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Street Fight


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I would learn to mind my own business and not pick fights with strangers.

What you did would start a fight with almost any Thai.

Never pick fault with another person in Thailand, the police always blame the one who does this.

You are not living in the western world any more, you don't have the right to tell other people what to do.

A person has every right to say what is right when confronted by idiotic dangerous behaviour wherever they are in this world. What is unfortunate is that if the OP is accurate then there is little to be gained from trying to reason with a drunk <deleted> and very little reason to expect help from an indifferent police force.

Unfortunately, one can't reason or compromise with backward and ignorant like this - drunk or sober. He does need to be taught a very good lesson, though.

I don't believe the first time I spoke with him about this, that he was drunk. However, I knew he was heading for the bar because he is a creature of habit and it was time for him to find a pint.

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If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

I wouldn't let my children play in a busy street.

Did what to a child of yours?

Drove past without running them down?

How fortunate you are, some children don't have any choice..Like blaming a rape victim sickening train of thought you have, I'm starting to suspect you being the other party...

I was brought up not to let my kids play in the street.

Only lower class parents ever did that in the UK.

Well; when you grow up in an orphanage, the acting parents do what they can for you to keep you from feeling inferior to people with superior intelligence. After all, it must of been difficult watching other children ride their bikes and play ball from behind a chainlink fence.. One would have to believe that there was some metholigy involved when raising Bas#$$ ards. I am guessing you missed a few role calls when they taught about consideration for others. :blink:

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oops. You spoke politely with the guy the first time and it wasn't well received. Second time he's trying it on by riding onto your driveway, in his own little way he's trying to wind you up, you reply with a reasonable shout of "slow down" I'm not alone in thinking you acted in a controlled way but, the guy had a drink by then so suddenly he was tough ;) Swings at you and you put him down. You sir, did nothing at all wrong, you spoke up for the welfare/safety of the kids and he got what he tried to give you, a good slap.

You certainly don't sound like someone who enjoys violence but, you were given no choice and did what had to be done.

Cyber handshake for your sir ;)

Edited by JUDAS
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If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

I have children and I NEVER let them play on the street. If they are playing on the street it means that they're being disobedient. Leave the sois for soi dogs and their shit.

I realize some people live in villages or on soi's that have a lot of dog <deleted> all over.....but where we live it is a very clean. With the exception of my soi there are even sidewalks. Unfortunitly where the Thai's decided they are useless unless they put plants and tables on them forcing children to walk in the streets. This isn't a village were you see garbage piled up and a lot of dogs running around. 90 % of everyone keeps there dogs fenced in. Most people here walk their dogs on a leashes including Thai's with that exceptional Thai but, then he usually walks all five of his dogs with a stick so he can beat off any children that attack his dogs.. I wouldnt let my child play in the soi either in most places here in thailand but, when we moved here it looked to be a child friendly village, not in bangkok where every soi is GAME ON I will also say this again..I was out there with them...they started to move. But this guy was moving way to fast. I can also tell you that if you have children....they will eventually play in the streets. If your child is a toddler then it would be understandable why you wouldn't let them in the street. But your child with about 7 others from 6 to 12...it is easier for them to play in front of the house where I can watch them...then playing in a park far away where I can't see them. We don't live in a busy village and for the most part it was planned out fairly well so that the traffic is evenly dispursed. I can't say that I would live your village.....if there was dog stuff on the ground it means the dogs run wild all over your soi and no one takes ownership. While here we do have a couple but we get up and pick the stuff up and throw it in trash cans....instead of walking by it and leaving there so a child can step in it. I have noticed that when you start doing things like pick up after yourself when you go to the beach....Thais will actually follow your lead..So the next time you see that stuff in the street go pick it up....the soi dogs will thank you later :jap:

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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

First of all the reason this happened is because I care about my children

The secound thing, this is a village and there are a lot children in the village.

My son was out front of my home in the village where by law ( I KNOW..What Law) states that it is 20 Klm in a village

This is a gated community with a few night owls, but most of them walk home.

