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'Red Power' Editor Somyos Arrested On Lese Majeste Charges

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Buchholz post='4393018

It's about revolutionary context. And for the proposed extensions beyond them.

It's just lefty agitprop nonsense which is ignored - or at least tolerated - in most civilised democratic countries (ie excepting North Korea, China etc) just as is the reactionary cheerleading for repression which others are associated.

In the examples you give (actually pretty harmless anyway) there's actually nothing directly linking Somyos although as usual you have found him guilty in advance.

K. Somyos as editor / publisher can be directly linked and made responsable for the contents of the magazine he publishes.

As for the 'lefty agitprop nonsense which is ignored' you probably mean 'which should be ignored' even if it's published in the Voice of Taksin :ermm:

The problem is, it is not being ignored by it's target audience. IF it were just some far left students trying on their professors Socialism 103 class arguments on for size with their fellow students, you are right, it likely wouldn't be bothered with. But this is clearly part of a concerted Red Faction effort to bring down central pillars of Thai society, that MOST of Thai society is behind 100%. Yes, as said above if ANYONE in Thailand was guilty of blatant LM it's this smiling fool.

Either way, he is under indictment and fund raising goal or not,

he is not allowed to leave the country.

Not much more can be said on his detention.

And in your reply you unwittingly destroy your own argument.You rightly say Thai society is 100% behind the central pillars.So why propagate and then implement laws (usually on ridiculously inadequate evidence) which undermine them? I should also point out that public discussion about reasonable reform, (specifically the need to end exploitation for political ends by opportunists such as Thaksin, Prayuth and even Abhisit) is not LM.

Try to read using both hemispheres,

and then not quote out of context.

"the central pillars of Thai society,

that MOST of Thai society is behind 100%"

Most of the thai people are

behind the institution 100%

not 100% of the Thai people are behind the institution

My argument is intact, your attack on it is in ashes on the killing floor (comme d'habitude / as usual).

Edited by animatic
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"We're fighting for the right to be human,"

He is obviously NOT HUMAN along with his master 666 Taksin both are what is known as "The Devil in incarnate" "The Devil in human form" "The epitome of evil" The smile has reveled to the world he IS NOT HUMAN be careful -a great evil is to soon come upon the world, an evil worse than the Nazi holocaust, an evil that few can even comprehend. this coming horror in the first of two raptures. Its started, Oh my god. :o

Calling others names is the heaveist stone a SATAN can throw..... :ph34r:

He was being either ironic or sarcastic. Not literal.

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"We're fighting for the right to be human,"

He is obviously NOT HUMAN along with his master 666 Taksin both are what is known as "The Devil in incarnate" "The Devil in human form" "The epitome of evil" The smile has reveled to the world he IS NOT HUMAN be careful -a great evil is to soon come upon the world, an evil worse than the Nazi holocaust, an evil that few can even comprehend. this coming horror in the first of two raptures. Its started, Oh my god. :o

Calling others names is the heaveist stone a SATAN can throw..... :ph34r:

He was being either ironic or sarcastic. Not literal.

Yes if we cant laugh we have to cry.

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My argument is intact, your attack on it is in ashes on the killing floor (comme d'habitude / as usual).[/i]

I suggest we allow others to be the judge of that.

Somehow I doubt you would accept my judgment in this :D

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My argument is intact, your attack on it is in ashes on the killing floor (comme d'habitude / as usual).[/i]

I suggest we allow others to be the judge of that.

Somehow I doubt you would accept my judgment in this :D

Actually I would, although I suspect I know what it would be.What's always refreshing is when a member with a long history of peddling one particular view comes up with something new and interesting, or even a recognition that nobody has a monopoly of wisdom , that nobody is totally evil (or totally virtuous) and that there are shades of grey.Sometimes it happens.

