybe search his (Ian's) posts or search on "bank statement" or similar search terms

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The best thing to do is to get the address or bank branch # (each branch has a unique number to identify it; usually printed on your passbook or on a transaction receipt). use your internet banking and send a message to customer service politely requesting that you can have a bank statement that will be mailed to your address. Mention that you are having problems communicating this in English to the representative at the bank. Ask them to contact the bank ahead of time and inform of the request so that there will be no problems. You should get a reply back within 2 business days telling you who you should speak to at the branch you specified.

This is what I did. Ironically, I haven't been back to the bank to follow up as I no longer had the need for that type of statement; I was able to get the branch manager to print out something with my english address on it on bangkok bank letterhead. That was good enough for the company requiring proof of address.

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