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A Rumour...

Jai Dee

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This reminds me of the predictions some years back of a huge meteor would either collide with the Earth in the month of September (I think that was the month), or come close enough to destroy most of life on the planet, if not all of it. The world would be plagued by volcanoes and by earthquakes and by strong winds and by floods and by famine. And the oceans would rise up at great heights to consume the land.

Behold, all had been foretold so long ago by Nostrodamos and the writings of many other undeniable sources. Various signs and wonders both on the Earth and in the heavens indicated this thing was surely to happen exactly as foretold. Yea verily, then would come the end of the world!

The doomsday sayers busied themselves making videos and writing books about it to warn the masses what would soon befall upon them, for a nominal price of course.

The month came and went, as did the rest of the year and all the years that followed. But there was nary so much as a twinkle of the doomsday rock in the sky. And lo, the Earth revolved around the Sun, as it had done so many times before and continues to do to this very day. The doomsday sages were neither humbled nor discouraged by this, but climbed into their expensive chariots and returned to their luxurious mansions, counting the riches and thankful for the windfall that had fattened their purses by the gullible and the poor.

Evidently the doomsday sayers must have made a slight miscalculation of the prophecies and are now carefully replotting the charts and awaiting new signs and revelations.

When is the second coming coming ? :o

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This reminds me of the predictions some years back of a huge meteor would either collide with the Earth in the month of September (I think that was the month), or come close enough to destroy most of life on the planet, if not all of it. The world would be plagued by volcanoes and by earthquakes and by strong winds and by floods and by famine. And the oceans would rise up at great heights to consume the land.

Behold, all had been foretold so long ago by Nostrodamos and the writings of many other undeniable sources. Various signs and wonders both on the Earth and in the heavens indicated this thing was surely to happen exactly as foretold. Yea verily, then would come the end of the world!

The doomsday sayers busied themselves making videos and writing books about it to warn the masses what would soon befall upon them, for a nominal price of course.

The month came and went, as did the rest of the year and all the years that followed. But there was nary so much as a twinkle of the doomsday rock in the sky. And lo, the Earth revolved around the Sun, as it had done so many times before and continues to do to this very day. The doomsday sages were neither humbled nor discouraged by this, but climbed into their expensive chariots and returned to their luxurious mansions, counting the riches and thankful for the windfall that had fattened their purses by the gullible and the poor.

Evidently the doomsday sayers must have made a slight miscalculation of the prophecies and are now carefully replotting the charts and awaiting new signs and revelations.

I knew you were going to say that. :o
When is the second coming coming ? 

Send me $19.99 (special price for a very limited time only) and I'll tell you.

Sorry, no refunds.


Edited by Gazza
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This reminds me of the predictions some years back of a huge meteor would either collide with the Earth in the month of September (I think that was the month), or come close enough to destroy most of life on the planet, if not all of it. The world would be plagued by volcanoes and by earthquakes and by strong winds and by floods and by famine. And the oceans would rise up at great heights to consume the land.

Behold, all had been foretold so long ago by Nostrodamos and the writings of many other undeniable sources. Various signs and wonders both on the Earth and in the heavens indicated this thing was surely to happen exactly as foretold. Yea verily, then would come the end of the world!

The doomsday sayers busied themselves making videos and writing books about it to warn the masses what would soon befall upon them, for a nominal price of course.

The month came and went, as did the rest of the year and all the years that followed. But there was nary so much as a twinkle of the doomsday rock in the sky. And lo, the Earth revolved around the Sun, as it had done so many times before and continues to do to this very day. The doomsday sages were neither humbled nor discouraged by this, but climbed into their expensive chariots and returned to their luxurious mansions, counting the riches and thankful for the windfall that had fattened their purses by the gullible and the poor.

Evidently the doomsday sayers must have made a slight miscalculation of the prophecies and are now carefully replotting the charts and awaiting new signs and revelations.

I knew you were going to say that. :D

When is the second coming coming ? 
Send me $19.99 (special price for a very limited time only) and I'll tell you.

Sorry, no refunds.


If the End is Night the 20 bucks won't matter much :o

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My GF was on about this fortune teller who predicted the world is going to end, and one of the few places left standing would be Chiang Mai - she said the recent influx of house-horny Bangkokians is partly due to those predictions. Don't know if this is related to the rumour you heard Jai Dee.