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What is happening is a skirmish. The reds are trying to lay down an activist network which will go ballistic once there is the realisation that they are not going to win the election and the ballot is junked. They will cry fake before the ballot. The polls are already telling Thaksin bad news and the dumping of the old PTP leadership in favour of moving in the hard reds is an indication of one part of the preparation already under way. Somyos will be a part of the jigsaw. Those who are splitting are doing so because they know what's going on. The state is using various tactics to nip the red preparations in the bud. In short Thaksin wants to have another go at bringing down the establishment in his favour and the election is his sling-shot (so he thinks). Those such as Somyos will be scheming that Thaksin is being forced to move to the left (don't laugh) and therefore opening up the opportunity for a revolution. What he doesn't appreciate is that he is the donkey and Thaksin is the jockey and not vice versa.

Edited by yoshiwara
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What is happening is a skirmish. The reds are trying to lay down an activist network which will go ballistic once there is the realisation that they are not going to win the election and the ballot is junked. They will cry fake before the ballot. The polls are already telling Thaksin bad news and the dumping of the old PTP leadership in favour of moving in the hard reds is an indication of one part of the preparation already under way. Somyos will be a part of the jigsaw. Those who are splitting are doing so because they know what's going on. The state is using various tactics to nip the red preparations in the bud. In short Thaksin wants to have another go at bringing down the establishment in his favour and the election is his sling-shot (so he thinks). Those such as Somyos will be scheming that Thaksin is being forced to move to the left (don't laugh) and therefore opening up the opportunity for a revolution. What he doesn't appreciate is that he is the donkey and Thaksin is the jockey and not vice versa.

It just happened!

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I suggest we allow others to be the judge of that.

Somehow I doubt you would accept my judgment in this :D

Actually I would, although I suspect I know what it would be.What's always refreshing is when a member with a long history of peddling one particular view comes up with something new and interesting, or even a recognition that nobody has a monopoly of wisdom , that nobody is totally evil (or totally virtuous) and that there are shades of grey.Sometimes it happens.

Alternatively rubl could have come across as smug and condescending "a la" ( this is me being ironic here - couldn't find a smiley for ironic)

Try to read using both hemispheres,

and then not quote out of context.

My argument is intact, your attack on it is in ashes on the killing floor (comme d'habitude / as usual).

I prefer rubls approach even if I don't agree with him often..........

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Alternatively rubl could have come across as smug and condescending "a la" ( this is me being ironic here - couldn't find a smiley for ironic)


I prefer rubls approach even if I don't agree with him often..........

Smug as in self-satisfied, complacent ? Condescending as in patronizing, kind to inferiors ? Me, the wondering type ?

My dear chap, as a genuine Dutch uncle I'm just providing the well-meaning, unwanted advice you should not only be bound to expect, but almost be entitled to by law ;)

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DSI to oppose bail bid for Red Shirt Somyos

BANGKOK, May 1 - Thailand's Department of Special Investigation (DSI) said on Sunday it will oppose to the bail bid of Red Shirt leader Somyos Prueksakasemsuk detained on lese majeste charge, citing concern over possible flight.

The DSI director-general Tharit Pengdit made the remarks as the department investigators and prosecutor interrogated Mr Somyos today; the department will seek the court's permission to detain him on Monday.

Karom Pontaklang, lawyer of the 'Red Shirt' United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), said on Sunday that his client Mr Somyos denied all the accusations made during the investigation and that he will seek bail with Bt1 million in collateral.

Whether or not Mr Somyos will be granted bail depends on the court's consideration, but DSI will oppose his bail attempt as he has been summoned three times, but failed to turn up to report himself until he was arrested while attempting to cross the border to Cambodia, according to Mr Tharit.

The DSI chief however said Mr Somyos has been transferred to a safehouse after Red Shirt supporters gathered at the DSI headquarters last night to pressure officials.

Mr Tharit said Mr Somyos will be sent to Bangkok Remand Prison once the court approves the detention.

The Red Shirt activist was detained at Aranyaprathet border crossing in Sa Kaeo province on Saturday afternoon when he was about to leave the country at the immigration checkpoint but his name was on the immigration blacklist.

