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UN concerned over lack of humanitarian access into Syria


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UN concerned over lack of humanitarian access into Syria

2011-05-11 05:44:00 GMT+7 (ICT)

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- The United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos, on Tuesday voiced her concern over the lack of humanitarian access into parts of Syria where clashes between protesters and government forces continue.

Amos expressed particular concern about the southern city of Deraa and the coastal cities of Latakia, Jablah, Baniyas and Douma, where many protesters have reportedly been killed after clashing with security forces.

In recent weeks, large numbers of protesters have been reportedly killed or detained by Syrian security forces. Furthermore, many wounded demonstrators do not seek help in hospitals for fear of reprisals.

Since Sunday, a UN planned humanitarian mission to Deraa has not been allowed access despite repeated requests to the Syrian authorities. The aim of the mission is to independently assess the situation in the region.

On Monday, the European Union imposed a series of restrictive measures against the Syrian government that provides for an embargo on exports of arms and equipment that could be used for internal repression, as well as a visa ban and an assets freeze.

The EU's visa ban and assets freeze targeted a list of thirteen individuals, including officials and associates of the Syrian government, who were identified as being responsible for the violent crackdown on protesters.

According to Amnesty International, more than 500 people have been killed during the clashes and thousands more were rounded up for questioning. In the last four days, 48 citizens have been killed by Syrian security forces.

Protesters have been demanding the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad, who took over the post from his father Hafez al-Assad in 2000, and calling for greater freedoms. The country has been ruled by the Baath Party since 1963.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-05-11

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Over 500 killed and Syria are even becoming too big an embarassment for the UNHRC who it is whispered will seek to replace Libya with Kuwait instead of Syria.

Still our peaceniks who fill pages of threads every time Israel wings a terrorist pass no comment whatsoever concerning events the other side of the Golan heights.

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Over 500 killed and Syria are even becoming too big an embarassment for the UNHRC who it is whispered will seek to replace Libya with Kuwait instead of Syria.

Still our peaceniks who fill pages of threads every time Israel wings a terrorist pass no comment whatsoever concerning events the other side of the Golan heights.

Thats because its ok for Arab to kill an Arab, take away freedom along with anything else, but its a totally different matter when it comes to Israel.

I am sure the usual suspects will be here shortly to tell us, how really this is all Israel's fault and Jews in Antarctica are to blame for it

Yet all UN has done so far is voice its concern and nothing else. Speaking of double standards and fair game :bah:

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I am somewhat surprised at Iran being silent over the matter.

With all the noise Iran made in Bahrain, one would think they would say something about Syria and yet total silence, unless of course i missed it

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I am somewhat surprised at Iran being silent over the matter.

With all the noise Iran made in Bahrain, one would think they would say something about Syria and yet total silence, unless of course i missed it

Good question. I have read that Saudi Arabia are bankrolling resistance to Assad, I wouldn't be surprised if Iranian silence means they are actually doing something pretty naughty themselves, for instance revolutionary guards getting directly involved in shooting civilians.

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I am somewhat surprised at Iran being silent over the matter.

With all the noise Iran made in Bahrain, one would think they would say something about Syria and yet total silence, unless of course i missed it

I am somewhat surprised at the deafening silence from the US and the west in general over the killing of civilian protesters in Bahrain. Maybe the fact that the 5th fleet are stationed there could have something to do with it. Perhaps the murdering despots ruling Bahrain are GOOD despots. Iran does not have the monopoly on hypocrisy however much you would like us to think so. Everybody is as bad as each other when it comes to policy in the Middle East.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace". Jimi Hendrix. Now pass me that spliff!:rolleyes:

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I am somewhat surprised at Iran being silent over the matter.

With all the noise Iran made in Bahrain, one would think they would say something about Syria and yet total silence, unless of course i missed it

I am somewhat surprised at the deafening silence from the US and the west in general over the killing of civilian protesters in Bahrain. Maybe the fact that the 5th fleet are stationed there could have something to do with it. Perhaps the murdering despots ruling Bahrain are GOOD despots. Iran does not have the monopoly on hypocrisy however much you would like us to think so. Everybody is as bad as each other when it comes to policy in the Middle East.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace". Jimi Hendrix. Now pass me that spliff!:rolleyes:

Of course there are 'good' despots and bad despots, it depends on your subjective viewpoint and I will grant you that no automatic moral distinction holds water. What I think is beyond doubt is the disproportionate attention the actions of Israel and the U.S gets in relation to other Countries where the body count and general human rights situation is far worse, this is where agenda can be readily detected and moral equivalence arguments are picked up selectively to further it but radar silence reigns the rest of the time regardless of the human cost.

