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Rubber Trees

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from what i understand there should be one guy that deals with "fire" crimes (ours was agro land) in every province, not sure if he does normal fire damage - buildings ect. it was a quick visit we had........ he was not there to determin loss, just to collaborate what the witnesses have said. he said if he took our case to court he would do more harm then good as all the physical evidence of the starting point had been lost.

we had the police out within 24 hours of reporting the fire, and a couple of times after this, always mob handed. these are from our local amper. we had to process all the photos video stuff ourselfs. after this its always "all off to the station" and loads of phone calls ect. the guy that is processing everything for us seems to work 5 days on 5 days off, not bad work if you can get it. again from what i can make out if the fire guy from udon was told day one he would have been out before, i imagine he was only told some time after the report was made. the cogs sure do turn slow here, maybe a little financal "help" could be in order, but the wife has been told that this is not the case, one does have to wonder though......

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I am still abroad, however, I've spoken with our tappers and we're making 26.70 baht per kilogram. I haven't seen prices like these for some time - I only wish the yield were up! Perhaps the price is up due to the overall yield of tappers being down? Fingers-crossed the prices keep climbing.


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Been back home with the missus and kids myself for the last month on holiday. First two sales this season up here have been 26.40 and 31.01 baht per kg whilst we were away. Nice to have the business running smoothly inc strimming grass, decent sales, banking monies etc and us not even being there.

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Been back home with the missus and kids myself for the last month on holiday. First two sales this season up here have been 26.40 and 31.01 baht per kg whilst we were away. Nice to have the business running smoothly inc strimming grass, decent sales, banking monies etc and us not even being there.

So the rumour of climbing prices are true! I read a post on Facebook yesterday which eluded to prices at the low 30 mark.

Glad to hear things were well maintained in your absence. I've been away a bit longer than a month and hoping for a similar situation when I return.

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had a walk out the "singed" plantation last night. the trees that are good are still waiting for rain as far as I can make out (land very dry) anyone tapping around udon thani? are you seeing good flow??

still no good news regarding the fire damage, might go to court, could go, not really sure....... give it some more time....... the other affected people have taken there trees out already. gonna wait and see if the coming rains will bring some life back into the better of the damaged ones.

if anyone else has problems with fire damaged crops-land when you report the "crime" to the police make sure the fire "expert" person is informed. should be at least one in every province. have meet the one from udon thani and he said this kind of thing is a very big problem, he is very busy, we had to wait for more then two weeks for him to have time to come out and have a look. of course no good to us because all the evidence had been ploughed under by then........ still good to know that this kind of officer is employed.


Every year without fail we have somebody or some people light fires near our teak plantations and I have put up rewards including 50,000 baht for the successful arrest and conviction of people or persons that have burnt our land. Our rubber farms - thankfully- have been spared but fire has come very close.

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had a walk out the "singed" plantation last night. the trees that are good are still waiting for rain as far as I can make out (land very dry) anyone tapping around udon thani? are you seeing good flow??

still no good news regarding the fire damage, might go to court, could go, not really sure....... give it some more time....... the other affected people have taken there trees out already. gonna wait and see if the coming rains will bring some life back into the better of the damaged ones.

if anyone else has problems with fire damaged crops-land when you report the "crime" to the police make sure the fire "expert" person is informed. should be at least one in every province. have meet the one from udon thani and he said this kind of thing is a very big problem, he is very busy, we had to wait for more then two weeks for him to have time to come out and have a look. of course no good to us because all the evidence had been ploughed under by then........ still good to know that this kind of officer is employed.


Every year without fail we have somebody or some people light fires near our teak plantations and I have put up rewards including 50,000 baht for the successful arrest and conviction of people or persons that have burnt our land. Our rubber farms - thankfully- have been spared but fire has come very close.

yep for the past three years the fires have been getting bigger here. mainly due to large areas of cane, that does burn well. we have been lucky in the past, stopped few metres before the trees......

i can not see any good (our end) coming from all this police intervention, gotta have witnesses that clearly state so and so started fire, there ect..... aint gonna happen in such a small gene pool of a community........

people just love to have a good burn up regardless..........

from what i have read there are laws that are in place to "protect" forested areas. ie in your area. i believe the reward is 5 or 6 thousand baht to the person that can provide info to get a conviction\prosecution. so your offer is very good.

one of our sons keeps on setting fire to forests in minecraft, he says come over and look at the rubber trees burning dad......at least he thinks its funny.

our trees should be working now ( not been out to look) those prices sound loads better........

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had a walk out the "singed" plantation last night. the trees that are good are still waiting for rain as far as I can make out (land very dry) anyone tapping around udon thani? are you seeing good flow??

still no good news regarding the fire damage, might go to court, could go, not really sure....... give it some more time....... the other affected people have taken there trees out already. gonna wait and see if the coming rains will bring some life back into the better of the damaged ones.

if anyone else has problems with fire damaged crops-land when you report the "crime" to the police make sure the fire "expert" person is informed. should be at least one in every province. have meet the one from udon thani and he said this kind of thing is a very big problem, he is very busy, we had to wait for more then two weeks for him to have time to come out and have a look. of course no good to us because all the evidence had been ploughed under by then........ still good to know that this kind of officer is employed.

