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This was PM to me by Rolling Stone

Sorry your not and any self respecting Asian like the ones you bitch about being racist in Thailand would agree that you are.  Your a worthless Sri Lankan nigger and nothing else.  You and you kak (Indian) nigger ###### buddies.  Don't go to the US because we hate your ###### type as much as the Asians do.  I will be happy to meet your sorry ###### ass anywhere nigger so just say the word.  You worthless muther######ers talk all that shit behind a computer screen but never are willing to back yourself up.  You and that worthless "I studied thai boxing for years"  (yeah right) Butterfly, nothing more than an alcoholic whore chaser.  You didn't chase them anymore though do you?  Found one love your nigger ass too much and married you.  Thats something to be proud of I married a whore, yippeeeeeeeee.  The problem with Thailand and Asia is to much poor Euro trash and sub-continent niggers around.  Come on mother######er wanna talk shit about the US in person?

This tells the story. No need to say more. Come forward and lets discuss open.

Shame on you.


Re the P.M.s by Rollingstone.

Stuff like this makes me so glad I joined this forum his debating skills are something I now realise I should aim for, same as I try to aim in the urinal.



Hey Kwiz:

Don't let this bother you. I can absolutely guarantee that IF this guy is an American, and IF he's for real, he's definetly in the minority. So much in the minority that if he were in a group of real Americans, he would be quickly put in his place. I know I would for sure!

No, I don't happen to agree with a lot of the things that are said about my country here on this board, but I'm for sure not going to allow some idiot like "Rolling Stone" to say things like this, to embarrass me and my country.

I'd stand right with you, even if I don't agree with your politics. But bigotry and racism are things I won't tolerate. Don't let this guy give you the wrong impression of Americans--we're good people. But just like any country, there's always a few that can spoil it for everybody (like Israel, like Iraq, like anywhere else).

OK? Just forget him...



Perhaps Rolling Stone feels inferior under the everyday mask he wears, a few too many drinks and it surfaces causing him to lash out. :D + Alcohol = :o

Rolling Stone is definately the one with the problem, so lets not worry too much about him.

I am surprised we haven't heard anything from an Admin/moderator about this yet, maybe we are on our own right now. But I am sure if all thats been said is real then we will not have to worry about the Rolling Stone much longer, let him gather his moss.

To Kwiz117 and to Francois, no matter what is said by someone with a few roos loose in his top paddock, just take comfort knowing the rest of us here still love you B)B)


Kwiz, it seems you and Francois are the targets of this sicko, as an American I must offer my apologies to you for the rantings of this pathetic mind. Let me assure you I belive his is a minority opinion. And don't let it put you off Americans (altho I would understand it if it did), most are very nice, generous people.

Again, I ask the admins to do something about rollingstone, this is, by far, beyond the bounds of normal decent human beings. Heck, lets not insult the animals and include him in their ranks, my dogs are better than that!


I am disappointed !!! I didn't get any of his abuse PM

Even the harmless French fog got one, why not me ? I got one abusive PM of this kind once by Mr V, but my reply probably send him back with his tail between his legs.

This is exactly why you have to keep your nationality private in those kind of boards. Never know when the abuse will come and how far it will discredit you in your arguments.

That PM is your typical "Redneck" replies, and the current opinions shared by the Neo-nazis (NeoCons) who currently rule America. This is also the opinion of the "average American" despite what Mr membrane says. I saw it myself first hand, and I could see how Mr Membrane and his like could go to this kind of verbial abuse if their arguments were not going anywhere.

Don't fool us, we know exactly what you are capable of and I wouldn't be surprised if this PM was sent by one of Mr V troll account. I hope I am wrong.

This was PM to me by Rolling Stone

This tells the story. No need to say more. Come forward and lets discuss open.

Shame on you. [/color]

Kwiz, I commented to Francois already. Ignore this id.....

a plain racist with perhaps not all cups inhis cabinet, but for sure nothing to do with any nationality.

Controversial it might be, I enjoy reading your contributions and by the way, most, if not all others too.


