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Drowning Is Main Cause Of Young Deaths

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Drowning is main cause of young deaths

BANGKOK: -- Drowning is the leading cause of death among schoolchildren, claiming the lives of about 1,400 youngsters each year, Ramathibodi Hospital researchers reported. Adisak Phalittapolkarnpim, chief of the hospital's research centre to promote safety among children, said safety measures were also insufficient at schools and their activities.

About 3,000 children under 14 died each year because of the lack of sufficient safety measures at home and schools, he told a seminar on school safety problems.

Most of the drowned children were victims of a moment of recklessness by those responsible for their welfare. Other major causes of death of the young included road accidents, electrocution and suffocation.

He said every year about 700 children were killed in road accidents, and 85% were riding a motorcycle without a crash helmet.

Power leakages in electrical appliances, including water coolers, claimed the third highest number of deaths. Other causes were hot fluids, toxic substances, guns and bombs, followed by falls, animal bites and assault.

Risk factors were the poor enforcement of safety laws, unsafe school environments, especially staircases and balconies, and the improper installation of items, such as school gates, basketball hoops and football goals, which were found in 90% of all schools surveyed.

Every year, about 270,000 children were injured travelling between their homes and schools.

''We found some children ride motorcycles at the age of nine and drink and drive at the age of 10 even though the law prohibits children under 15 from having motorcycle driving licences. Many children who are underage ride motorcycles to school without wearing crash helmets, while their teachers fail to take any action,'' Dr Adisak said.

The doctor suggested all schools prepare risk analysis plans for activities in and around school compounds, instill safety awareness in students and refrain from covering up accidents with compensation payments.

Charnchao Chaiyanukij, director-general of the Rights and Liberties Protection Department, said his agency would work with schools and parents to set up safety systems and raise public awareness of school safety.

--Bangkok Post 2005-10-05


After the rains 2 weeks ago, huge potholes where road repairs were being carried out filled to the brim with water.

Tiny toddlers wandered around the blue holes. Parents nonchalant about the dangers - yakking away in nearby cafes.


what is the legal age for riding a motor bike, iv'e seen kids come out of the school that looked no older than 11 or 12 riding a motor bike, and thier feet would definately not reach the ground by a long way,

what is the legal age for riding a motor bike, iv'e seen kids come out of the school that looked no older than 11 or 12 riding a motor bike, and thier feet would definately not reach the ground by a long way,


And the police direct the traffic at the primary school gates when school gets out :o

Most of the men and boys can swim on Koh P but I know most of the older ladies can't. I think alot of the younger girls can these days, times are a changing.


Only a few months ago my wife informed me that her nephew, not even two years old, had drowned. Still don't know what the parents were doing/thinking to allow it.

Drowning is main cause of young deaths

''We found some children ride motorcycles at the age of nine and drink and drive at the age of 10 even though the law prohibits children under 15 from having motorcycle driving licences."

--Bangkok Post 2005-10-05

But I guess the drinking at age 10 is ok. :o

Drowning is main cause of young deaths

''We found some children ride motorcycles at the age of nine and drink and drive at the age of 10 even though the law prohibits children under 15 from having motorcycle driving licences."

--Bangkok Post 2005-10-05

But I guess the drinking at age 10 is ok. :D

sorry missed that bit , must be drinking to much :o

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