Active Red Shirt member Somyos is a core leader of a Red Shirt affiliate group called June 24 Democracy and editor-in-chief of a biweekly magazine titled 'Voice of Thaksin.'


-- TNA 2011-05-01

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Sure a lot of blather about something we will never know.

Lese M charges can never reveal the actual root cause of the charge to the public, for in revealing it you are committing LM. Like the rest of thaivisa members I take it on faith this charge was made in the fairness, honesty, and vast integrity that characterize the Thai legal and Police organizations.

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Court reject Somyos' bail request

The Criminal Court Monday rejected the request of Somyos Prueksakasemsuk, a red-shirt leader, to be released on bial.

His lawyer offered a plot land worth Bt1.69 million as a guarantee for his bail but the court rejected the request on ground that he was charged with having attempts to destabilise the national security and committing actions deemed detrimental to the monarchy.

Somyos, a leader of the 24 June for Democracy group, will be sent to the Bangkok Remand Prison pending charging in court.


-- The Nation 2011-05-02

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Court reject Somyos' bail request

The Criminal Court Monday rejected the request of Somyos Prueksakasemsuk, a red-shirt leader, to be released on bial.

His lawyer offered a plot land worth Bt1.69 million as a guarantee for his bail but the court rejected the request on ground that he was charged with having attempts to destabilise the national security and committing actions deemed detrimental to the monarchy.

Somyos, a leader of the 24 June for Democracy group, will be sent to the Bangkok Remand Prison pending charging in court.


-- The Nation 2011-05-02

One down ...... 18+ to go!

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Somyos, a leader of the 24 June for Democracy group, will be sent to the Bangkok Remand Prison pending charging in court.

The court agreed with DSI's request to detain him for another 12 days, until May 13th. Red Shirt Lawyer Karom was unable to convince the court that his client wouldn't flee as he was caught at the border leaving Thailand and had failed to answer three previous arrest warrants.

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Sure a lot of blather about something we will never know.

Lese M charges can never reveal the actual root cause of the charge to the public, for in revealing it you are committing LM. Like the rest of thaivisa members I take it on faith this charge was made in the fairness, honesty, and vast integrity that characterize the Thai legal and Police organizations.

In line with the above, "a democratic movement called for the LM law to be repealed. The call was made at the office of Red Power magazine at the red-shirt headquarters, Imperial Lad Phrao, in Bangkok. According to Red Power editor Somyos Phrueksakasemsuk, the Democracy Network, made up of groups and individuals supporting the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship, are campaigning to abolish the lèse majesté law, or Article 112 of the Criminal Code, as it has been politically abused."


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Somyos, a leader of the 24 June for Democracy group, will be sent to the Bangkok Remand Prison pending charging in court.

The court agreed with DSI's request to detain him for another 12 days, until May 13th. Red Shirt Lawyer Karom was unable to convince the court that his client wouldn't flee as he was caught at the border leaving Thailand and had failed to answer three previous arrest warrants.

That doesn't bode well for Arisaman :)

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Somyos, a leader of the 24 June for Democracy group, will be sent to the Bangkok Remand Prison pending charging in court.

The court agreed with DSI's request to detain him for another 12 days, until May 13th. Red Shirt Lawyer Karom was unable to convince the court that his client wouldn't flee as he was caught at the border leaving Thailand and had failed to answer three previous arrest warrants.

That doesn't bode well for Arisaman :)

He better hurry up and turn himself in if he is going to make the Pheu Thai Party list.... the House is dissolving this Friday.

"Among people in the list of Pheu Thai party-list MP candidates are Jatuporn Promphan, Natthawut Saikua, Arisman Pongruangrong, Kokaew Pikulthong, Wisa Kanthap, Chinawat Habunpad."


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From prior to the court ruling earlier today:


Detention Sought for Red-Shirt Editor over Lese Majeste Publications

Investigators today are seeking the court's approval to detain a red-shirt core leader on charges of lese majeste after the editor of a red-shirt magazine published articles about the monarchy.