Had he not been going min 40 klm weaving through the children I wouldn't of cared. But this should lake of concern

my children should be able to play safely in the road in a gated community. That is why we don't live in a shophouse or on sukhumvit road. If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

+1, you did good. Lot's of comments here that think you live in the Bronx or on a motorway. :rolleyes:

Only the simpletons..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Since when has anyone, anywhere in Thailand worried about how fast motorists travel at??....I think you'd be fighting a lost cause :o

IMO, the Op was lucky it was a farang and not a Thai, otherwise he most probably wouldnt have seen the retribution coming..and more likely would have got a visit from the "offender" and all his 7 mates.:whistling:

Anyway, last time i checked, roads are supposed to be the domain of cars and bikes, not a childrens playground....just because Thais let their kiddies play on the road it doesnt mean you should. :unsure:

Would you let your children play in waters that were known to be shark infested, or run wild in a location that was known to have savage dogs roaming about....sheez

Interesting...:rolleyes: ....while you have some validity in your answer.....I have to say; that we will all be running around soon with savage dogs chasing us based on all the pitbull breaders I see around here now :blink: . If you drive around you will see In just about every village there is someone that has one to many dogs with one or two under feed pitbulls combined with shady fencing. :ermm: The child 6 or 7 even 13 who aren't supposed to walk in the streets because they are for cars, ( forgetting that most villages don't have sidewalks :huh: ) will eventually be killed by a dog and not a vehicle :unsure: .

Hmmmmm TIT what about the motorcycles that are driving ON the sidewalks and not on the streets, proving that even the intended purpose of a sidewalk here makes it unsafe for children and others..

It is really strange how some can argue the parental responsibility to try to justify the drunk but considering he is an ADULT where does the DRUNK motorcycle driver's responsibility come in to play :rolleyes: ?

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I would learn to mind my own business and not pick fights with strangers.

What you did would start a fight with almost any Thai.

Never pick fault with another person in Thailand, the police always blame the one who does this.

You are not living in the western world any more, you don't have the right to tell other people what to do.

A person has every right to say what is right when confronted by idiotic dangerous behaviour wherever they are in this world. What is unfortunate is that if the OP is accurate then there is little to be gained from trying to reason with a drunk <deleted> and very little reason to expect help from an indifferent police force.

Unfortunately, one can't reason or compromise with backward and ignorant like this - drunk or sober. He does need to be taught a very good lesson, though.

I don't believe the first time I spoke with him about this, that he was drunk. However, I knew he was heading for the bar because he is a creature of habit and it was time for him to find a pint.

In less diplomatic terms, "a drunk"...

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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

If I didn't realize that I would have never wrote this thread. It is fear of his threats that I might have to react again someday and not necessarly with him but someone that he has hired or worse yet a police officer in which I can't do anything about. Being of sound mind and over 50, and sober, I wasn't actually interested in

getting into a brawl, expeciallly with a young man. Fearing going to jail for hitting him kept me trying to deflect his punches initially. He swung at me more than I ever did with him....His last two connects hurt and pissed me off so I hit him as hard and direct as I could. I wasn't drunk so I connected every punch and the last single punch put his lights out, he dropped to the ground when he finally came too and was able to get to his feet. Then he made a several death threats and started walking towards his home. I was more happy that he decided to walk away than I was being 50 and knocking him out. The unfortunite thing is, with this guy he won't stop. I had to throw his girl to the side and beg him to ask her to stay away from me so she wouldn't get hurt....he didn't say anything to her, he just waited till I she distracted me so he could run up and punch me. Then he walked off and left her behind. Bottom line I wasn't blaming anyone for keeping my child safe...I was doing the job myself. Even if there was a park for them to play in....maybe they could just skip walking through the streets with no SIDEWALKS, and just fly to their destinations. Kids are passive...they don't always just go where there supposed to and he could of very well been drunk that day as well which is why he just decided to drive right through the children...which is why I try to be with my child between friends homes as well as know which home he is at, at all times.


IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

Edited by oops
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Since when has anyone, anywhere in Thailand worried about how fast motorists travel at??....I think you'd be fighting a lost cause :o

IMO, the Op was lucky it was a farang and not a Thai, otherwise he most probably wouldnt have seen the retribution coming..and more likely would have got a visit from the "offender" and all his 7 mates.:whistling:

Anyway, last time i checked, roads are supposed to be the domain of cars and bikes, not a childrens playground....just because Thais let their kiddies play on the road it doesnt mean you should. :unsure:

Would you let your children play in waters that were known to be shark infested, or run wild in a location that was known to have savage dogs roaming about....sheez

What a load of <deleted>, this is Thailand, not New York or London. Here, very similar to when l was a kid in UK, there things have changed but drivers are responsible, except the drunk ones. Beggars belief really that you and others side with a drunk, as if we must lock the kids up to accommodate the local moron. :rolleyes:

Dont get me wrong, i would never condone the drunk guys stupid and reckless behaviour...or drink-driving, period. Surely no sane person would/could??

Your making the point that "This is Thailand" is the very reason i wouldnt let my kids play on the street..because here we EXPECT people to be driving oblivious of road rules, often diplaying very little common sense and doing so with very little disregard for those around them....and thats usually just the Thais..

Things might be different in the villages, and obviously it depends on how busy the soi/road is, but throw drunk "kee-nok" farangs from Pattay in the mix and..well...

I would'nt risk it anyway, id sooner have the kiddies playing in a fenced backyard is all im sayin :jap:

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If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

I have children and I NEVER let them play on the street. If they are playing on the street it means that they're being disobedient. Leave the sois for soi dogs and their shit.

Were do the play ...? on the railroad tracks?

Speak with the local council and get speed humps installed

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Your poll is worthless as the options are off beat.

You perhaps haven't noticed that the Thai style amongst the educated classes is not point to other people's faults. Better to let them get on with it knowing that it will keep them from ever threatening your higher position. (cynical?) So if you learn what society expects from you, and you deliver, you will have few problems. If you flaunt your western ideals here you can expect to be found at fault.

If you want to slow the guy down, pour oil and water over the road outside your house daily for a week or two. He'll find a new route or need a few skin grafts. Either way, problem solved.

Alternatively report his bike stolen from a disposable cell phone. Daily...

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Your poll is worthless as the options are off beat.

You perhaps haven't noticed that the Thai style amongst the educated classes is not point to other people's faults. Better to let them get on with it knowing that it will keep them from ever threatening your higher position. (cynical?) So if you learn what society expects from you, and you deliver, you will have few problems. If you flaunt your western ideals here you can expect to be found at fault.

If you want to slow the guy down, pour oil and water over the road outside your house daily for a week or two. He'll find a new route or need a few skin grafts. Either way, problem solved.

Alternatively report his bike stolen from a disposable cell phone. Daily...

Yes your right my poll is worthless...it is the first one that i have done....I only noticed the mistakes after I had left the forum and them came back . I am not a writter and make many clerical errors. But my issues remain the same.

Sorry about the poll, there had been so many answers I didn't want to delete it and start over from scratch. I will try harder next time to get it right the first time.

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Your poll is worthless as the options are off beat.

You perhaps haven't noticed that the Thai style amongst the educated classes is not point to other people's faults. Better to let them get on with it knowing that it will keep them from ever threatening your higher position. (cynical?) So if you learn what society expects from you, and you deliver, you will have few problems. If you flaunt your western ideals here you can expect to be found at fault.

If you want to slow the guy down, pour oil and water over the road outside your house daily for a week or two. He'll find a new route or need a few skin grafts. Either way, problem solved.

Alternatively report his bike stolen from a disposable cell phone. Daily...

Yes your right my poll is worthless...it is the first one that i have done....I only noticed the mistakes after I had left the forum and them came back . I am not a writter and make many clerical errors. But my issues remain the same.

Sorry about the poll, there had been so many answers I didn't want to delete it and start over from scratch. I will try harder next time to get it right the first time.

100% good answer. You yourself did good anyways (in my eyes). :)

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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

Ex SAS I suppose.


