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Street Fight


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A friend of mine once bought a house. After he moved in, the dog next door, 20 feet from his bedroom window, barked sporadically all night.

He was mature and kind enough to politely approach the neighbors and seek a remedy. My friend, not the dog.

They said, "Fช๒k off."

A month later he was arrested for poisoning the dog, although there was no evidence other than his one complaint.


I, on the other hand, when enduring the same experience, said nothing to the neighbors, the police or anyone else. Except the busboy at the Mexican restaurant a few miles down the road.

Not too long after that, while I was on vacation and out of town, the dog passed a quiet death due to an overdose of Valium bought south of the border.

Now, let me make it clear, I'm not advising having the guy killed. I'm not advising anything.


1. Never make private disagreements public.

2. Labor is cheap in Thailand.

Having said all that: NEVER start something you are not willing or able to finish.

Edited by happyrobert
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If you're going to let your kids play in the street teach them to get out of the way when a vehicle approaches. Don't blame the vehicle driver for driving down the road as he is entitled to do. Yes he should have slowed down, but he shouldn't really have had to as the kids shouldn't have been all over the road.

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A friend of mine once bought a house. After he moved in, the dog next door, 20 feet from his bedroom window, barked sporadically all night.

He was mature and kind enough to politely approach the neighbors and seek a remedy. My friend, not the dog.

They said, "Fช๒k off."

A month later he was arrested for poisoning the dog, although there was no evidence other than his one complaint.


I, on the other hand, when enduring the same experience, said nothing to the neighbors, the police or anyone else. Except the busboy at the Mexican restaurant a few miles down the road.

Not too long after that, while I was on vacation and out of town, the dog passed a quiet death due to an overdose of Valium bought south of the border.

Now, let me make it clear, I'm not advising having the guy killed. I'm not advising anything.


1. Never make private disagreements public.

2. Labor is cheap in Thailand.

Having said all that: NEVER start something you are not willing or able to finish.

lulz.... a busboy hitman of dogs, I think I found the premise for a new script.

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If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

Maybe there's no where else for them to play?? And the speed is not supposed be 40 MPH or anything even close thorough a residential neighborhood, mindless post...

Anyone who says "mind your own business" is one of these careless, inconsiderate trouble makers themselves and having children and living on the street it is HIS BUSINESS. The OP did the right thing but now he should have a nice spiked stop stick available at the ready to take the tires from under this drunk monkey and his GF..

I'm afraid the mistake the OP made was hesitating and not getting to the police box first maybe even earlier to lodge a complaint as he mentioned this has happened before this incident, then when this event occurred it may have been more in his favor....

The only such confrontations I've had here have all been with expats, it's shameful and another one almost happened the other night. We were eating at Food land when a group of expats and their wives (I'll refrain from mentioning nationalities but let's just say they're a southern hemisphere former penile colony of a former European empire) decided that right next to our table was the place to socialize when they could have moved a mere few feet away and bothered no one.

One of them was a big guy (read fat) and his back was to me and his rather large arse right in my face while I was trying to eat. To make matters worse they were blocking off both the customer service desk and the entire aisle so that people had to squeeze by them across our table to get by and one guy almost swiped off a glass of water and a plate of food with a laptop he had hanging across his shoulder in the process of trying to get by his fat arse, it just barely missed the glass and went right over top of the plate of food..

Several Thai's had tried to walk past this guy and brushed him but he never got the hints and Thai's being non-confrontational weren't likely to ask them to move directly and after several people going by barely passing I figured they might get the hint but no joy :( ..

Finally I politely but firmly interrupted and asked if they could move a few feet from our table and out of the aisle as they were creating a bottle neck which prevented people from passing and one of them was very apologetic and accommodating though I was pretty peeved they hadn't noticed and I had to mention it at all.. The fat arse however sarcastically raised a salute to me and were it not for my family being there and the other guys sensible and considerate apology the fat arse would have been spitting blood.

