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I'd like to get peoples opinions on how well or bad their dedicated GPS devices work while driving in Bangkok and Thailand in general and what devices they have / recommend.

My device is a Garmin Nuvi 660 (about 4 years old now - maybe that's the problem). Anyway when I used it in the UK it was perfect -- never missed a beat, had all service stations, hotels; never sent me the wrong way; if I missed a turn it would recalculate another route instantly with no lag.

As I bought the unit in the UK it only came with Europe maps loaded. -- so I bought the Southeast Asia City Navigator map from Garmin.com ( £85 -- probably all the device is worth now). Anyway driving from Phuket to Bangkok for the first time it made several recommendations to go the wrong way (I was traveling with a friend who knew the route). It was like the device couldn't think fast enough and roads that have road works and temporary forks where it isn't immediately clear which is straight on it would tell you you had gone on the wrong way maybe 300 metres down the road you'd taken, and often would tell you you'd gone the wrong way when you had not. I didn't want to ask my friend the way as I wanted to see if the device could be relied upon when traveling on my own -- in all if made about 6 major balls ups / incorrect recommendations getting to the outskirts of Bangkok.

When I got to Bangkok it was total garbage; it had absolutely no clue; had very few hotels listed, no filling stations and I would never have got me to my destination (followed a taxi in the end). While following the taxi (my friend was in cab) I gave up counting after a dozen wrong recommendations. Pretty certain the cabbie was not taking the scenic route ( I have a rough idea of where I'm going but not sure enough), the fare was what I would have assumed and it was not rush hour -- no reason for the taxi to go a special route.

I'd like to get other peoples experiences and try work out whether my device is a dud or this is typical story with southeast Asia maps / GPS. I logged a ticket with Garmin asking why it is pretty useless here but was perfect in the UK and why my phone has all filling stations listed and nearly all hotels (using GPS only -- no wireless or internet / Google maps) and the Garmin does not.


Which version? Which year SEA NAV? I have 2010 and so far not one problem. Took it with me on a Tuk-Tuk ride and it was telling me which back streets to take getting back to my condo inn english. The driver was cracking up laughing because it was right. He took a couple of wrong turns deliberately and it recaluted it correctly. Driver wanted to buy mine. Sorry...I need it. had a 2005 version and I did have occasional problems with it.


Take a look to see if the ESRI Thailand map will work on your system, it's the map that official Garmin units sold in Thailand are supplied with.


Which version? Which year SEA NAV? I have 2010 and so far not one problem. Took it with me on a Tuk-Tuk ride and it was telling me which back streets to take getting back to my condo inn english. The driver was cracking up laughing because it was right. He took a couple of wrong turns deliberately and it recaluted it correctly. Driver wanted to buy mine. Sorry...I need it. had a 2005 version and I did have occasional problems with it.

Thanks a lot for the advice. I think you may have pointed out the problem. It was 2006 when I bought it - model is Nuvi 660". When I look at the selected map info I'm using now it says "City Navigator Southeastern Asia NT v6.0 [1] SEA_NT_2010Q3"

Yet when I look at the deselected city navigator below for Europe it says "City Navigator Europe NT v9 [1] ALL

So I'm guessing not having ALL on the southeast Asia map is the problem ? Does yours say the same as mine or does it say ALL ? When I looked to buy the map from Garmin I'm sure this was the only one to choose for this region.


Take a look to see if the ESRI Thailand map will work on your system, it's the map that official Garmin units sold in Thailand are supplied with.

thanks -- will have a look for that.


Which version? Which year SEA NAV? I have 2010 and so far not one problem. Took it with me on a Tuk-Tuk ride and it was telling me which back streets to take getting back to my condo inn english. The driver was cracking up laughing because it was right. He took a couple of wrong turns deliberately and it recaluted it correctly. Driver wanted to buy mine. Sorry...I need it. had a 2005 version and I did have occasional problems with it.

Thanks a lot for the advice. I think you may have pointed out the problem. It was 2006 when I bought it - model is Nuvi 660". When I look at the selected map info I'm using now it says "City Navigator Southeastern Asia NT v6.0 [1] SEA_NT_2010Q3"

Yet when I look at the deselected city navigator below for Europe it says "City Navigator Europe NT v9 [1] ALL

So I'm guessing not having ALL on the southeast Asia map is the problem ? Does yours say the same as mine or does it say ALL ? When I looked to buy the map from Garmin I'm sure this was the only one to choose for this region.

Have you updated the Garmin itself? There should be a system update to it. Check the Garmin site. There is a basic USA or European map update but it also costs money once it's a over year old. You can download directly for the Garmin site. The SEA Nav sounds like it is the correct version for 2010. There is now a 2011 version for $99 at Garmin and $70 at another site. When you update the Garmin you need to remove the map chip or it won't install. All the updating can be done via Internet and install depends on your connection speed. One other point, I don't know about the 660 but all the models have different features and may work well with one but not another. That's also a possibility.


Yes had to update the Garmin first (done in Jan 11). Then bought SE Asia map as a direct download from Garmin.com. It installed no problem -- not following you re: removal of the map chip. I'm not using an SD card if that's what you mean, there's enough room on the device as it is.

I only bought the SE Asia map at the end of January 2011 and it is garbage and does not work -- I'm not paying another dime to Garmin. It was £85 in January; it cant be the case that I have to buy another map (£170 annually) to have a functioning Garmin.


Yes had to update the Garmin first (done in Jan 11). Then bought SE Asia map as a direct download from Garmin.com. It installed no problem -- not following you re: removal of the map chip. I'm not using an SD card if that's what you mean, there's enough room on the device as it is.

I only bought the SE Asia map at the end of January 2011 and it is garbage and does not work -- I'm not paying another dime to Garmin. It was £85 in January; it cant be the case that I have to buy another map (£170 annually) to have a functioning Garmin.