The Department Special Investigation, or DSI, and a commando unit of the Crime Suppression Division escorted the Executive Editor of 'Voice of Taksin' Magazine, Somyos Plueksakasemsuk, to the Criminal Court to seek permission for an initial detention period of 12 days, between May 2 and 13.

Investigators said that several issues of the magazine from February 2009 through March of this year, contained content mentioning the monarchy in inappropriate ways.

The investigators are requesting that the suspect not be released on bail given that their examination is still underway, as they are fearful that he will try to escape or manipulate evidence.

A red-shirt lawyer meanwhile post a title deed of a land plot estimated to be worth 1.6 million baht as bail for Somyos' release and filed a statement opposing the investigators' detention petition.

Somyos was arrested in Sa Kaew Province's Arrnayaprathet District on April 30 while he was crossing Thai border into Cambodia.


-- Tan Network 2011-05-02


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Red Power, April, 2010 The cover reads: The Russian Revolution - The anti-royalists in the early of the 20th century - History will not forgive us if we do not seize the power at this moment.

Thailand Business News - May 3, 2011


The editor of the bi-monthly Voice of Thaksin (which was banned in 2010 and which was subsequently replaced by Red Power), Somyos was arrested in May 2010 following the final assault on the “Red Shirt” opposition demonstrators and was held for three weeks

Thailand Business News - May 3, 2011

Red Shirts editor faces Lèse-majesté charges

Thailand’s Department of Special Investigation (DSI) said on Sunday it will oppose the bail bid of Red Shirt leader Somyos Prueksakasemsuk detained on lese majeste charge, citing concern over possible escape in Cambodia. Thailand’s DSI Director-General Tharit Pengdit made the remarks as the department investigators and prosecutor interrogated Mr Somyos today; the department will seek the court’s permission to detain him on Monday.

Karom Pontaklang, lawyer of the ‘Red Shirt’ United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), said on Sunday that his client Mr Somyos denied all the accusations made during the investigation and that he will seek bail with Bt1 million in collateral. Whether or not Mr Somyos will be granted bail depends on the court’s consideration, but DSI will oppose his bail attempt as he has been summoned three times, but failed to turn up to report himself until he was arrested while attempting to cross the border to Cambodia, according to Mr Tharit.

The DSI chief however said Mr Somyos has been transferred to a safehouse after Red Shirt supporters gathered at the DSI headquarters last night to pressure officials. Mr Tharit said Mr Somyos will be sent to Bangkok Remand Prison once the court approves the detention. The Red Shirt activist was detained at Aranyaprathet border crossing in Sa Kaeo province on Saturday afternoon when he was about to leave the country at the immigration checkpoint but his name was on the immigration blacklist.


http://thailand-business-news.com/politics/30213-red-shirts-editor-faces-lese-majeste-chargess Freedom Day tomorrow.

Thailand Business News - May 3, 2011

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  • 4 weeks later...

Red-shirt Somyos treated for gout, hypertension in prison

Somyos Preuksakasemsuk, a red-shirt leader who has been detained in the Bangkok Remand Prison, received treatment for gout and hypertension Monday morning.

Somyos was taken to the prison hospital to receive the treatment before he was taken back to be detained in the Zone 1 of the remand prison.

Somyos was charged with defaming His Majesty.

A prison official said Somyos appeared very tensed so officials were watching him closely and assigned other inmates to watch him.


-- The Nation 2011-05-30

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How do you get gout in prison?

I don't think a diet of boiled rice and water will do it.

Both gout and hypertension tend to be chronic conditions of long-standing origin.

He no doubt had both already when he was incarcerated.

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How do you get gout in prison?

I don't think a diet of boiled rice and water will do it.

Both gout and hypertension tend to be chronic conditions of long-standing origin.

He no doubt had both already when he was incarcerated.

Yep, I know this, I suffer from one of them and a friend of mine has the other. If I stay off the cigarettes and beer my blood pressure is Ok, if he stays off certain foods his gout doesn't flare up.