I asked nicely and clearly they were being rude not only to me but to every person who tried to pass, why be an arse for his own lack of decorum and consideration and not just apologize and move on thereby disarming the entire situation. Yes there's some really snotty, rude expats here for certain and this really creepy feeling came over me afterwards that brought back past life stresses and made me very uncomfortable about expats in general I'm sad to say..

Actually as I think back that creepy feeling was embarrassment for maybe being considered in that same group of people by those around :( ..

It always appalls me that so many apparently reasonable people on this forum espouse the view that its OK to resort to violence to settle personal disputes.

Since I'm not particularly hard, maybe I should start carrying a knife. For my protection, like.


You quoted my post, where did you read that I harmed anyone?? Instead you should have read that I demonstrated respectable restraint in the face of complete rude indifference, sarcasm and inconsideration and handled it with firm civility and should have been applauded for that instead as T/A did.. The applause was not necessary though if not appreciated but quoting my post to post your objection and criticism was certainly inaccurate in that context..

So it appalls me how some apparently reasonable people on this forum can twist a post into a context which is not in any way what has been written just to try to berate or belittle other members for their approach to a problem.

Bottom line, would you be ignorant, inconsiderate or down right belligerent enough to stand in the middle of a busy aisle preventing people from passing and right next to people who are trying to eat their dinner in peace with your arse rudely in their face? If you answer "yes" then yes you should carry a knife cause someday someone is going to teach you the manners your parents didn't if that's the case.

JFYI If you're referring to the OP he merely defended himself, he did not swing or strike first nor did he even go after the panty waste that was speeding down the soi.

He merely tried to reason with a drunk and then shouted at him to slow down so your seemingly righteous indignation is misdirected and instead should be directed towards the drunk not the OP or anyone who feels a similar disgust for the punk and his drunken actions..

Sorry - I should have put the effort in to do a more thorough edit and highlighting of the quotes; only that so often results in confusion and damaging the forum-board quote-structure.

I was really making a general point, rather than criticising any individual, and it is something I have remarked on similar threads that degenerate into "I'd have kicked his arse for riding past my house, going to a bar, being fat, or voicing an opinion or whatever" - I was really not getting at anyone personally; that would seem difficult, on an anonymous forum, and of little benefit unless there were cheap humorous points to be scored, or there was the likelihood of encouraging someone into making a laughable buffoon of himself, for all our entertainment.

So anyway, I apologise for any offence intended. I did not want to offend anyone - not even the violent psychos (perhaps especially the violent psychos, since anonymity s not the perfect disguise we might wish it was!); rather to offer everyone a viewpoint against which they might consider their own behaviour, and consider the possibility that it might be improved.


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Someone said we have to place this in context, if it really was a road (not inside a gated community) and a busy one at that. Then the OP should educate his children, that does not mean that the other idiot was right because he should have slowed down. But if it was in a gated communitey the OP was completely right.

Someone said Thais don´t care how fast people drive, tell that to the ones that have installed all the speed humps here. I encounter them often not only in this village but in other places too. Thais do care they love their children just like anyone else.

Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

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i really cant be bothered to bicker with you.

the parent is responsible for the safety of their children. it really is that simple.

If you cannot wrap your head around this fact, then I pity your children.

now, if you dont mind, i need to get my four year old a beer.

And silly you, that's what he did, not only took responsibility for his child but as well the other children on the street too. You on the other hand and like some others of your ilk here would have wilted under the pressure and let this inconsiderate drunk own the road and the neighborhood. Of course when you're argument is as weak, silly and senseless as yours is I would take the emergency exit too and consider it "bickering" to try to defend it so, good for you not demonstrating more silliness and continuing to "bicker" by abandoning your silly attack...End of

BTW I don't doubt you getting your child a beer with your attitude, somehow you thought that to be funny or sarcastic but it only painted you as being even more foolish.....

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Someone said we have to place this in context, if it really was a road (not inside a gated community) and a busy one at that. Then the OP should educate his children, that does not mean that the other idiot was right because he should have slowed down. But if it was in a gated communitey the OP was completely right.

