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Rubber Trees

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Mosha, that's 65b dry rubber content, not weight only.

Jim, I'd made it clear 11 yrs ago that I was not the atm machine nor a cure for stupid. Haven't been asked for more than a ride to town or the bus station. Wife is actually open minded enough to realizing that helping stupid only encourages its behaviour.

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Thanks Glenn,

When I had the 1st truck, I was always getting asked for favours, trips into Ranong to pick up building stuff etc. 60km round trip. I did these with (I hope good grace) This was before we were tapping. Then 2 years ago for 2 reasons we sold it. 1 I was on crutches due to a doctors error, she even had me at deaths door with my kidneys failing. The pound also really tanked, and we had more going out than coming in.I could not drive, and could not see a point where I could walk unaided. I thought no problem we have family and friends who owe me. It's surprising how people can suddenly become too busy to help. We are mobile again, but as The Who song says, I won't get fooled again.

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I think I must have hit the jackpot.My wife is very smart don't have any family problems.In fact it's us who are allways asking for advice or help for and with things.

I guess I learnt from my 1st wife ,who was a real parasite.Did nothing ,couldn't even get her out of bed before 12 PM or 1PM.She was a Philippino Took my house and everything.. After that I promised myself I was going to get somebody good next time.Karma is good to me now.My Thai wife treats me like a god.Good at everything.

Meanwhile my X parasite is working a full time job which pisses her off no end.

Not a day goes by when I don't thank my tThai wife for talking to me the 1st time.I had nothing..Only deaf ears and bite marks from the X parasiteviolin.gif But true

Thailand has been good for me in every way.

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Prachuap Kirrikan Yang farmers have closed the highway going south today in disgust at the parot not helping yang farmers.just bla bla blaring in the wind and the money was only for her mates

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Was that on the tv Cobbler? About time people got angry about important things

Yes mate it was on PSI sat TV today.My wife's Aunty has it ,It has a yang channel .

Good yes but last time they had a road block down at Chumpon or Surat in this year some time.Some gov person was going down to have a talk about the yang problem.I forget how many people got shot,but the people who did the shooting didn't get caught.Strange that.No prizes for guessing who sent the gun man Maybe you heard about it or not.I know they kept it very quiet

So this is the 3rd time people have complained to this PM T

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75 per kilo for mats today.

All yang farmers would like to thank those involved with the offer of 100 baht per kilo..Well done.Your honesty was amazing,

180 per kilo was from last mob,with no amazing offers.Just good promotion for the country's products.They did a great job.

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Yea it has been a long day. I'm winding it down with a few beers right now.

I feel fortunate to have the in laws I have. They are honest and hard working but sometimes trying to get them to follow directions or put in some effort on some farm labor (not cutting) with me and I feel like I'd be better off herding cats. In the last few months I have put a few dents in the head banging tree. Fortunately we are about done with the major labor projects until next year at which point I am sure I will be revisiting the tree.


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The day of enlightenment.

Today much to my dislike, but I have few workers, I spent many an hour loading 2 pickups full of rubber, Took them to be classed and weighed for tomorrows sale.

The grading was done one sheet at a time and faults were found in all but 200 kilos.Never seen them so picky, and my few remaining tappers are saying that making sheet is not worth the effort at these prices and getting lower grades.

Wife is telling me our smoking sheds are no good and we need to build new ones, that is why the lower grade. The buyers don't like our rubber, I am saying they are smoking sheds and there is not much you can do, either smoke our not. The argument goes around and round for an hour or so. Then she says go see Bouns rubber. Now Boun has small rollers and a small shed nothing fancy, but his rubber always gets top dollar, so the wife says and that's what the buyers want. Off to his rubber and it was the beautiful. No color difference, no blemishes, no nothing. Light brown in color-and uniform all round, but it wasn't RSS.