I was inferring that this chap must be drinking, smoking, eating cheese and enjoying the odd glass of port..... whilst in a Thai prison, didn't think Thai prisons were like that :)

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How do you get gout in prison?

I don't think a diet of boiled rice and water will do it.

Both gout and hypertension tend to be chronic conditions of long-standing origin.

He no doubt had both already when he was incarcerated.

Yep, I know this, I suffer from one of them and a friend of mine has the other. If I stay off the cigarettes and beer my blood pressure is Ok, if he stays off certain foods his gout doesn't flare up.

I was inferring that this chap must be drinking, smoking, eating cheese and enjoying the odd glass of port..... whilst in a Thai prison, didn't think Thai prisons were like that :)

ahh ok... :lol:

Could be just too much meat in his prison diet.

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  • 5 months later...


Red Power, April, 2010 The cover reads: The Russian Revolution - The anti-royalists in the early of the 20th century - History will not forgive us if we do not seize the power at this moment.

Thailand Business News - May 3, 2011


The editor of the bi-monthly Voice of Thaksin (which was banned in 2010 and which was subsequently replaced by Red Power), Somyos was arrested in May 2010 following the final assault on the “Red Shirt” opposition demonstrators and was held for three weeks

Thailand Business News - May 3, 2011

Red Shirts editor faces Lèse-majesté charges

Thailand’s Department of Special Investigation (DSI) said on Sunday it will oppose the bail bid of Red Shirt leader Somyos Prueksakasemsuk detained on lese majeste charge, citing concern over possible escape in Cambodia. Thailand’s DSI Director-General Tharit Pengdit made the remarks as the department investigators and prosecutor interrogated Mr Somyos today; the department will seek the court’s permission to detain him on Monday.

Karom Pontaklang, lawyer of the ‘Red Shirt’ United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), said on Sunday that his client Mr Somyos denied all the accusations made during the investigation and that he will seek bail with Bt1 million in collateral. Whether or not Mr Somyos will be granted bail depends on the court’s consideration, but DSI will oppose his bail attempt as he has been summoned three times, but failed to turn up to report himself until he was arrested while attempting to cross the border to Cambodia, according to Mr Tharit.

The DSI chief however said Mr Somyos has been transferred to a safehouse after Red Shirt supporters gathered at the DSI headquarters last night to pressure officials. Mr Tharit said Mr Somyos will be sent to Bangkok Remand Prison once the court approves the detention. The Red Shirt activist was detained at Aranyaprathet border crossing in Sa Kaeo province on Saturday afternoon when he was about to leave the country at the immigration checkpoint but his name was on the immigration blacklist.


http://thailand-business-news.com/politics/30213-red-shirts-editor-faces-lese-majeste-chargess Freedom Day tomorrow.

Thailand Business News - May 3, 2011

Red Shirt Leader Somyos Prueksakasemsuk was denied bail today by the Criminal Court.

Red Shirt lawyer Karom Phonpornklang had sought bail for him with a land title worth 1.6 million baht.

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1306837572[/url]' post='4460035']
1306836848[/url]' post='4459978']
1306811834[/url]' post='4459027']

How do you get gout in prison?

I don't think a diet of boiled rice and water will do it.

Both gout and hypertension tend to be chronic conditions of long-standing origin.

He no doubt had both already when he was incarcerated.

Yep, I know this, I suffer from one of them and a friend of mine has the other. If I stay off the cigarettes and beer my blood pressure is Ok, if he stays off certain foods his gout doesn't flare up.

I was inferring that this chap must be drinking, smoking, eating cheese and enjoying the odd glass of port..... whilst in a Thai prison, didn't think Thai prisons were like that :)

Or he has a history of eating these foods and too much sugar, big surprise in Thailand. As his 'new diet' would be lacking the elements that made him somewhat over weight, as he inevitably loses weight, excess uric acid stored in his fat enters the blood stream and lodges in crystalized form in his lower extremeties. Voila! Gout in prison. p

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