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Farang Man With Farang Girl?


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I know quite a few that have been a while and the same as anywhere when you are with someone 24/7 the relationships get a bit strained especially for the men here.

As I know of some who have brought their wives here with them and they wonder why they did, whatever tales they might tell you of domestic bliss, in front of their wives.

FYI-It was I who brought my Farang husband here. Its certainly not sugar coated, sweet pillow talk when he says he's thankful to be with me and not on the singles scene in this land. It may be shocking to some of you fellows but some men, my husband being one of them, had their pick of knock-out women back home. The only thing he says he's missing out on in the singles scene in Thailand is VD and AIDS-he told this to his friends, not me, by the way!

As for the 24/7 factor, what makes you figure its more straining for men than women?? After all, Thailand is a man's paradise-offering quite a few more social outlets for men than women. Once again, poor men it must be just awful to be with a farang girl-a man just couldn't possibly be happy under such conditions, its just got to be a story made up in front of the wife. :o

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Guest IT Manager

Unfortunately, nothing made up at all. We aren't together 24/7 but when we are we are. We deal with it. Relationships all have their moments, including ours, but all it takes is a little love, a lot of trust and a heap of human kindness.

We are also fortunate because of our kids I think. without them we would be just 2 fat bald foreigners (made the fat, bald bit up about her), living a dream. She puts up with more from me than I can imagine any clever person doing without going na na.

Have a good xmas you all.

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I know a bunch, but in the majority of the cases they either:

1) break up

2) the wife accepts or pretends to not know about the mia noi

And no, these are not the usual sex tourists. All of them are people who were recruited abroad to come and work in TH. But some 'magic' power seems to change people when they arrive in LO(v)S.

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i think it's hilarious how many of you guys have had to flee western shores to get laid and totally fail to realise how repulsive you are. and you assume all western men are as warped as you are. you assume that just because you're incapable of having a monogomous relationship, then everyone is. you fail to realise that it's you who are the freakish ones, living your adolescent years in your 50s and 60s, shagging around with all these girls and thinking you're the dog's <deleted> in the process. you fail to realise that most attractive westerners, who are able to find partners without opening their wallets (or purses) have had all this fun when they were younger and now realise that, as adults, there are better things in life.

scarlett's husband is a lucky guy, not only because he has a smart wife and a baby on the way, but because he's been granted with a brain to work out what's important in life, for him.

it's a shame most of you with your 'beached whale' complexes are probably too old to be able to mature to this point.

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munchkin: I read your valuable contribution but am still unable to understand what you want to say. This threat is

Farang Man With Farang Girl?, does it happen in the LOS?

So, if a farang man loves a farang girl, WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?

I say, let them be happy.

Nobody has to flee from wherever you say. And btw, what is this all about getting laid?

Isn't it possible anymore just to have decent sex?

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I think what is happening here is that Scarlett and Munchkin are importing (or continuing) a thread from the Farang Girls section. Scarlett has been in high whine about a perceived animosity toward Farang women by Farang men during her time in LoS.

Now, I sure couldn't comment about that in the section it was posted. First it is for women primarily and second, the forum's description says it is a place for them to vent, among other things. So she was perfectly within her rights to lay into the guys as she saw fit. And she did it, writing quite aptly too, with a round of applause from the other women in the forum.

But out here in the General Topics is a bit different. Now to start, I'm glad she's got a good relationship with her SO (Significant Other aka husband). And her husband's purported statements ring quite true for someone in a good relationship. There are all sorts of temptations for everyone anywhere you go. Part of growing up is recognizing which ones you can give into occasionally and which ones you really shouldn't.

I don't reside in Thailand currently, so I probably should just shut the heck up, but I ran into a blog by one guy that specializes in unhappy (neglected?) Farang Wives for his ... uhmm ... social intercourse, so to speak. So there seems to be a bit of give and take going on regardless of the gender involved.

And personally, I've had enough relationships along the way to know what I like, whether it meets Scarlett's, Munchkin's, or anyone else's sense of propriety. One of the things I did learn along the way was that no matter how nice they looked, high maintenance women are not my cup of tea. Okay, coffee actually. Some guys like a lot of drama in their interpersonal relationships and/or want a lot of direction. Apparently Scarlett has found a perfect match. Bully for her.