Hi look om my Pictures (post#499) I took a few years ago when first we had a fire looking more bad than the Pictures from my neighbur. Nearly all the trees are looking good today and they produce normal for our are.

Good luck

Regards Sonny

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had a walk out the "singed" plantation last night. the trees that are good are still waiting for rain as far as I can make out (land very dry) anyone tapping around udon thani? are you seeing good flow??

still no good news regarding the fire damage, might go to court, could go, not really sure....... give it some more time....... the other affected people have taken there trees out already. gonna wait and see if the coming rains will bring some life back into the better of the damaged ones.

if anyone else has problems with fire damaged crops-land when you report the "crime" to the police make sure the fire "expert" person is informed. should be at least one in every province. have meet the one from udon thani and he said this kind of thing is a very big problem, he is very busy, we had to wait for more then two weeks for him to have time to come out and have a look. of course no good to us because all the evidence had been ploughed under by then........ still good to know that this kind of officer is employed.

Hi look om my Pictures (post#499) I took a few years ago when first we had a fire looking more bad than the Pictures from my neighbur. Nearly all the trees are looking good today and they produce normal for our are.

Good luck

Regards Sonny

thankyou. some good reading here. the photos of the burnt trees could be ours............

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Sold yesterday in Bueng Kan province. 31.70 baht per kilo.

Yield has been down due to rainfall. Averaging around 16kg per rai. Trees turn 14 this year.

Is anybody else experiencing comparable output with similar aged trees (I know a lot of other factor influence yield too).



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Anyone know what the problem is here, we have a few dead trees and the bark splits horizontally. Trees are all ages.attachicon.gifimage.jpg

fire or heat damage. have many trees like this at the mo...

There's been no fire but its been hot pleased the rains have finally come

Anyone know what the problem is here, we have a few dead trees and the bark splits horizontally. Trees are all ages.attachicon.gifimage.jpg

I'd say high strong winds.

Could be they do seem to be on the exposed sides of the land.

I don't know if the trees are dying then the bark splitting or they dying because the barks splitting. I suppose though if its just down to high winds or heat theres not a lot i can do about it.

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Also check the root system, check if there is a big hole underneath the trees. Cut into the bark of the tree at different height intervals, 12", 24", 36", 48". If dry, and no latex "bleeding", then they are dying and you have a problem. Those cracks shown, we get sometimes from extreme high winds here in Mar-May, but the tree survives.

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had a walk around the plantation yesterday, the trees are working now but very little coming out, not really surprised because we have yet to see any decent rain,

plenty of dark sky and thunder but very little of the wet stuff even the weeds are wilting........... we are east of udon thani.

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Hi lLickey

Take your car and your wife and make a holiday learning trip to Trang Province.

This province is the kingdom of rubber. The First rubbertree + museum isin Kantang(about20 km from Trang City)

My partner will be glad to arrenge a you can met rubberfarmers and the plantages. Dont forget your camera, pen and notebook.

If you are intrestet, contact me per privat message.

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Been doing a lot of travel down to Surat Thani of late. (Family stuff) The neighbour was just finishing his tapping and Sopha got talking to him about prices. He said something about the Army/Government taking back Tor Bor 5 land. Has anyone else heard of this?

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Been doing a lot of travel down to Surat Thani of late. (Family stuff) The neighbour was just finishing his tapping and Sopha got talking to him about prices. He said something about the Army/Government taking back Tor Bor 5 land. Has anyone else heard of this?

Ithink they are talking about this.



Shure there must be a lot of farners worring about the future. But as I understand it it is only illigal use of land, but who know what will happen to Tor Bor 5.



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Yea, that is what it is. We've been hearing about it for a while now. It's all part of the new crackdown on everything. There is a bit of confusion as to what exactly is going to happen due to various stories (big surprise). At one point it was said they were taking back all illegal land but more recently in one of the news articles they said they are only taking back land that was encroached on since 2010. It's not just focused on the rubber trees. One of the big things that made the news was the reclamation of the Bonanza land.

Now they are saying they are going to take the land from the rich land owners, cut down 60% of the trees and leave the rest for the poor workers to farm. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/830623-thai-govt-will-chop-down-60-of-the-rubber-trees-in-illegal-plantations/

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Been doing a lot of travel down to Surat Thani of late. (Family stuff) The neighbour was just finishing his tapping and Sopha got talking to him about prices. He said something about the Army/Government taking back Tor Bor 5 land. Has anyone else heard of this?

in the wifes village 99percent of tor bor 5 land has just been surveyed ect and are now waiting the new land paper red chanote ... the only land that they did not survey was the land that people could not settle-agree borders ect.. on. this has been in the pipe line for the last 10 or so years... the only moan people had was that land that borders the road they "lost" a couple of meters due to them making all the roads wider, 2 metres or more behind the electric posts........

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Looks like the are serious.


One rubberfarmer with 3 000 rai? No poor village farmer here.

The talk about reclaiming 1 500 000 rai, if so they are talking about 10% of Thailand's total taping area.

This must effect the rubber harvets volume and price in near future.



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