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Use A D-Link Adsl Router On 3Bb Internet Line

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I would like to use a D-Link ADSL router instead my 3BB provided router.

But all the internet connection information is preprogrammed into the 3BB provided router.

Is it possible to setup a D-Link router so i don't have to use the 3BB router ?


My 3BB service has a Huawei gateway, which is a modem and wireless router, with a single wire port. Anyway, if you just buy a router you would need a modem to connect it to or use the gateway as the modem and connect the router to the wired port and turn off the wireless LAN or some routers you can connect wirelessly and "piggyback," to extend your signal area. I also got the wired modem as well because it was so cheap. The wireless router works okay, it doesn't have a lot of RF output, so the signal doesn't go as far as my Linksys wireless router. But you can use any ADSL gateway or an ADSL modem and router on 3BB.

To see your settings in the unit you have, type: into the address of your browser. It will ask for a user name and password. User name: admin, password: 3bb. Click on Basic on the left. Click on WAN and you'll see your user name and where the password is entered and the settings. When you got your installation done, they gave you a paper with your user name and password, you'll need those to set up and log into the internet through a new router. You will also have to set the LAN setting on the new router as well. It's pretty easy.

What's wrong with the Huawei? It seems to work okay and it's 802.11 B, G and N compatible...


I don't have the Huawai but the crappy Billion adsl router from 3BB.

Luckily i still have the papers from 3BB with all the information but i did not know if i could use another adsl router for my 3BB connection.


I don't have the Huawai but the crappy Billion adsl router from 3BB.

Luckily i still have the papers from 3BB with all the information but i did not know if i could use another adsl router for my 3BB connection.

When I got connected to internet 3 year ago (at that time, they called themselves TT&T), the modem they provided me with didn't work, and after camplaining 3 times without any help I bouht myself a combined ADSL modem and router from D-Link, and it worked great. Later I have changed to a Belkin ADSL modem and router, with better password encryption and easier setup routines.

But your will have no problems as long as you have the username and password from 3BB. Good luck!


I had a DLink before and was not very happy, because it was running very hot (quick aging) and the internal routing tables tended to fill up quickly, somehow there seems to be no "garbage collection". If you run applications which need a lot of connections, the longest usable uptime for these routers is near about 3 to 5 days, depending on traffic. Wireless range is not very exciting, too.

From DLink I switched to SMC Barricade SMC7904DRA2, which is real crap, even worse than DLink, you can fry eggs on it and reboot every other day.

Now I got a TPLink TD-W8901G, which is doing a quite good job (reboot every two weeks), but if it fails I will replace it by a Linksys, preferable running DD-WRT as firmware.


Can anyone tell me how to change the password on a Huawei MT880 router?

The password for you wireless LAN I'm guessing. Follow the steps I provided in my post above to get into the router, click Basic, click Wireless LAN and it has a place where your broadcast ID (SSID) and password (pre shared key) are. You can change them there, under encryption, pre shared key is the password. Depending on the type of encryption you use, you will have to use a certain number of numbers or letters. Press submit at the bottom. Hope this helps...

PS: I just looked and mine is the same model number, most routers are similar. If it isn't from 3BB, I don't know your router administration user name and password or if you have changed them...

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