But some (fat old white) guys just don't like the social agenda of the last twenty or so years in western culture. Hey, go figure. Doesn't really matter if they are "right" or "wrong", since they get to fill space on the planet for their allotted amount of time. It may be sad, it may be heaven, it all depends on point of view, I guess. And theirs, much like Scarlett's, isn't going to change because someone whines about it.


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I liked this part the best,

quote;As for the 24/7 factor, what makes you figure its more straining for men than women?? After all, Thailand is a man's paradise-offering quite a few more social outlets for men than women.

What social outlets are you talking about,,Every body knows that a woman is much happier in the home,where she belongs.. :o

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For my part... I have had many relationships with both farang and foreign (to me that is) women . Every time the foreign woman wins hands down (this includes Turkish, Moroccan and...of course Thai). Farang woman are too competitive and when it comes to income, social status and likablility always end up trying out do me. They can't (or haven't so far). Thai woman are happy to be just that... a woman. They look after thier N0.1 asset.....farang hubby, and I get treated like a king....not like a fashion accessory!

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i think it's hilarious how many of you guys have had to flee western shores to get laid and totally fail to realise how repulsive you are. and you assume all western men are as warped as you are. you assume that just because you're incapable of having a monogomous relationship, then everyone is. you fail to realise that it's you who are the freakish ones, living your adolescent years in your 50s and 60s, shagging around with all these girls and thinking you're the dog's <deleted> in the process. you fail to realise that most attractive westerners, who are able to find partners without opening their wallets (or purses) have had all this fun when they were younger and now realise that, as adults, there are better things in life.

it's a shame most of you with your 'beached whale' complexes are probably too old to be able to mature to this point.

first thing I can say is "cause we can"

second thing is "get a life and dont worry about how the other people live theirs"

third thing merry xmas

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Well said Bronco,

but as you probably know, the people (or so called do-gooders in their mind/s) who haven't got a life need to involve themselves in others peoples lives to get a life...!!!

Merry X-mas mate :o


p.s. It's nice weather here in Oman in the MIddle East..northern hemisphere weather. But not brass monkey weather..thank god.

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-he told this to his friends, not me, by the way!

Apologies for picking only a small part of your post. Just wonder how you found out. :o

Axel This doesn't sound like information that I would volunteer to a friends wife.

Oh? I thought the wife made the statement -he told this to his friends, not me, by the way!

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i think it's hilarious how many of you guys have had to flee western shores to get laid and totally fail to realise how repulsive you are. and you assume all western men are as warped as you are. you assume that just because you're incapable of having a monogomous relationship, then everyone is. you fail to realise that it's you who are the freakish ones, living your adolescent years in your 50s and 60s, shagging around with all these girls and thinking you're the dog's <deleted> in the process.

Now this is quite a mouthfull for Christmas Eve :D

I just wonder how comes that you seem to know so many guys "who fled their homecountries to get laid in LoS." I come to Thailand since 1971 and permanently live here for the last dozen years. Actually I did not meet any of such species "incapable of having a monogomous [sic] relationship".

The one or other might have left a previous marriage which nowadays seems to be quite common. IMHO it always needs two to get a divorce. If than in their 40, 50 or 60-ties they might come to another relation ship, I do not blame them. More often then not it leads to a marriage, being the second or the last in 'his' life and being jealously guarded by 'monogomous', or did you want to say 'monotonous'(?)


Now where on earth did you visit to find all these freakish ones shagging around with all these girls? I thought I know a lot of places in LoS, but you seem to be far ahead. :o

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Munchkin well your name seems appealing as well as your bra burning words. Do the world a favour sit down (you probably already are), watch Oprah, read Cosmo, and watch the real world outside from your window............. We came here to get away from ranting women like yourselves - I will see you in the "grab a grannies" disco after you have divorced, just like your friends back home... Wake up and stop thinking the western world is how it should be, that would be silly wouldnt it?

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Does anybody know any long term visitors/semi-residents to LOS that are a couple and are both Farang. I would be intrested to hear how their relationships function.

