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Protein Powders And Steroids


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This topic would have been better off in the Health Forum as I see soome replies here from folks who has not much to do with bodybuilding and have little knowledge about supplements.

The only supplements that are worth buying, as robblok said are protein, creatine and healthy oils, doesn't have to be a fish oil, there special oil blends out there for the bodybilders. Other supplements are rubbish that has next to zero effect.

A couch potato type of person doesn't need any extra proteins or other supplements as they can get enough from natural food.

A natural bodubuilder needs around 1g of pretein per pound of body weight (as was mentioned already) so a 200 lbs (90kgs) person needs around 200 g of pretein per day.

A steroid using bodybuilder needs a lot more than 1g per pound of bodyweight.

It is always better to consume more protein that you need than not enough. Extra will do no harm, unused extra will brake down and come out in a pee, but this way you will make sure you stay in a positive nitrogen ballance.

A problem for a bodybuilding eating solid food is, you will have to eat a lot to get your protein intake and with all the protein foods will come extra calories.

And to answer your other question, the only legal steroid in Thailand is Testoviron Depot (Testosterone Enanthate generic name). Legal and available over the counter in most pharmas. Oh, and I think there is oral too that is legal (Andriol), but confirm the legality of it first. Everything else is pretty much illegal.

Thanks. Tried posting in the Health forum and did not get anywhere the response I did here. Just added the steroid title to differentiate between the posts. I've got no desire or need for it, but I did get some good PM's with good info on protein powder.

Thanks everyone.

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