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One cannot help but wonder how the distinguished contributors to this forum shall be spending the festive season.

To set the ball rolling in a constructive motion, I may dare to post the intentions of the Klonky family?

On Christmas day my good lady wife (Mrs Klonky) and I usually repair to the household after morning worship. It is our custom to invite our very good friends the Schnackelpesters (Gen Schnackelpester (Retd) and his good lady wife) and the Brubengartners (Prof Emiritus Brubengartner and Dr Brubengartner his good lady wife) around for a hearty traditional turkey meal with all the trimmings!

Once the port bottle emerges from hibernation the fun really swings (as I believe the young people say nowadays). One chuckles to recall Gen Schnackelpesters heroic efforts in Charades and the downright uncoventional bids made by Mrs Dr Brubengartner in the knock-out Bridge tourney!

Ah me! One rather finds oneself in some degree of trepidation if not downright anticipation! What about you? Just a thought!


hiram, your humour is wearing a bit thin.(for me at least). enough is enough.

suggest new alter-ego for new year.

have a wonderful christmas,

yours hopefully



I've just been told i'm expected in the office.

"Xmas is a Christian Holiday, and here we recognise Buddhist holidays'


Bunch of arse if you ask me mate !

You are in a predominantly Buddhist country. When in Rome..........


I shall be cooking a full traditional English Christmas dinner;

Roast Turkey

Roast Potatoes

Boiled Potatoes


Broccoli (couldn't find sprouts)


Tiny sausages (baked)

Home made gravy

Cranberry Sauce (Did find that!)

Drinks List:

Chang Beer 2003, chilled

Gin and Tonic, (without ice from 7-11) (causes the sh1ts)

Red Wine (cheap stuff with an Australian postage stamp on the bottle)

Present List:

Latest Nokia Mobile Phone for the little lady (cost a fortune, had to buy it drunk, by visa card)

Alien Box set for me, all four movies.

Sleep, then drunken Christmas carols on the kareoke vcd, then burst eardrums with the little lady singing Isaan stuff...Ginter La the name good looking girl... 26th December...Yippee Football...Three matches Live.

Predictions: Charlton Chelsea....WIN Chelsea

Liverpool Bolton......WIN Liverpool

Man Utd Everton.......WIN Everton, UTD players all hung over because too much money, low IQ's, daft wives and gambling/drug/sex addictions...Hope you are reading this Fergie!!!!


Sorry for side tracking your thread Dr Hiram P. Klonky,

little lady singing Isaan stuff...Ginter La the name good looking girl...

I went to a Ginter La concert with the wife and her whole family (about 20) a couple of months back and had a great time.

I was the only Farang there from my little town, those who didn't know me before certainly do now as Ginter La and her whole entourage thought it was funny to pick fun at the farang. The family thought it was a hoot, but I suspect they got their enjoyment out the 2 hours of fame they found by having the farang in their family.

I quite enjoyed her music to be ho-o-o-o-nest B)

My wife bought a rose for me to give her, but I decided to give it to the obligitory prancing ladyboy instead, much to amusement of the thousand or so people there. :o

Ok back to "How are we spending Xmas"

For me? working :D


Hey Pat. How do you experinced users know when someones using other names and what have you? I mean, I'm new at all this and I think Hiram seems genuine enough. Bit of a laugh really. Come to think of it, how do I know you're not Hiram or someone else?

Guest IT Manager
Hey Pat. How do you experinced users know when someones using other names and what have you? I mean, I'm new at all this and I think Hiram seems genuine enough. Bit of a laugh really. Come to think of it, how do I know you're not Hiram or someone else?

Simple Mick,

You are in Thailand. He wasn't.

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