Back to the initial question. Yes, I know quite a lot of couples both being farang and both living here for years on years.

How their relationship functions? Same as anywhere, some happy, some unhappy times. The usual fights, somebody said it in here already for being 7/24 together.

I know a lot of other couples, as well, he western, she Asian, not so many the other way round. Same result, albeit they do have to overcome language- and mentality barrier. More difficult to move within one circle, especially if it is a foreign circle in LoS where the common language is not understood by the other partner.

So everything depends on the couple, how to survive. Admittedly, the esthetics in LoS might make it more difficult for the farang husband to stay with his farang wife. This, is again a matter of principle. Living at home, wherever this is, the temptation is there as well, perhaps not in a quantity as here, but then one might talk about quality and if just singularily the one.

I only can speak from the male point of view, but do advise, b4 getting married, check out the future mother-in-law. A good chance your wife-to-be might end up like her, which can be good or bad.

For the girls, try to stay the way you were, when you got married. I do not mean only in physical appearance. From my male point of view, divorces come from changes in the partner. The lovely shy girl he married, became the nagging, ranting wife and she does not even realize pushing him out of the house into the dangers of the night life, where the main dangers might be that your abandoned hubby is looking for the girl you have been. Sure, the young adonis becomes the beer-bellied have been.

OK, I stop it here, but, yes farang and farang do survive even in LoS :D

Work both on it and it works out. I don't care that much about mixed couple in an Eastern/Western sense. The mixture he and she is explosive enough regardless of race. Think about, and no, I don't like men. :o

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You can find farang in relationship with fellow farang here, though I don't know any.

Why hitch up with another westerner when you could try life with a Thai? It's like these westerners who insist on eating western food, stick to all their western customs and so on and rarely extend their social comfort zone to talk to - God forbid - Thais!

I don't understand folk like that, but then few would understand me either, I suspect.

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i think it's hilarious how many of you guys have had to flee western shores to get laid and totally fail to realise how repulsive you are. and you assume all western men are as warped as you are. you assume that just because you're incapable of having a monogomous relationship, then everyone is. you fail to realise that it's you who are the freakish ones, living your adolescent years in your 50s and 60s, shagging around with all these girls and thinking you're the dog's <deleted> in the process. you fail to realise that most attractive westerners, who are able to find partners without opening their wallets (or purses) have had all this fun when they were younger and now realise that, as adults, there are better things in life.

scarlett's husband is a lucky guy, not only because he has a smart wife and a baby on the way, but because he's been granted with a brain to work out what's important in life, for him.

it's a shame most of you with your 'beached whale' complexes are probably too old to be able to mature to this point.

Ruffff stuf girl! Ladies Please Take a look at this home page and tell me if she is wrong. My Webpage Turn up the sound a little. ---------Guns and roses???

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:o When will people learn that some(not all)farrang thai relationships are based on love by both parties?.

If i thought for one second that my future wife didnt love me there would be no wedding at the end of 2004.

Ok im 34 got a good job look after my body time 2 time,but i know my TGF loves me for who i am,not what i look like.

So if your fat and bold and over 50 thats it?.

Im sure there is a lot of fellas who match the above who have made very good husbands,fathers to Thai women who are both bar and non bar girls.

Am i lucky because my TGF is a non bar girl?.

From the age of 17 and my first pay packet ive been on holiday all over the med,had many holiday romances going on nearlly 10 years.None of them come close to my future wife.

Im not anti-western women.The way i see it is im very lucky that i found my soul-mate in Thailand.

Dont judge any one on there looks,deep inside there is a heart!!.

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Ladies Please Take a look at this home page and tell me if she is wrong.

Hey! Who stole my views? :D

Seriously, Marshy that's a great site. However, I do believe the term "feminism" is often misused - there's a misconception that any female who searches for equality is a feminist.

Anyway back to the question at hand, I know some farang-farang happily married couples, but then I also know some thai-farang ones also. Think it comes down to the personality types and wanting the same things from life.

Axel your words are very wise - there's too much divorce these days, and marriage is suppose to be forever. :o

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