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Scampy's Homecoming Hootenanny

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Anyone heard from the Gent Scamp of late?  :D

Hope you're doing ok mate and the party will be on when you return, no worries. You have a lot of friends here who are thinkin' of ya. Take care and we'll all catch up later  :D

He hasn't posted since the 8th. I know flights are pretty full at this time of year. Da.mn tourists! :o
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I'm back, just been busy. :D

My gran had a good send off and as it turns out was pretty fed up with life and very bored, though it's a shame she fell short of 90.

I doesn't look like I'll be coming to Thailand with my company after all, instead we'll be off to Hong Kong for three months.

I landed in Scotland last night, I'm off to Yorkshire in a week and if I have enough free time before I start work I am going to fly out to Bangkok for hopefully at least a week before going to Hong Kong.

Will sort something out when I have a more concrete plan so watch this space. :o

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I had a triple-sized glass of Bristol Cream in her honour in Singapore airport last week.


Once again sorry to hear about your Gran but enjoy you're free time from work

She's now with my mother, I'm now with my good friends Val and Karl in Scotland, you're in... Pattaya was it?

Whatever, hope to see y'all soon be it Bangers, maybe Patty but not heaven... Only good girls go to heaven and bad ones go to Pattaya Icey, according to a T-Shirt I once saw. :D:o

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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Hope you're doing ok mate and the party will be on when you return, no worries. You have a lot of friends here who are thinkin' of ya. Take care and we'll all catch up later

I 2nd that mate. Sorry to hear of your loss. Best wishes to your kin. Hope to see ya soon. Give me a shout. and we can catch up. Not that i drink though. :o

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Fine.  :D

I know when I'm not wanted, perhaps I should hand the reins over to BambinA?  :o

Oh scamps , please give us another tale of romance , Love and white fannies in hua hin soon :D

White fannies?

In Hua Hin they were French and my own creation. :D

:D i seem to recollect a babypowder and fanny incident somewhere :D

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