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Robbed By The Police


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I've been stopped on my motor bike many times here in Phuket at the set up check points.....

I always put on my helmet before the visible checkpoint...Along with lots of thais stopped there waiting for the check point to finish i assume because they are wanted by the law or have no papers....funny too see..

I have no licence, but show them my Employee ID with picture and company name and address and when asked i tell them this is my Companies international driving licence that allows me too drive company vehicles all over the world....works everytime never been asked for any money either...

Then about a 100 meters past the check point take off my helmet and im on my way....


Why carry a helmet if your not going to use it only for police checkups. The whole point would be not to have to take it with you.

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Driving long distances I always see to it that I have plenty of 100 Baht bills in case I get stopped, often they just don't take the trouble saying you violated some rule when you hand over money right away. 100 Baht or at the most 200 should do the trick. On the Bangkok-Surat Thani leg once I got stopped 4 times or so, but also often enough I got through without being stopped at all. Just pay, and if you don't like situations like this consider setttling in Switzerland.

As far as this is concerned, settling in Switzerland ? Not really. The police here is also entangled in a "Fine-Frenzie".

= In order that they do not need too much "Tax-Money" (politically incorrect), they finance themselves (salary) to a good part with "fines". (= indirect self-financing).

= In Thailand: The salary is so low that they have to "finance themselves" also. But this time: "direct" self-financing as opposed to "indirect" self-financing as applied in Switzerland.

To me, the end-result seems to be the same. Isen't it ?


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I believe its a shit load of paper work for them to jail a foreigner , and the embassy has to be notified......... most is bluff, bluff back.

i thought it was harldy any paper work and down to more or less officer,and he is the only one who can deal with the release. monkey house for farangs is no hassle for them then it is for a Thai, and British Embassy dont give a rats ass.

was it a KSR as a matter of interest. had the exhaust been modified.

Edited by NALAK
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On the 4 April I was out at Puttamonton, had a police emergency, so rang the tourist police on 1155-number was out-of-service, then rang 191. I asked the copper who answered, if he or anyone there would speak to me in English. He responded with, "Kwoi krap. Kwoi!"

I said, "What's kwoi?" He sniggered together with his friends and said "fuc_k!". I was dumbfounded! Amazing Thailand!

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Along with lots of thais stopped there waiting for the check point to finish i assume because they are wanted by the law or have no papers....funny too see..

Last week, here in Bangkok, saw some strung out yaba freaks in the same situation. Police are conducting urine tests at many places now. Just got to watch out for the 'runners'! Lately, there seems to be a pandemic of out-of-control yabaa freaks. That's one thing that Thaksin cwetainly knew how to get under control, but... :hit-the-fan: .

Edited by somchaismith
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If you were not breaking the law and had a completely stock bike you should not have backed down. I have never heard of them escalating to actual jail when it is a scam. I have always heard them back down unless you get angry and insulting, just stay calm and refuse, ask politely to demonstrate to you which part is modified etc and counter them at every turn.

He said it was the muffler, that it was longer than normal. Total scam. I was not intending to back down, but they had my driver's license. The tourist police guy said they could be up to all kinds of nasty tricks, and with the officers hostility I felt it was very plausible right there and then. For all I know they could plant some drugs on me or something like that.

Like some of you has mentioned, best way to resolve such situations is to keep your calm and be polite. I agree, but after a while I lost it and got really angry and quite confrontational. My bad, I know, but it was extremely hard to keep cool when you have this axxhole lying to you straight in the face. Anyway, not even sure it made a difference. It took a while before I lost it, and he seemed intent on going through with the scam.


Id ask him what the "normal" measurement was on the exhaust would have been hilariuous didnt realise all bikes had an exhaust the same size ie "normal":lol:

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I've been stopped on my motor bike many times here in Phuket at the set up check points.....

I always put on my helmet before the visible checkpoint...Along with lots of thais stopped there waiting for the check point to finish i assume because they are wanted by the law or oo see..

Then about a 100 meters past the check point take off my helmet and im on my way....


Motor bike helmets are suppose to be worn at all times while riding, the intention is to try and minimise head injuries in times of accident....:whistling: , your attitude to wearing a hemet, suggests you already have a head injury and one of the symptons has manifested itself as stupidity.....:rolleyes: .........if something happens one day and you get yourself in an accident only yourself to blame

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I believe its a shit load of paper work for them to jail a foreigner , and the embassy has to be notified......... most is bluff, bluff back.

i thought it was harldy any paper work and down to more or less officer,and he is the only one who can deal with the release. monkey house for farangs is no hassle for them then it is for a Thai, and British Embassy dont give a rats ass.

was it a KSR as a matter of interest. had the exhaust been modified.