‘longstebe’you think you could be able to spot ex Special Forces would you? Fact is mate! SpecialForces, serving or ex, are not violent; in fact they are cool and logical underpressure. You’re watching way too much Hollywood!

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  • 3 months later...

Your poll is worthless as the options are off beat.

You perhaps haven't noticed that the Thai style amongst the educated classes is not point to other people's faults. Better to let them get on with it knowing that it will keep them from ever threatening your higher position. (cynical?) So if you learn what society expects from you, and you deliver, you will have few problems. If you flaunt your western ideals here you can expect to be found at fault.

If you want to slow the guy down, pour oil and water over the road outside your house daily for a week or two. He'll find a new route or need a few skin grafts. Either way, problem solved.

Alternatively report his bike stolen from a disposable cell phone. Daily...

Just so you know, I am the last one to jump up and scream I have rights. It's not fair....listen to me....if this were my country.......while I sometimes think this " which I am glad I do" because it prevents me from saying stupid things like that. It does however help me look for an alternetive sulotion.

It was an automatic reaction to tell him to slow down after weaving between my children and the secound time driving up in my driveway a direct intent to inflame a situation. Almost the same as when you bump into someone but then give an extra shove,

and that person either turns to say something or gives you a dirtly look.

He has decided that this has given him full right to come on my property and get his ass kicked after he threw the first several punches before I proceeded to fight back as there wasn't any other solution. This type of person has a no win policy. If you say something to him, he blame you and say it is your fault, it must be because you brought it up. Even if he clearly started something he will blame you. If he loses, he will forever taunt you. I seriously believe now that he is here because he has to many problems back in the UK, someone who acts like this has to have baggage. He didn't just develope this type of personality.

When the police were called I only not only sat on the ground but I only explained what happened ....I made no judgement, nor did I try to tell them after they blamed me that they were wrong. I only pointed out that the guy keeps threating to kill me " My side was translated by my wife" not saying that was the answer but the only way to a partial point of view of m y side. To Date....he hasn't stopped. He is presistant is his quest to give me a hard time, or what they call ( mind F@#^ me and my family ) by passing my home everyday consistantly day and night, walking along my fence line just to push it in my face and when he is riding or driving his vehicles he rapidly accelerates in front of my home.. Based on the new speed limit in front of my home, you would almost think that at least half of the Thai's and the at least one other guy from the Uk has posted a sign in front of my home " Rapid acceleration required". These people are adults acting like children. I have never complained and never told anyone what to do previously,never insulted anyone here in the village. I am sure some of it has to do with this home...it is bigger than the others...which I am sure gives off the feeling of " I am better than you" for those that find themselves to be insecure like this bloke. I know what some of you will say...by passing infont of my home doesn't mean he is trying to harass me. No it doesn't, but when you're passing my house more in one day than you have is the past year...it would certianly suggest that.

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Things we don't know:

How big is this guy's yard

How old are his kids

How busy is this street

I played street hockey in Canada too, but I wasn't allowed to until I was old enough to have a little street smarts. Even then, we were often taking stupid risks or not paying attention because we were kids. But Canada is not Thailand, and road safety is entirely different here. I think even adults should stay off these streets.

I have kids, so I have a yard big enough for kids. The road in front of my place gets almost no traffic, and still they can not play there, they are too young. I am moving now to a place with a busier road and I will be building a big fence.

If you have a guy trying to get a reaction out of you and you call him on it, you are asking for the consequences, you did OK, but it could have been different. There are some pretty nasty folks out there and you knew this guy was a dick already.

Thailand handles things in a passive aggressive manner. There are many suggestions as to what you could do, getting the police on your side is the first important step.

But if it were me I would look for a place where my kids had a safe place to play other than the street.

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Odd, I haven't had a physical fight with anyone since 6th grade. At 67, 150 lbs. and 6' tall, I'm no threat anyway. My 100 lb. Thai girlfriend can beat me at arm wrestling. However I rarely lose a "fight" because I use my common sense. Funny how common sense is not that common. A little common sense, most of which has already been dispensed by other BM's should be the recommended course of action vs. resorting to confrontation without forethought or god forbid, a plan. Operating on gut emotion rarely wins the fight. Especially in Thailand.

