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Countering government claims, Catholic sources pointed out that the incident was an inevitable result of a series of violations of land ownership and religious freedom. "Companies owned by Armed forces Chief of Staff of Vietnam, General Tran Quang Khue and other generals who dominate the politburo in Vietnam have been driving local Hmong communities out of their home lands," a source said.

More at http://www.ucanews.c...n-phu-protests/

Depressing news, especially if high-level corruption is, in fact, at the bottom of it.


Looks like there are some strange twists to this story.

Most reports said the protesters were Christians, but the London-based rights group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) said yesterday many were followers of the US-based Harold Camping cult, which – having originally said the world would end in 1994 – now believes it will happen on May 21.

In addition, it said, two men claiming to be "Messiah" figures have appeared. Many Hmong have travelled to the area from other parts of the country, some from as far away as the Central Highlands, to follow the cults' teaching, it added. Hmong mythology suggests that a Messiah will appear and establish a pan-Hmong kingdom.

More at http://www.ucanews.c...orld-is-ending/



The Hmongs made a big mistake during the Vietnam war by being on the losing side, and pro-American. They are not really Vietnamese, but more akin to some of the "hill-trbes" in Thailand. There has always been a lot of tension between them and the "lowland" Vietnamese. Being "Christians" in a "Buddhist" country hasn't helped them much either. Ideally this wouldn't be the case, but in reality it is.

Also thre is a economic reason behind it too. The Hmong moutain "special area" is one of the few really wild areas in a developed country...and worth a lot of money in tourist hard currency to whoever controls it (makes use of it that is).

When it comes down to it the Hmong are somewhat like the American Indians were in the southwest U.S. in the late 19th century. They are in the way of powerful and influential forces that see their home territory as a profitable money-making possesion. I'm not to surprised that Christen evangelist groups are taking hold among the Hmong. Do you know the history of the "Ghost Dancers" among the indians in that the U.S. southwest...especially among the Apache tribes? It is very much of the same story.

I'm afraid the Hmong will probably end up like the Apache are now...living on government reservations and "pacified".


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