Well, it was a cop who told me......I tried to get a german locked up who wilfully and with intent whilst drunk ( i recon he was on drugs too )damaged my property. I do speak good Thai, and am not a push over with the cops.

After being told to sort it out outside (hint hint)......... I dutifully did :) The fine for thumping someone around with a few bruises is only 500 baht......( if there is evidence of course). Mr obstinate loud mouth soon accepted his responsibility and coughed up

In hind sight my actions were childish, but at the heat of the moment and having spent from 2 am till 8am in the cops shop, both my wife and i were getting to end of our patience. Trying to escape, he ran across the road like a headless chicken and got side swiped by a car - fortunately not run over. Not sure I could live with my self if he did.

Lesson learned, even something simple can have un-expected outcomes, and its not worth the 15,000 baht damage.

Edited by skippybangkok
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Well basically he was a short termer who thinks Thailand is the land of Anarchy and you can do anything you want, including throwing stuff at cars in a drunken stupor after new years eve. His logic was " you should not have been driving down Sukhumvit , so it's your own fault" .

Outside when I pressed him to take ownership, he stood toe to toes and nose to nose w me trying to intimidate me. Took a (add your own words ) .. him and he started running away and screaming like a little girl. When he fell took the opportunity to drive a message further home ....

After the "lecture" he quickly handed over his ID to me so I knew his name and settled some of the disputed amount.

My experience, the cops are worthless, and unless it makes $ for them , they are not interested

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I've been stopped on my motor bike many times here in Phuket at the set up check points.....

I always put on my helmet before the visible checkpoint...Along with lots of thais stopped there waiting for the check point to finish i assume because they are wanted by the law or have no papers....funny too see..

I have no licence, but always show the police man my Employee ID with picture and company name and address and when asked i tell them this is my Companies international driving licence that allows me too drive company vehicles all over the world....works everytime never been asked for any money either...

Then about a 100 meters past the check point take off my helmet and im on my way....


You sir, are a fool. Phuket has one of the highest death tolls and you insist on going out of your way to ensure that WHEN Somchai hits you (not if) you will die. Nitwit, no point even posting this as you are probably already dead and can't read it.

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"What a great way to garner respect"

I could care less if anyone Thai or otherwise respect me. I respect them and am willing to admit that I don't have a clue of how to deal with them. If something is wrong with my car I take it to an expert, simple.

What do you do??

Unbolt the number plate & run - just like the local guys do. If it means going up on the sidewalk so be it.


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Unbolt the numberplate and run?

So you keep a numberplate and the cops keep your bike? - very unsound advice.

Carry 120bt in 20's in one pocket and the rest in another. If hassled, produce your crumpled 120 and hey presto - thats all they'll take.

All in all in almost ten years I've only come across 2 VERY dark police here. Both of those occasions I opted to "phone a friend" something I would never do lightly. On the whole, while the whole system is indeed corrupt, I find the police here to be approachable and good humoured - unlike the robocops they have in the UK now.

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Eleven years of driving in Thailand and I have been to all the hot spots, where the popos dont carry handguns but full Auto riffles with plenty of spare magazines, some checkpoints have APC's parked by the side.

And have I mentioned that I am black?

I have never been extorted, I have made donations for speeding, and other minor traffic violations.

Sometimes I am alone or with company, never been hassled by the cops.

this songkran I went to Chiang rai and then to Pu chi fa and back to Bkk, no one stopped me and they saw very well I was not thai.

Even when I get pulled for a ticket in Bkk, they dont accept donation from me, without asking me what I do and where I work.

My ex always tells me most Thais see me as a drill sergeant, too serious. Thats before they get to know the real softie that I am.

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If you choose to be the poster boy for stupid farang, have at it.

Err hello pot!!!!!!!

'I could care less if anyone Thai or otherwise respect me. I respect them and am willing to admit that I don't have a clue of how to deal with them.'

If you think that not paying trumped up traffic 'bribes' constitutes being a stupid farang, then i think it is you, not I that is the 'stupid Farang'

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'I live in east Pattaya and I'm getting stopped on my motorbike almost every time I go out now.'

