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Getting A Person Off A Tabien Baan

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I seem to recall this being discussed earlier, but the search function doesn't come up with anything, so it may b a repeat question..........

I have a house on 30 yr lease, and my girlfriend is on a blue tabien baan. We've broken up and I now want to get her off my address and onto her new one / parents house book. However she won't play ball and go to the amphur to do it.

She isn't the freeholder, so there's no ownership issue for her. How can I get her removed if she won't cooperate?

Must be lots of precedences for this, but can't find any on TV.

Thanks for the help.

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There are not any major concerns even if she persists as the tabien baan has nothing to do with ownership. However, with the tabien baan and her id card she could, in her name of course, sign agreements for e.g. telephone and internet, which could lead to inconveniences for you.

I regret I do not have the answer to your question.

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There are not any major concerns even if she persists as the tabien baan has nothing to do with ownership. However, with the tabien baan and her id card she could, in her name of course, sign agreements for e.g. telephone and internet, which could lead to inconveniences for you.

I regret I do not have the answer to your question.

Thanks for that and, yes, i do know that it doesn't have any major implications about true ownership and sale.

However, any prospective purchaser will probably want a 'clean' tabien baan, so before I ever get to this stage, I'd like to get her totally out. I think it would raise some questions in the mind of a buyer if they were presented with a nice chanote, but a tabien baan with a stranger on it!

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Money solves everything! TIT

1000 baht at amphur/tessabaan and your tabien baan is lost and a new clear one is issued. Bring lease to display you have the right to control tabien baan

when a change of ownership occurs, including registering or deleting a lease/usufruct, any resident can be removed after 15 days. However in OP case this doesnt seem to have taken place, and then "owner" must prove resident has moved out minimum 6 months.

If she doesnt contribute to move, she is moved to central register as "homeless" wich affects her creditrating badly. but can at any point register residence in another Tabien Baan provided to her

regarding sale I agree, I dont buy with residents in Tabien Baan

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I can't see how it could be a problem. Signing up for telephone or internet would be in her name and they would both require access to the property to install which I would presume be denied. As for a new buyer wanting a clean book then again surely once they have bought the property they will have their names put onto the book ? :huh:Or as said already simply lose the book :rolleyes:

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Best answer is not to allow your Thai girlfriend's name in the tabien baan (house book).

or let her reside in one tabien baan, and keep the remaining TB clear

many reasons to have GF registered in Tabien Baan in same Changwat as you, credit rating, school for kids just to mention 2

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Hi ..I hope this in not too off topic but would greatly appreciate any answers....my husband is Thai and his 84 yr old father and 80 year old mother are on his Tabien Baan...they both live at other relatives houses (next door and 2 doors down)...they lived at his house briefly about 15 years ago...mainly the mother did...and we have not taken them off the Tabien Baan here mainly because they are elderly and we dont have a car to take them into the Amphur...the chanote is in my husbands name and he built the house himself with his ex Thai wife and paid for everything himself...about a month ago my husbands niece approached my husbands son in law when they were picking up children from school, and started abusing him saying that the house belonged to her grandparents and that the family (my husband has 5 other brothers and sisters) were going to knock down our house because it wasnt his..(.I know that this is bizarre...they are a very weird jealous and uneducated bunch who are always making complaints unsuccessfully to police over some matter or even each other..) BUT this is Thailand and maybe there is some law here that I dont know about ????? can anyone shed any light on this ?????

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Hi ..I hope this in not too off topic but would greatly appreciate any answers....my husband is Thai and his 84 yr old father and 80 year old mother are on his Tabien Baan...they both live at other relatives houses (next door and 2 doors down)...they lived at his house briefly about 15 years ago...mainly the mother did...and we have not taken them off the Tabien Baan here mainly because they are elderly and we dont have a car to take them into the Amphur...the chanote is in my husbands name and he built the house himself with his ex Thai wife and paid for everything himself...about a month ago my husbands niece approached my husbands son in law when they were picking up children from school, and started abusing him saying that the house belonged to her grandparents and that the family (my husband has 5 other brothers and sisters) were going to knock down our house because it wasnt his..(.I know that this is bizarre...they are a very weird jealous and uneducated bunch who are always making complaints unsuccessfully to police over some matter or even each other..) BUT this is Thailand and maybe there is some law here that I dont know about ????? can anyone shed any light on this ?????

