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The tile in my bathrooms the grout is just washing away with every cleaning. I have re grouted it a few times same thing happens just a little slower. Does anyone know where I can get grout sealer and a grout coloring marker . I ve tried home pro and they just point me to the grout . Or does anyone know a good tile setter that re grouts the right way Im open to anything .


you should scrape out the old grout and throw away the material you have and get proper grout

grout does not wash out when you take a shower once it has set which takes just a day.

sealing is not necessary once you have the right stuff


you should scrape out the old grout and throw away the material you have and get proper grout

grout does not wash out when you take a shower once it has set which takes just a day.

sealing is not necessary once you have the right stuff

Thanks any idea where to purchase it ????


Grout sealer like we use in the USA is not used here. I spent a good while looking for it. No one had a clue what I was looking for or what I was talking about.

I'm not sure what you mean by a coloring marker but the tile shops sell colored grout in every shade of every color imaginable. I got dark blue for the kitchen counter. The color comes off a little every time we wipe down or clean the counter. :( TIT


Homepro has the clear sealer than works for grout (I bought it)... It is over in the paint department near where the wood stain is...


Along the same line of questioning, what is good for sealing cracks in the shower tiles, not in the grout, but in the tiles (caused by the last earth quake)?


Epoxy grout is the best in a very humid environment, though I believe Muang Thai doesn't have it. Waterproof (stone sealer) should do the trick over the useless crap they have here - think it's about 300 baht a tin; use bottle with skinny, tapered tip or wheel applicator to get it down. Make sure you totally remove every bit of the old grout (and that it is bone dry) before bunging down the new stuff. Don't use bleaches on bare grout.


Homepro has the clear sealer than works for grout (I bought it)... It is over in the paint department near where the wood stain is...

Really? Specifically for grout? I looked many times at Home Pro, Global House, etc. - asked...always got the same "mae loo". I also asked a builder that is building a 10 million Baht restaurant in the Nimmanhaemann area and he also said that he had never seen it! Maybe it's an import item newly stocked...


You'd be better off asking the cat, the manager wouldn't even be able to work it out. :whistling: Not made for grout (more for waterproofing exterior walls) but it'll prevent water from hitting the grout which is the point. It's over by the paints, specifically the aisle where the brushes are (rack opposite with the silicon sealers) at the Superhighway one. Look for tins with pic of rain hitting stone wall. One or two makes, around 300 baht.

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