Well, it's probably Membrane or one of his like who think that "America" and the "Americans" are the chosen people to show the "world" how to fight for freedom. Kind of sad.

I am disappointed !!! I didn't get any of his abuse PM

Even the harmless French fog got one, why not me ? I got one abusive PM of this kind once by Mr V, but my reply probably send it back with his tail between his legs.

This is exactly why you have to keep your nationality private in those kind of boards. Never know when the abuse will come and how far it will discredit you in your arguments.

That PM is your typical "Redneck" replies, and the current opinions shared by the Neo-nazis (NeoCons) who currently rule America. This is also the opinion of the "average American" despite what Mr membrane says. I saw it myself first hand, and I could see how Mr Membrane and his like could go to this kind of verbial abuse if their arguments were not going anywhere.

Don't fool us, we know exactly what you are capable of and I wouldn't be surprised if this PM was sent by one of Mr V troll account. I hope I am wrong.


Now really... Read my post again and tell me if you really honestly believe that I'm a redneck. That's ridiculous. Didn't I say that even if I disagree with some of the remarks about my country, that I'd stand by Kwiz and defend him against someone who would send stupid and immature remarks like this one?

You just keep pushing Butterfly. You keep slandering the U.S. and anyone in it. Sadly, your hatred knows no bounds..

Best defense is a strong offense, right Butterfly? If you don't know what else to say, just rely on name-calling and lies. If anyone should be banned, it should be you.



Actually, I did a search on all of Rolling Stone's postings and looked through some of them. I'm not exactly convinced he's the one who really sent these PMs. For one thing, he's an antique dealer and a stock market investor. The kind of low-brow mentality who would send this kind of message doesn't seem to match someone who would make a living being an antique dealer and a stock market investor.

I'm not going to name any names, but this is such a nasty, hate-filled message (and it makes Americans look bad), I would think it might really have been sent by someone else who usually makes angry, hate-filled posts designed to make any American look bad.

Hmmm... wonder who that could be?


Now really... Read my post again and tell me if you really honestly believe that I'm a redneck. That's ridiculous. Didn't I say that even if I disagree with some of the remarks about my country, that I'd stand by Kwiz and defend him against someone who would send stupid and immature remarks like this one?

You just keep pushing Butterfly. You keep slandering the U.S. and anyone in it. Sadly, your hatred knows no bounds..

Best defense is a strong offense, right Butterfly? If you don't know what else to say, just rely on name-calling and lies. If anyone should be banned, it should be you.


Don't be an hyprocrite, I know your like and how they think. This is exactly what you think despite you denying it. It will be a question of time before you come out and say it but you will. Your arguments so far have been to the far right of the NeoCons propaganda list.

Tell me with a straight face that you don't hate the French for what they did before the Iraq war ?

Tell me with a straight face that you don't think the "sand niggers" or "Pakies" or "Indies" are the scums of the earth and there are too many of them ?

yeah I know, you have "wet dreams" of turning those "nigger" countries into a parking lot glass if they dare to raise their voice or show an opinion different from yours.

Hmmm... wonder who that could be?

I don't know, YOU :o

He could have been a reasonable poster in the past but it's always a question of time before a real personality surface.


Absolutely not.

And I'm thinking if anyone sent these PMs, it would have been you. You are the only one here that keeps trying to incite anger and hatred. Just like your posts on this thread.

We both know what's really going on, don't we Butterfly? You can't rely on good sound logic and reasoning to, so you're resorting to this? You are running out of ammunition, so you're trying to make it look like I did this..

I have already asked that the IP addresses be privately looked at by the admins, for my posts and for the PMs. I can guarantee you that they are not the same.

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel Butterfly and you know it.


Absolutely not.

And I'm thinking if anyone sent these PMs, it would have been you. You are the only one here that keeps trying to incite anger and hatred. Just like this post.

We both know what's really going on, don't we Butterfly? You can't rely on good sound logic and reasoning to, so you're resorting to this? You are running out of ammunition, so you're trying to make it look like I did this..

I have already asked that the IP addresses be privately looked at by the admins, for my posts and for the PMs. I can guarantee you that they are not the same.