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Interesting thread.

The ongoing discussion about kids playing in the street or not misses the point. It might be OK for kids to play in the street - if it is safe. In this particular case as I read the OP, it had already been established that it was NOT safe to do so, due to the inconsiderate behaviour of the motorcyclist. You define him as an erratic (possibly drunk) driver, and yet you still let your kids play in the street. In all honesty, not the best move. Drunk or not (that again is a side issue) - he has a perfect right to use the road - kids do NOT have the right to play in it.

OP also needs to think about the lessons he has passed on to his kids here. Daddy brawling, fighting with a man, getting attacked by a woman - and the police coming round. Not really lessons I would like to pass on to my kid.

And what has been solved here? Very little as far as I can see. The situation as I read the later posts is escalating, and is likely to get worse. In dealing with an irrational drunk - violence is unlikely to ever be a solution. I would bear in mind that we are in Thailand, and try to do things at least some of the Thai way. Let your (I think thai?) wife lead the way. Your wife to the girlfriend, either directly or through another Thai intermediary. Best of all is that most Thai communities have a semi-official community leader. Drop around with your wife for a chat. Take a bottle of whiskey and a cake and point out that the safety of the children is an issue for all the community, and what can he/she suggest? As has been pointed out, a speed bump or three might solve the problem, or just a quiet word from the leader to the girlfriend might be enough.

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What is the proper way to handle a situation like this?

ever heard of a "sleeping policeman" - or "speed bump"?

This should slow him down!

but of course this problem could be far more deep rooted than you think.

Are the children playing there always - are there children playing in front of his house maybe?

Even if you as a parent would never think that children could upset others when playing - it can be extremely annoying to others and this might have built up for some time.

When we moved into our house 10 years ago we built there because it was quite surrounded by nature - development of the area was rapid a few years later -and more and more people bought houses in the area.

We had a nice garden which was an oasis of calm and tranquillity.For the last 2 years we continuously had a bunch of children playing and screaming almost all day right outside in the Soi in front of our garden - even if we had a kids playground a few Sois further down.

Of course one can not blame children for being children wanting to play - but what annoyed us most was the parents did not seem to care at all - when we told them why they would not put up with the noise themselves and let them play in front of their own houses or send them to the playground - they just shrugged it off!

Needles to say we sold and moved further away from the city - and even when we tried to sell and interested parties came to look at the house - the screaming kids where there - at least two potential buyers told us that they liked the house, the garden - but where not willing to put up with the noise from the kids!

So before you shouted at him - maybe you should have talked to him and inquire first why he seemed upset and drove fast with the children present.

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It's unclear where this fight action happened, it seems that you left your property/driveway and then got into the fight?

I certainly would have let him walk all the way up my driveway before the fighting began, i think it would have put you in a much stronger position with the police if the fight had occurred on your property.

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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

wow, I'm impressed, you sound just like a tough guy.......not

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What is the proper way to handle a situation like this?

ever heard of a "sleeping policeman" - or "speed bump"?

This should slow him down!

but of course this problem could be far more deep rooted than you think.

Are the children playing there always - are there children playing in front of his house maybe?

Even if you as a parent would never think that children could upset others when playing - it can be extremely annoying to others and this might have built up for some time.

When we moved into our house 10 years ago we built there because it was quite surrounded by nature - development of the area was rapid a few years later -and more and more people bought houses in the area.

We had a nice garden which was an oasis of calm and tranquillity.For the last 2 years we continuously had a bunch of children playing and screaming almost all day right outside in the Soi in front of our garden - even if we had a kids playground a few Sois further down.

Of course one can not blame children for being children wanting to play - but what annoyed us most was the parents did not seem to care at all - when we told them why they would not put up with the noise themselves and let them play in front of their own houses or send them to the playground - they just shrugged it off!