P.S I believe some weed was found growing wild outside a certain residence in Abbotabad.

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Thats because its ok for Arab to kill an Arab, take away freedom along with anything else, but its a totally different matter when it comes to Israel.

I am sure the usual suspects will be here shortly to tell us, how really this is all Israel's fault and Jews in Antarctica are to blame for it

Yet all UN has done so far is voice its concern and nothing else. Speaking of double standards and fair game :bah:

No. its only you who brought the Jews to the thread.

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I am somewhat surprised at Iran being silent over the matter.

With all the noise Iran made in Bahrain, one would think they would say something about Syria and yet total silence, unless of course i missed it

Good question. I have read that Saudi Arabia are bankrolling resistance to Assad, I wouldn't be surprised if Iranian silence means they are actually doing something pretty naughty themselves, for instance revolutionary guards getting directly involved in shooting civilians.

Are you following the Iranian news?

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Are you?

I am somewhat surprised at Iran being silent over the matter.

With all the noise Iran made in Bahrain, one would think they would say something about Syria and yet total silence, unless of course i missed it

Good question. I have read that Saudi Arabia are bankrolling resistance to Assad, I wouldn't be surprised if Iranian silence means they are actually doing something pretty naughty themselves, for instance revolutionary guards getting directly involved in shooting civilians.

Are you following the Iranian news?

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Are you?

I am somewhat surprised at Iran being silent over the matter.

With all the noise Iran made in Bahrain, one would think they would say something about Syria and yet total silence, unless of course i missed it

Good question. I have read that Saudi Arabia are bankrolling resistance to Assad, I wouldn't be surprised if Iranian silence means they are actually doing something pretty naughty themselves, for instance revolutionary guards getting directly involved in shooting civilians.

Are you following the Iranian news?

Well, someone who claims that Tehran keeps silent about this should follow the news in Iran to make such a statement. :whistling:

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Well, someone who claims that Tehran keeps silent about this should follow the news in Iran to make such a statement. :whistling:

I would of thought someone mentioning Iranian news would actually have something new or of value to addwhistling.gif

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Look, either discuss the topic with facts and opinion or keep quiet. If you guys are just going to trade jabs at each other you'll find yourself losing posting rights, and a few of you are due for a very long time out next time.

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Well, someone who claims that Tehran keeps silent about this should follow the news in Iran to make such a statement. :whistling:

So you did notice it then. Yes Iran are having a hissy fit because their attempts to de-stabilize Bahrain has led to Saudi Arabia trying to bring down Assad in favour of the Sunni majority. For Israel the Syria situation is like choosing between the ugly sisters. I guess at least the UN are pretending to make the right noises after keeping quiet back in 1982 when Assad Senior killed an estimated 25,000.

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Well, someone who claims that Tehran keeps silent about this should follow the news in Iran to make such a statement. :whistling:

So you did notice it then. Yes Iran are having a hissy fit because their attempts to de-stabilize Bahrain has led to Saudi Arabia trying to bring down Assad in favour of the Sunni majority. For Israel the Syria situation is like choosing between the ugly sisters. I guess at least the UN are pretending to make the right noises after keeping quiet back in 1982 when Assad Senior killed an estimated 25,000.

Finally something other than the usual slagging matches. Do you have more sources for this?

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Well, someone who claims that Tehran keeps silent about this should follow the news in Iran to make such a statement. :whistling:

So you did notice it then. Yes Iran are having a hissy fit because their attempts to de-stabilize Bahrain has led to Saudi Arabia trying to bring down Assad in favour of the Sunni majority. For Israel the Syria situation is like choosing between the ugly sisters. I guess at least the UN are pretending to make the right noises after keeping quiet back in 1982 when Assad Senior killed an estimated 25,000.

Finally something other than the usual slagging matches. Do you have more sources for this?


Assad suspects the Saudis of pushing into Syria arms, money and provocateurs for stirring up riots with the help of the Sunni militias of the western Iraqi province of Al-Anbar. These locals are familiar with the paths to the Syrian border hidden by the dense wooded vegetation of the Euphrates and Tigris riverbanks between Husaiba in Iraq and Abu Kamal in Syria. The latter is the center of the Shammar tribe whose lands spill over into Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

Note also that debka.com have articles online which refer specifically to the Iran-Saudi fallout over Bahrain as well as mentioning Iranian revolutionary guards are in Syria.


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Russia has a naval base in Syria i believe. The US fifth fleet is stationed in Bahrain. Obviously a gentlemens agreement has been made. The innocent citizens who are being slaughtered in cold blood come a very poor second to the global interests of superpowers. There for humanitarian reasons? Dont make me laugh. As i said before, when it comes to hypocrisy, they are all as bad as each other.

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