The non smoke house is just the same as any smoker, but the smoke leaves through a chimney. A large concrete pipe runs through the shed and a fire is build in the pipe. The only purpose of the fire is to heat the shed to about 60 degrees. The rubber is not smoked, but hot air dried.

When I look at prices I see only USS [ sun dried] and RSS, but I have seen no references to what I think is RSS grade 5/1 or light colored RSS. Out here it gets the top price, I am now lead to understand.

Tomorrow have a builder coming round to quote on a new small shed to try it out and I may well have 2 big expensive smoke shed that will lay empty. Jim

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I've heard about this Jim.Also have seen people cut in price because yang is smoked too heavily.(too much)Carefull if you go out and spend money on a shed that will be maybe used for just a short time.You'd be better off to get rid of the gov..Then things could get back to normal.Good luck with whatever you try.

Many people here in this area are way down on production as our rains this year are'nt enough.How ever I don't know about the rest of the country

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I've heard about this Jim.Also have seen people cut in price because yang is smoked too heavily.(too much)Carefull if you go out and spend money on a shed that will be maybe used for just a short time.You'd be better off to get rid of the gov..Then things could get back to normal.Good luck with whatever you try.

Many people here in this area are way down on production as our rains this year are'nt enough.How ever I don't know about the rest of the country

Slow and easy is the way I will be going. Think this is another Chinese thing, RSS can be stored for years, ergo you can pack it on a ship, send it to the other side of the world, store and sell. This rubber is of a very high quality, but has a much shorter shelf life, but if you are packing it on a truck to Chang Rai over the Mekong to China, no need for years of shelf life.

One off the tappers from Krabi said he has not seen anyone making or buying this type of rubber. Yet here I am told that the private buyers are paying 90 Baht for it..

Think I will just have to set up for this rubber and keep the RSS sheds ready and if I see some money buy a creping machine. Make what is in demand at the time. Jim

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squarkbox@scnbcas Is saying on true sat tv right now ''agriculture is the future'' ''So if you own farming land you will be set for the future.''

Just thought I'd let you in on that.......For those of you who don't already know

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Pardon my ignorance(igleow) What is crepe rubber and what is the process of making it?

Crepe is sheet rubber made from cup rubber [wet and clean] different ways to make, but general idea, grate,chop what ever the cup then put through rollers to make a big sheet. Used for shoe soles a lot, price per kilo is less then RSS, but much higher then cup. Jim
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I watched and paid for crepe making on a small machine on a local farm a few weeks ago. Two guys did 600kg of keeyang to crepe in about 4 hours. Reasonable to think a ton a day from two people. Unfortunately Sritrang Rubberland and only pays +1 baht per kg more than keeyang for good quality crepe. Math doesn't work in that case. I am a bit perplexed that people are bringing in many a ton per day crepe, which is nothing compared to the amt of kee that they buy, but perplexed because it costs more to make than being bought at.

I'm mentioned previously that there was another local small factory that was going to buy crepe by weight vs drc content but they've stopped buying as of the recent price drop. Meh.

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UMMMM .Government.... cough bla waffle.... has just... cough bullsh#t ..... said .....crap..........''They will talk about the yang issue.FAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT

We should all be greatfull for this croc of Sh&tbeatdeadhorse.gif

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Just back from the Government buy, we brought our rubber yesterday for today's sale,

Grade 3 sheet 72 Baht, They only buy up to grade 3, makes no difference it it's 1, 2 or 3 you get paid for 3.

Grade 4 67 Baht

Now as I have been there 2 days in a row, I only saw one seller get grade 3 and that was us, but only 200 kilos, Everyone one else was grade 4. Meaning the real price for sheet us only 67 Baht.

Can't believe anything I am being told at the moment about price.

Saw some of this hot air dried sheet being sold, Grade 4 again, So a new shed is on hold until I see someone getting the money in their hand.

Wife was on the phone to a rubber company down south somewhere, they say 100 Baht. They are just making up numbers to get you there and then it's grade 4 67 Baht again.


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