1. Er Why???

'I ride a new Yamaha with a red plate in my wife's name.'

2. Err Why? no visa? No work permit???

I don't even know what papers I have or if there the correct ones.

3. Err Why??? Bit stupid if your getting stopped "everytime I go out"

'I conducted a little test. I have a photo of the family of the cop who was killed in BKK with a 100 baht bill wraped in it and I offered it to him asking if he could get it to the family.'

4. which cop???? So using a dead cops picture to get out of a traffic violation is ok in your books?

'I've already made a donation to the family at the Pattaya police station where it was met with a impressive degree of gratitude and respect.'

5. Your either a serious bullshitter or a serious kiss ass!

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1. I get stopped every time I go out because there are cops on the side of the road waving me over. Pretty simple really

2. The bike is in my wifes name because it is just easier that way. My old one was in my name and it was a pain to get it that way. Seems like a nobrainer to me.

3. A copy of my passport with my visa is in the paperwork. Also in the paperwork is the bike stuff, all in Thai. If you read Thai good on you. I don't and so I rely on my wife.

4. Obviously you have a reading comprehension problem. I showed the picture of the dead cops family with the 100 baht bill to test if he would take it and validate all of the disrespectful remarks made about them. He didn't and my opinion of Thai cops, based on MY experence is intact. I was not violating any laws and thus was waved on.

5. I made the donation for the cop's family because I thought it was the right thing to do. People who risk harm to protect another are heros in my book. Anyone who has ever done it will agree. You are obviously not one of them. Your right about me being a bullshitter. There are times when it has come in quite handy. As for being a kiss ass I can promise you that you wouldn't say that to my face. Nobody has said anything like that to my face since I was kicking bully's asses on the playground at 5 years old. The toughest men I know, and I've known a few know when to stand, when to walk away and when to run like hell. Pussy's are the only ones who don't know the difference.

As for who might be a stupid farang, up to me.

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'I made the donation for the cop's family because I thought it was the right thing to do. People who risk harm to protect another are heros in my book. Anyone who has ever done it will agree.'

1. How is a traffic cop who turns up for a 40 minute 'sting' at a roadblock a hero?????

' As for being a kiss ass I can promise you that you wouldn't say that to my face.'

2. Is this a "come on then if you think your hard enough" comment??? A lot of the fuc_kwit tattoo fraternity of Pattaya use this one!!

Nobody has said anything like that to my face since I was kicking bully's asses on the playground at 5 years old.

3. let me guess..................................."i came from the mean streets of the bronx????

'The toughest men I know, and I've known a few know when to stand, when to walk away and when to run like hell.

4. Isnt that from a Kenny Rogers song??? 'The Gambler'? bit of a softee song for a hard man like you

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You win wistleblower. You have clearly beaten me with "experence" so this is one of those times I will walk away.

There was a day when I would call a fool like you out, but I got wisdom. I learned that men with a mouth like yours have had their ass kicked and will get their ass kicked in the future. See that saves me a lot of trouble (It's the whole wisdom thing). Consider your next one a proxy gift from me.

Good luck, bub

Edited by trisailer
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I've been stopped on my motor bike many times here in Phuket at the set up check points.....

I always put on my helmet before the visible checkpoint...Along with lots of thais stopped there waiting for the check point to finish i assume because they are wanted by the law or oo see..

Then about a 100 meters past the check point take off my helmet and im on my way....


Motor bike helmets are suppose to be worn at all times while riding, the intention is to try and minimise head injuries in times of accident....:whistling: , your attitude to wearing a hemet, suggests you already have a head injury and one of the symptons has manifested itself as stupidity.....:rolleyes: .........if something happens one day and you get yourself in an accident only yourself to blame

The topic is about being Robbed by the police.....

Not about helmet laws in Thailand or head injury's...

atacking somebody with off topic remarks is showing your stupidity mate.....

Helmet or no helmet...

Think before you post..

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The response varied from "you must pay" to "illegal in Thailand" to threats of elevating the case!!! I also spoke to a tourist police volunteer that was present that could do nothing (not even speak Thai).

:lol: I have a met a few too that couldn't speak Thai.

Everything action in life has a consequence - if you choose to live in a large brothel, accept that some of the consequences will be not to your liking.

Were you wearing a shirt?

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