Someone said Thais don´t care how fast people drive, tell that to the ones that have installed all the speed humps here. I encounter them often not only in this village but in other places too. Thais do care they love their children just like anyone else.

Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

OK so here's the problem. For example we live in a formerly gated community that crashed with the rest of Thailand some years ago and is only just now recovering. My house in particular which is not unique to Thailand at all has a street directly behind us which is quite fast but has speed bumps so much so that it sometimes feels like the traffic is going through our kitchen and if we had an opening out there we could get our hand slapped if we stuck it out..

In our front is a carport just big enough for a small car which we park in then the street, and in terms of every single house in this complex they are ALL built the same way and like I said this is not unique to inner city complexes..

The street out front has big soda, water, garbage, ice cream delivery trucks all day long, it also has people cutting thorough our complex in their cars and scooters to short cut the road behind us as it goes out another way and avoids some local traffic which is very heavy on the narrow local sois and on many occasions we get a non local A--H--e who doesn't live here that comes flying through between the speed bumps and has no care who is in the street where EVERY child in the neighborhood is playing and many adults are walking or riding their bikes.

It's not about teaching them responsibility or caution that is obvious and a side note but on the contrary it's about the imbeciles who don't even live in here taking due care coming through OUR community and having the respect for those who live here enough to slow down and be cautious..

Our situation is far from unique here in Thailand at least in the more populated areas...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

:cheesy: and all that from a bloke who not so long ago on another thread confessed that '' Jesus '' died for you. :cheesy:

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I think I would have done the same thing had I been in the same situation as the OP. it's really nice to read for a change that a farrang stood up to one of these idiots.

Well done OP for knocking him down.

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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

Im impressed and you just made me wet my pants with fear. :D You live a world of your own and i wont burst your bubble. People here also have an idea who you are and what you are so they dont need me to paint a picture.

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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

:cheesy: and all that from a bloke who not so long ago on another thread confessed that '' Jesus '' died for you. :cheesy:

:o scary <deleted>!! I'm missing the humor.. Not your's T/A but the Blokes...

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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

Ex SAS I suppose.


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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, ....

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag...

Ex SAS I suppose.


Sounds middle class to me.

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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

Ex SAS I suppose.


I am Ex Specialist, he would not get near The boy scouts let alone the SAS or SBS, Where the poster went wrong , he should have spoken to Thai man and told him that an idiot had just mist his child on a motor bike,and that He had seen him do it on several occasions , and let a Thai do the work , the Thai would have more power than any foreigner /falang. Use your head not your fists.

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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

First of all the reason this happened is because I care about my children

The secound thing, this is a gated community and there are a lot children in the village they all play in the road most likely just like you when you were a child. However, there is a certain amount of reasponsiblity on the driver as well as the children.

My son was out front of my home in the village where by law ( I KNOW..What Law) states that it is 20 Klm in a village

This is a gated community with a half and half Thai and Farrang, but most people excercise some amount of consideration for children. Not trying to plow through them before they have a chance to move.

Had he not been going min 40 klm weaving through the children I wouldn't of cared. But this showed lack of concern and the street was quite narrow.

my children should be able to play safely in the road in a gated community. That is why we don't live in a shophouse or on sukhumvit road. If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

Edited by oops
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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

First of all the reason this happened is because I care about my children

The secound thing, this is a village and there are a lot children in the village.

My son was out front of my home in the village where by law ( I KNOW..What Law) states that it is 20 Klm in a village

This is a gated community with a few night owls, but most of them walk home.

Had he not been going min 40 klm weaving through the children I wouldn't of cared. But this should lake of concern

my children should be able to play safely in the road in a gated community. That is why we don't live in a shophouse or on sukhumvit road. If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

+1, you did good. Lot's of comments here that think you live in the Bronx or on a motorway. :rolleyes:

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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

Ex SAS I suppose.