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel Butterfly and you know it.


I know it's not you, I am playing with you :D

But it could have been you or one of your "conservative" friends :o

I will answer later your long post in the "Saddam" thread. Don't worry, I didn't forget you

Guest IT Manager
Actually, I did a search on all of Rolling Stone's postings and looked through some of them. I'm not exactly convinced he's the one who really sent these PMs. For one thing, he's an antique dealer and a stock market investor. The kind of low-brow mentality who would send this kind of message doesn't seem to match someone who would make a living being an antique dealer and a stock market investor.

I'm not going to name any names, but this is such a nasty, hate-filled message (and it makes Americans look bad), I would think it might really have been sent by someone else who usually makes angry, hate-filled posts designed to make any American look bad.

Hmmm... wonder who that could be?

If it was PM'd by Rolling Stone, it was him, unless he has shared his password, which he may have done based on his trash.

Now let me see....

Ok he is sort of local. He is a racist. He is a newly holidaying member... those in favour say "aye"

Guest IT Manager

I plan to. Now for both Membrane and Butterfly, you two need a good smack. You are like naughty boys in a sandbox. Another excellent forum in Usenet was screwed by two people who could have been you two, but the problem is that this forum has a higher readership, a higher rating on google, and is used by many people as first place to come for info about a life in LoS, or a holiday.

This tells me that if we let you two continue being <deleted> in public, the forum will lose credibility, and as you will see from my thingy with my avatar, I am the one to get kicked for telling you kids not to be bad.

You are both hereby warned in public, to grow up.

One more time, one more complaint, I will send both of you to the woodshed..no sh1t.

Be good and play nice.

I plan to. Now for both Membrane and Butterfly, you two need a good smack. You are like naughty boys in a sandbox. Another excellent forum in Usenet was screwed by two people who could have been you two, but the problem is that this forum has a higher readership, a higher rating on google, and is used by many people as first place to come for info about a life in LoS, or a holiday.

This tells me that if we let you two continue being <deleted> in public, the forum will lose credibility, and as you will see from my thingy with my avatar, I am the one to get kicked for telling you kids not to be bad.

You are both hereby warned in public, to grow up.

One more time, one more complaint, I will send both of you to the woodshed..no sh1t.

Be good and play nice.

Then if your commercial venture is on the risk to loose "credibility" because of small pigfights in forums, then you better close down the forum or the "general" chit chat forum. Things like this keep happening, whatever the forums. It comes with the game, but if you can't play it, shut it down or make it "private" for only registered members, so that the "public" won't see the pigfights.

I understand completely the justification to "protect" the innocents but at least do it correctly, not ala Toxin.

Make the "general" board for "registered members only" and that should take care of any pigfights happening in public.

Also you are nobody babysitter and I find ironic that you are making "cute" judgements of what constitute "childish" behaviors when you have yourself fell into the same "childish" game in some other threads.

you might hold the wip but be careful that those "double standard" don't hit you back after you use it.

You are in the same "sand box" with the rest of us.


I had actually suggested, quite some time ago, that a entirely separate area be created for political discussions. That way, if someone makes an extremely offensive and/or a stupid remark (like Bush should be killed) then that is at least contained in an area where you would at least you might expect it. It would quarantine it and it would not be in an area necessarily frequented by those who are planning a vacation in Thailand.

I can certainly "behave" myself--if everyone else does too. But to be fair, that should include everyone, not just the little guys but everyone, regular users, admins, everyone. (In fact, especially the admins. They have a responsiblity not to "lower" themselves to such remarks). I can do without having my country slammed at every turn and I can certainly be happy with not discussing politics at all.



Guest IT Manager

In my opinion the new area should be a new forum that you chaps pay for and get to the stage George and The Doc have got this to. Well over 100,000 visitors can't be that wrong can they?

If you find my repartee alarming or offensive, I suggest Bangkoksexy where you can say what you like, when you like, to whomever you don't like and no one cares.

I re-iterate here for you two.. stop it or go away. Else I will go you away. Your choice.

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