Needles to say we sold and moved further away from the city - and even when we tried to sell and interested parties came to look at the house - the screaming kids where there - at least two potential buyers told us that they liked the house, the garden - but where not willing to put up with the noise from the kids!

So before you shouted at him - maybe you should have talked to him and inquire first why he seemed upset and drove fast with the children present.

Excellent advice.

Try to talk to the guy when he's not drunk. Better still ask someone else to talk to him, since you've already been in a fight.. Try to be rational no matter what . If he becomes irrational just walk way and try again later.

Last ditch advice......pay the local council to put in a speed bump. It cannot cost too much.

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Sounds like the OP bit off more than he can chew......

Saw this yesterday had to bring it back, this is a cracker, I agree, he was lucky this guy wasn't a bit tasty.:crazy:

I am dubious about all his justifications he keeps making for his actions, maybe there's some underlying truth we don't know about.

The best thing of all is most of the posters on here have turn into someone like Steven Seagal or Al Capone. :lol: :lol:

Having been a responsible parent beyond reproach, I would of issue the little darling children baseball bats and instructed them to use them on oncoming speeding motorcyclists. :D

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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

wow, I'm impressed, you sound just like a tough guy.......not

No kidding....sounds like someone with very little in the downstairs, and trying to compensate for it by coming across as a scumbag criminal loser :lol:

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Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

wow, I'm impressed, you sound just like a tough guy.......not

No kidding....sounds like someone with very little in the downstairs, and trying to compensate for it by coming across as a scumbag criminal loser :lol:

Joke all you want as you are in the relative safety of an anonymous internet forum, but heed this advice. There are those on this planet who would "do you" for looking at them cross-eyed. Some would do you just to watch you die for little or no reason. So you might be careful whom you slam, both online and IRL.

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wow, I'm impressed, you sound just like a tough guy.......not

No kidding....sounds like someone with very little in the downstairs, and trying to compensate for it by coming across as a scumbag criminal loser :lol:

Joke all you want as you are in the relative safety of an anonymous internet forum, but heed this advice. There are those on this planet who would "do you" for looking at them cross-eyed. Some would do you just to watch you die for little or no reason. So you might be careful whom you slam, both online and IRL.

OH. :huh:

Does this mean l must dig out my old Red Beret and wear it on a daily basis. :D.

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Your poll is worthless as the options are off beat.

You perhaps haven't noticed that the Thai style amongst the educated classes is not point to other people's faults. Better to let them get on with it knowing that it will keep them from ever threatening your higher position. (cynical?) So if you learn what society expects from you, and you deliver, you will have few problems. If you flaunt your western ideals here you can expect to be found at fault.

If you want to slow the guy down, pour oil and water over the road outside your house daily for a week or two. He'll find a new route or need a few skin grafts. Either way, problem solved.

Alternatively report his bike stolen from a disposable cell phone. Daily...

A guy here in the USA (Denver area) poured oil on the road in front of his house were some teenagers were routinely drag racing. A wreck ensued in which took the life of one of the racers. The guy went to prison.

Since the OP has already been documented as being in a tiff over the guy's speed, pouring anything into the street that could cause anybody to have an accident would likely come back to haunt the OP. Imagine if some young Thai's on a motorbike crashed and died as a result of this act?

If I were him, I would get a big dog, and just dare the idiot to step foot on my property. (Or perhaps, back up out of his driveway in front of the idiot some day. This would liklely cost him some money, but would probably not turn into a criminal act.)

Best thing would be to do nothing, but warn the kids and keep an eye out for the idiot. People without an enjoyable life (read losers) have little to lose and like another Poster pointed out, things can get really ugly fast with those dirtbags.

Good luck.


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Joke all you want as you are in the relative safety of an anonymous internet forum, but heed this advice. There are those on this planet who would "do you" for looking at them cross-eyed. Some would do you just to watch you die for little or no reason. So you might be careful whom you slam, both online and IRL.

I will joke all I want, thank you but I don't need your permission :bah:

And in this case I am not joking; I have no time for scumbags who attempt to intimidate people. People like that are truly losers and will get what is coming to them in the end :D

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