I am Ex Specialist, he would not get near The boy scouts let alone the SAS or SBS, Where the poster went wrong , he should have spoken to Thai man and told him that an idiot had just mist his child on a motor bike,and that He had seen him do it on several occasions , and let a Thai do the work , the Thai would have more power than any foreigner /falang. Use your head not your fists.

You have a point. Unfortunityly for me....I didin't ask him to come to my house. I didn't ask him to pull up in my driveway. My immediate reaction was shouting SLOW DOWN. NOT ( F*%$# SLOW) OR ( LETS FIGHT YOU F$%# er) I just said slow down..

He came back and got off his bike and proceeded to punch me. Should I just stand there and let him punch me....?

Myself, I think I wish I would of done that and went to the police with dripping blood and said this knife carrying drunk driver tried to run over my children. But I didn't have time to think that fast I was ducking his puches.

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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

First of all the reason this happened is because I care about my children

The secound thing, this is a village and there are a lot children in the village.

My son was out front of my home in the village where by law ( I KNOW..What Law) states that it is 20 Klm in a village

This is a gated community with a few night owls, but most of them walk home.

Had he not been going min 40 klm weaving through the children I wouldn't of cared. But this should lake of concern

my children should be able to play safely in the road in a gated community. That is why we don't live in a shophouse or on sukhumvit road. If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

+1, you did good. Lot's of comments here that think you live in the Bronx or on a motorway. :rolleyes:

Thanks..... I did try ti edit my post but, I meant showed lack of concern...

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The occasional idiot drives fast in out mooban, so we installed speed humps. Some idiots still drive fast and they will eventually meet my Grey Nicolls, English willow. I have 100% support of the all of our neighbors, most of whom have little kids, one of whom is a cop.

Sorry, but all of those know-it-alls that spout out the old chestnut 'don't mess with the Thais' don't know jack. I suggest you try 'don't mess with the guy with the 3lb cricket bat'

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If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

I have children and I NEVER let them play on the street. If they are playing on the street it means that they're being disobedient. Leave the sois for soi dogs and their shit.

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The occasional idiot drives fast in out mooban, so we installed speed humps. Some idiots still drive fast and they will eventually meet my Grey Nicolls, English willow. I have 100% support of the all of our neighbors, most of whom have little kids, one of whom is a cop.

Sorry, but all of those know-it-alls that spout out the old chestnut 'don't mess with the Thais' don't know jack. I suggest you try 'don't mess with the guy with the 3lb cricket bat'

We're in an Issan village where some of the younger drivers go a bit fast, however the locals take care on their own to protect the children walking and playing in the sois. I do, however, have a 34 oz DiMarini baseball bat that most are aware of, so although it's a bit of a different sport than cricket, place-hitters are still the same. I also have 100% support of the neighbors, it's just that they get there first most times.:annoyed:


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If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

I have children and I NEVER let them play on the street. If they are playing on the street it means that they're being disobedient. Leave the sois for soi dogs and their shit.

Were do the play ...? on the railroad tracks? I don't know how old your child is or what kind of shophouse you live in but this is a respected village.... When your child gets older and wants to go to his friends...will you go with him? I was right there with the children, when we noticed him they started to get out of the way. He didn't afford them the time. I have a feeling that your child is very young and if your child isn't very young then maybe there is an issue with micro managment. We have to let our children grow....hopefully just not like the idiot that i had to fight with.

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If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

I have children and I NEVER let them play on the street. If they are playing on the street it means that they're being disobedient. Leave the sois for soi dogs and their shit.

Were do the play ...? on the railroad tracks? I don't know how old your child is or what kind of shophouse you live in but this is a respected village.... When your child gets older and wants to go to his friends...will you go with him? I was right there with the children, when we noticed him they started to get out of the way. He didn't afford them the time. I have a feeling that your child is very young and if your child isn't very young then maybe there is an issue with micro managment. We have to let our children grow....hopefully just not like the idiot that i had to fight with.

You are right in my and others eyes, you cannot be at kids shoulders every minute of the day cos they do their thing but some want to cradle their kids and not mix and grow up and do their thing.