Meadish I hope you meant "house-hungry" otherwise it indicates an ulterior motive for those Bangkokians heading to Chaing Mai - and it's to do with an "end" but not the "end of the world" :o:D

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My GF was on about this fortune teller who predicted the world is going to end, and one of the few places left standing would be Chiang Mai - she said the recent influx of house-horny Bangkokians is partly due to those predictions. Don't know if this is related to the rumour you heard Jai Dee.

Meadish I hope you meant "house-hungry" otherwise it indicates an ulterior motive for those Bangkokians heading to Chaing Mai - and it's to do with an "end" but not the "end of the world" :o:D

as in getting it in ? :D

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All the Thais at my workplace this morning are talking about the latest predictions from the fortune tellers in the local newspapers... 30 days and 30 nights of wind, rain, storms, and maybe a tsunami... starting from 1st October (tomorrow).  :o

Well 1st October has nearly finished. Not much different from the previous 30 days, a few spots of rain this evening, but not enough to wet the ground.

40 days and 40 nights +- (biblical time not modern time)

no self respecting jew would go for 30 ; we were lost in the desert for 40 yrs....

And the Jews said to god, "Now lets make sure I get this right. The Arabs get all the oil, and we get to cut off the end of our what?"

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When is the second coming coming ? :o

It appears it was cancelled due to a lack of interest. But not to worry. I'm sure some of the maw-doos will come up with a new date as soon as their bank accounts need replenishing.

Wasn't there a flurry of predictions right after the 2004 Tsunami, that a more massive one would hit? Seems like they were claiming it would happen within a couple of weeks after their predictions were made. Oops! Struck out on that one too. But not before lining their pockets with a little extra spending cash.

Please send your bank account number. It's more accurate than the alignment of stars or hand prints.

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This reminds me of the predictions some years back of a huge meteor would either collide with the Earth in the month of September (I think that was the month), or come close enough to destroy most of life on the planet, if not all of it. The world would be plagued by volcanoes and by earthquakes and by strong winds and by floods and by famine. And the oceans would rise up at great heights to consume the land.

Behold, all had been foretold so long ago by Nostrodamos and the writings of many other undeniable sources. Various signs and wonders both on the Earth and in the heavens indicated this thing was surely to happen exactly as foretold. Yea verily, then would come the end of the world!

The doomsday sayers busied themselves making videos and writing books about it to warn the masses what would soon befall upon them, for a nominal price of course.

The month came and went, as did the rest of the year and all the years that followed. But there was nary so much as a twinkle of the doomsday rock in the sky. And lo, the Earth revolved around the Sun, as it had done so many times before and continues to do to this very day. The doomsday sages were neither humbled nor discouraged by this, but climbed into their expensive chariots and returned to their luxurious mansions, counting the riches and thankful for the windfall that had fattened their purses by the gullible and the poor.

Evidently the doomsday sayers must have made a slight miscalculation of the prophecies and are now carefully replotting the charts and awaiting new signs and revelations.

I knew you were going to say that. :o

When is the second coming coming ? 
Send me $19.99 (special price for a very limited time only) and I'll tell you.

Sorry, no refunds.


Ah, a fellow seer.

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My GF was on about this fortune teller who predicted the world is going to end, and one of the few places left standing would be Chiang Mai - she said the recent influx of house-horny Bangkokians is partly due to those predictions. Don't know if this is related to the rumour you heard Jai Dee.

I had no idea there was ever a real slowdown of Bangkokians flocking to Chiang Mai. :o:D

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about Fortune Tellers .. i have a funny story with it ..

................well ,  till now..obviously ,  2 kids 'd be  my urolith methinks :D  :D

ciao all

Bambi :D

HUH ? :D

In response to jrincon, above query:

Mr(?) Rincon,

I am very glad that you chose to express this query in this mannre, for it is exactly what I had been planning on posting.

Yours Trulty,

Klazy Krown Kayo

This reminds me of the predictions some years back of a huge meteor would either collide with the Earth in the month of September (I think that was the month), or come close enough to destroy most of life on the .........of the prophecies and are now carefully replotting the charts and awaiting new signs and revelations.

When is the second coming coming ? :o

Yes. Indeed.

Yours truly,

Klazy Krown Kayo. :D

(I come not once and not a second....but long and repeatedly..... In the right company.)

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All the Thais at my workplace this morning are talking about the latest predictions from the fortune tellers in the local newspapers... 30 days and 30 nights of wind, rain, storms, and maybe a tsunami... starting from 1st October (tomorrow).  :D

Anyone else heard about it?  :o

Note: I'm not usually one to start rumours or post gossip, but this has got everyone really animated...  :D

It's a load of <deleted>, don't listen to it!

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