It has been mentioned many times; the Tabien Baan has nothing to do with ownership of the land or the house. Hence, your husband's niece hasn't done her homework.

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Hi ..I hope this in not too off topic but would greatly appreciate any answers....my husband is Thai and his 84 yr old father and 80 year old mother are on his Tabien Baan...they both live at other relatives houses (next door and 2 doors down)...they lived at his house briefly about 15 years ago...mainly the mother did...and we have not taken them off the Tabien Baan here mainly because they are elderly/ sick and we dont have a car to take them into the Amphur...the chanote is in my husbands name and he built the house himself with his ex Thai wife and paid for everything himself...about a month ago my husbands niece approached my husbands son in law when they were picking up children from school, and started abusing him saying that the house belonged to her grandparents and that the family (my husband has 5 other brothers and sisters) were going to knock down our house because it wasnt his and divide the building materials between the 5 of them..(.I know that this is bizarre...they are a very weird jealous and uneducated bunch who are always making complaints unsuccessfully to police over some matter or even each other..) BUT this is Thailand and maybe there is some law here that I dont know about ????? can anyone shed any light on this ????? would we be better to just lose our Tabien Baan as well ???? i tried to get a yellow Tabien Baan about a year ago and even though the amphur were very helpful they wouldnt issue it because my husbands father was on the blue book even though we told them that he doesnt live at our house....any answers...better to lose the Tabien Baan and how long to get a new one ????

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Thanks for your reply. stgrhe ..yes she hasnt done her homework...as for getting the father off our Tabien Baan do you think we would be better to just lose it or will the father and mother still be put on the new one ????? I really want to get them all off our house book so I can get a yellow book as well and live without this constant jealous intimidation....forgot to mention that before I heard all this bizarre story...when I gave the old father a present at Songrkran he stared raving on how he built my husbands house....I didnt know what he was talking about...now I do....if the house was built 20 years ago and do you prove ownership ????

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Thanks for your reply. stgrhe ..yes she hasnt done her homework...as for getting the father off our Tabien Baan do you think we would be better to just lose it or will the father and mother still be put on the new one ????? I really want to get them all off our house book so I can get a yellow book as well and live without this constant jealous intimidation....forgot to mention that before I heard all this bizarre story...when I gave the old father a present at Songrkran he stared raving on how he built my husbands house....I didnt know what he was talking about...now I do....if the house was built 20 years ago and do you prove ownership ????

There is no need to "lose' your blue book since it has no relevance as to who owns the land or house. The chanote land title determines who owns the land and by extension the house. Under Thai law the landowner is presumed to also be the house owner. See Section139 of the Civil and Commercial Code.

Edited by InterestedObserver
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Thanks for your reply. stgrhe ..yes she hasnt done her homework...as for getting the father off our Tabien Baan do you think we would be better to just lose it or will the father and mother still be put on the new one ????? I really want to get them all off our house book so I can get a yellow book as well and live without this constant jealous intimidation....forgot to mention that before I heard all this bizarre story...when I gave the old father a present at Songrkran he stared raving on how he built my husbands house....I didnt know what he was talking about...now I do....if the house was built 20 years ago and do you prove ownership ????

There is no need to "lose' your blue book since it has no relevance as to who owns the land or house. The chanote land title determines who owns the land and by extension the house. Under Thai law the landowner is presumed to also be the house owner. See Section139 of the Civil and Commercial Code.

In rural areas where there is no land title, only occupation right, it is common for Thais to believe Tabien Baan also gives owners rights. I would bring Tabien Baan to your local Tessaban or Amphur, if possible bring witnesses (Phujai Baan would be great) stating they have not lived in this house for a decade. They should be removed from Tabien Baan.

Then reply to the rest of the relatives, only you and husband are registered in this Tabien Baan

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Many thanks to Interested Observer and katabeach bum for your replies...I will look up that Civil and Commercial code for more clarification and also get the Puuyai Baan to come down to the Amphur with us asap...This is my first post on TV and I am very grateful for the solid logical advice from everyone.

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