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Why was your child playing in the street to begin with?

I sensed you must had some dirty look to provoke the attack.

Hes the perpetrator but you were asking for it. Next time it wont be a fist but cold steel to your abdomen, pick your fights accordingly. Your remember you have kids.

Did you read what I said...? I wasn't looking for a fight....? and I didn't look at him to try to start one.....in fact, I stoddard when I was speaking to him the first time, becauses I could see he wasn't taking it well. I was trying to be diplimatic about it and that didn't work. He came back drunk and drove up into my drive way then sped off .......what would you of done..? He was going so fast,that by the time I said slow down, I had to hollar because he had already past and he couldn't' see my face anyway, which is why he slowed down and was trying to move his head up and down and tell he saw me then he sped up real quick.

We don't live on a busy street and it is not the main entrance in or out of the village. I was sitting right there watching them. It's not like anyone here has a garden big enough to support 7 children playing. Besides when there are so many children it is better that they are not in your house but outside where everyone can see them playing.

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Since when has anyone, anywhere in Thailand worried about how fast motorists travel at??....I think you'd be fighting a lost cause :o

IMO, the Op was lucky it was a farang and not a Thai, otherwise he most probably wouldnt have seen the retribution coming..and more likely would have got a visit from the "offender" and all his 7 mates.:whistling:

Anyway, last time i checked, roads are supposed to be the domain of cars and bikes, not a childrens playground....just because Thais let their kiddies play on the road it doesnt mean you should. :unsure:

Would you let your children play in waters that were known to be shark infested, or run wild in a location that was known to have savage dogs roaming about....sheez

Interesting...:rolleyes: ....while you have some validity in your answer.....I have to say; that we will all be running around soon with savage dogs chasing us based on all the pitbull breaders I see around here now :blink: . If you drive around you will see In just about every village there is someone that has one to many dogs with one or two under feed pitbulls combined with shady fencing. :ermm: The child 6 or 7 even 13 who aren't supposed to walk in the streets because they are for cars, ( forgetting that most villages don't have sidewalks :huh: ) will eventually be killed by a dog and not a vehicle :unsure: .

Edited by oops
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Since when has anyone, anywhere in Thailand worried about how fast motorists travel at??....I think you'd be fighting a lost cause :o

IMO, the Op was lucky it was a farang and not a Thai, otherwise he most probably wouldnt have seen the retribution coming..and more likely would have got a visit from the "offender" and all his 7 mates.:whistling:

Anyway, last time i checked, roads are supposed to be the domain of cars and bikes, not a childrens playground....just because Thais let their kiddies play on the road it doesnt mean you should. :unsure:

Would you let your children play in waters that were known to be shark infested, or run wild in a location that was known to have savage dogs roaming about....sheez

What a load of <deleted>, this is Thailand, not New York or London. Here, very similar to when l was a kid in UK, there things have changed but drivers are responsible, except the drunk ones. Beggars belief really that you and others side with a drunk, as if we must lock the kids up to accommodate the local moron. :rolleyes:

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The occasional idiot drives fast in out mooban, so we installed speed humps. Some idiots still drive fast and they will eventually meet my Grey Nicolls, English willow. I have 100% support of the all of our neighbors, most of whom have little kids, one of whom is a cop.

Sorry, but all of those know-it-alls that spout out the old chestnut 'don't mess with the Thais' don't know jack. I suggest you try 'don't mess with the guy with the 3lb cricket bat'

We're in an Issan village where some of the younger drivers go a bit fast, however the locals take care on their own to protect the children walking and playing in the sois. I do, however, have a 34 oz DiMarini baseball bat that most are aware of, so although it's a bit of a different sport than cricket, place-hitters are still the same. I also have 100% support of the neighbors, it's just that they get there first most times.:annoyed:


That is about 2.1lbs. Not quite the weight of a cricket bat, nor the sharp edges, but a bit of extra bat speed will permanently slow the idiots on bikes.

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