I've logged another support call with Garmin -- they've been pretty underhanded. They are offering an update to the southeast Asia map for another $99 . The offered version is 6.5, mine is 6.0 which I downloaded the end of January 2011; despite the the release date of v 6.5 pre-dating my map download:

Version: v6.5

Released: Dec, 2010

Part Number: 010-D0974-00

If that isn't an outright scam I don't know what is.


I would buy from here in Thailand. You can get the updated v11.0 on various websites. Also, they are releasing v11.1 within this week, so you might want to wait, but I am sure it will not be a major update. BTW, I am using a very old Garmin Nuvi 270 that I bought in the US at least 5 or 6 years ago with Thailand map v8.0 and I seldom have had problems in the last couple of years. I just updated tonight to v11.0 and will be testing it out tomorrow. Even so, the old version worked fine for me. Check your settings also, do you have Avoidances on (tollway, u-turns, etc.)? This does definitely make a difference on your route. When I use it on my motorcycle, I turn avoidances on to avoid driving illegally on the tollways, but turn them off in the truck. I also set mine to fastest route, and that makes a difference also as opposed to other routes. The only real problem I have had is that it does not know when I am driving on the elevated portion of the road or the main road underneath. But it sorts itself out eventually.

I would like to upgrade to a new model with intersection views and lane assist, but mine works so well know I can't justify it unless I gift my old one to my brother. He definitely needs it.


I would buy from here in Thailand. You can get the updated v11.0 on various websites. Also, they are releasing v11.1 within this week, so you might want to wait, but I am sure it will not be a major update. BTW, I am using a very old Garmin Nuvi 270 that I bought in the US at least 5 or 6 years ago with Thailand map v8.0 and I seldom have had problems in the last couple of years. I just updated tonight to v11.0 and will be testing it out tomorrow. Even so, the old version worked fine for me. Check your settings also, do you have Avoidances on (tollway, u-turns, etc.)? This does definitely make a difference on your route. When I use it on my motorcycle, I turn avoidances on to avoid driving illegally on the tollways, but turn them off in the truck. I also set mine to fastest route, and that makes a difference also as opposed to other routes. The only real problem I have had is that it does not know when I am driving on the elevated portion of the road or the main road underneath. But it sorts itself out eventually.

I would like to upgrade to a new model with intersection views and lane assist, but mine works so well know I can't justify it unless I gift my old one to my brother. He definitely needs it.

Thanks for the advice. If I have to buy a new device so be it. But despite being 4 and bit years old it's perfectly serviceable and never missed a beat in Europe; it just works as it should, I then spend $140 on an out of date map that doesn't work and then they want to hit me up for $99 for a map I should have had in the first place. I've vented my spleen to support and will see what they come back with. You only ever find out what a company is like when something goes wrong -- and my experience with Garmin soon as I had any contact with them all of it has been awful.

When I do buy another device it will probably be a tom tom.


I have a Garmin nuvi 1350 that was purchased in Malaysia. How do I get the Thai maps on it?

If you're in BKK take your device to ERSI main office. As mentioned above the newer version 11.1 is coming soon so might be best to wait for that. Takes them about 45 mins to install. The wonderful Little Home Bakery is in the ground floor while you wait.


I had a 270 until some one stole it right after I got here. But I fixed them. Called Garmin with the reg and ser # and Police report. No problem, if who ever has it, ever updates on line or installs on line, they'll disable it. And they'll tell from what location they are at so the Police (fat chance :cheesy:) will arrest them.:cheesy:


I would buy from here in Thailand. You can get the updated v11.0 on various websites. Also, they are releasing v11.1 within this week, so you might want to wait, but I am sure it will not be a major update. BTW, I am using a very old Garmin Nuvi 270 that I bought in the US at least 5 or 6 years ago with Thailand map v8.0 and I seldom have had problems in the last couple of years. I just updated tonight to v11.0 and will be testing it out tomorrow. Even so, the old version worked fine for me. Check your settings also, do you have Avoidances on (tollway, u-turns, etc.)? This does definitely make a difference on your route. When I use it on my motorcycle, I turn avoidances on to avoid driving illegally on the tollways, but turn them off in the truck. I also set mine to fastest route, and that makes a difference also as opposed to other routes. The only real problem I have had is that it does not know when I am driving on the elevated portion of the road or the main road underneath. But it sorts itself out eventually.

I would like to upgrade to a new model with intersection views and lane assist, but mine works so well know I can't justify it unless I gift my old one to my brother. He definitely needs it.

You mention you use your 270 on your bike -- scooter or proper motorbike ? I 'd like to use mine on bike too and the only way I can think to do so is make sure it has a full charge and use a bluetooth headset (small ear bud type so no problem with helmet) and stuff the device in the drinks holder with a bit of foam and just get spoken directions only.

What I was wondering was if anyone has been a bit more ambitious and fashioned a motorbike mount -- I had a look in MBK and didn't see anything. I know there are special smaller devices designed just for bikes but it would be good if I can use existing one for car and bike.

Maybe I'm being too ambitious but it would be great if I could achieve the following and wonder if anyone else has:

1. Portable mount (can be used on scooter I own and easy to put on a rental bike for a long ride)

2. Quick to take just the device out leaving the mount (thief proof)

3. Waterproofing

4. Power -- not too difficult on bike you own, but needs some thought for rental bike (maybe some kind of battery that can give the Garmin a full charge once or twice (similar to those they have for mobile phones)

All thoughts and opinions welcome -- even if they're forget it you fool ;-)

  • 2 weeks later...

GPS shops will update the map to the most recent version for b300 :)

Where do I find a GPS shop in Bangkok? I checked the link referenced above and they charge B2000 for the latest Thai map.

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