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Head Of I.M.F. Arrested In New York And Accused Of Sexual Attack


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No way a foreign statesman, head of an important UN institute, or even a chief of the FED would be handled, handcuffed and treated like a criminal in Europe the way DSK was taken care of by the NY police.

TIA (This Is America) :whistling:

Tis true if instead he had bilked hundreds/thousands out of billions $ he would be free on bail at once till some shred of proof was found. Yet this man with no previous record remains in jail with bail denied because he is a so called flight risk?

Yet the one with billions of reasons to run is let free till trial ( & rightfully so if all are equally innocent till proven guilty )

So yes I have to agree Naam ....TIA....but it is becoming Amerika if we continue to let it.

I watched the hearing and it was really unbelievable. :bah:

The prosecution to the judge (in words of similar content):

The police have searched the room and collected possible evidence but the details are not known yet (to the prosecution) but it MAY show that possible evidence will prove what the maid claimed and therefore, your honour, we ask you not to let the accused free on bail, also because he might flee outside the US jurisdiction since the USA and France do not extradite their citizens.... :blink:

Electronic monitoring was also denied.

I've never seen anything like it so vague and without any evidence; it means that the NYC Police and Justice Department's circus-show must go on and a man, without any evidence, is held on accusation by a single woman of which we do not know anything so far.

Who is she, where is she?

Why publish everything about the accused but nothing about the woman accuser ?

Is this American Justice or does Justice have something to hide for the press and hope and pray for a silent escape.........?:unsure:

And, to the one who asked why he would need a "better treatment": NO, not a better treatment but a treatment with some dignity for a mere "suspect" of grand standing; the same dignity most other countries would give to similar men of great standing from other countries; the US for instance.

It is unheard of that any European- or even Asian country would show-off a great man from another country the way the NY police handled this case; DSK is a financial genius and a very important man to the IMF and it's contributing 184 countries.

The fact that his arrest influenced the USD and Euro says something how important this man is to the financial world, a financial world in crisis.

You simply don't treat such a man the same way as you treat a NY criminal. It's simply not done and a shame to NY and I'm convinced the President feels the same way.


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You simply don't treat such a man the same way as you treat a NY criminal. It's simply not done and a shame to NY and I'm convinced the President feels the same way.

He is an accused rapist. Get over it.

Prosecutors had asked the Criminal Court judge, Melissa C. Jackson, to remand Mr. Strauss-Kahn, 62, contending that he was a flight risk. They also indicated that he may have been previously involved in a similar episode.

“Some of this information includes reports he has in fact engaged in conduct similar to the conduct alleged in this complaint on at least one other occasion,” said Artie McConnell, an assistant district attorney, adding that the other occasion, which occurred outside the United States, was still being investigated.

In opposing bail, prosecutors highlighted the serious nature of the allegations.

“The defendant restrained a hotel employee inside of the room,” Mr. McConnell said. “He sexually assaulted her and attempted to forcibly rape her,” and when that failed, Mr. McConnell said, he forced her to perform oral sex.

Mr. McConnell also said that he saw a video of Mr. Strauss-Kahn leaving the Sofitel New York, on West 44th Street, after the time alleged for the attack.

“It appears to be a man who was in a hurry,” Mr. McConnell said.


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You simply don't treat such a man the same way as you treat a NY criminal. It's simply not done and a shame to NY and I'm convinced the President feels the same way.

He is an accused rapist. Get over it.

No, you get over it.... If someone accuses another one he's guilty already ? How silly.

I really hope something similar will never happen to you since false (rape) accusations by Thai (girls) to Farang is not really uncommon <_<

Watch your back.


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I did not say he was guilty. You are distorting posts again. I said that he should be treated like any other suspect booked for rape charges, no matter how wealthy and "important" he is.

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I did not say he was guilty.

YES you did: your words: "He is an accused rapist. Get over it."

That's defining a man as being guilty.

A RAPIST is someone who raped (women/woman/girl) and he never raped anyone.


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I did not say he was guilty.

YES you did: your words: "He is an accused rapist. Get over it."

That's defining a man as being guilty.

A RAPIST is someone who raped (women/woman/girl) and he never raped anyone.


Noun1.accused - a defendant in a criminal proceeding defendant, suspect - a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the person being sued or accused68AD5-accused.gif

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Davis was attacked and then arrested for defending himself. This seems to be quite the opposite. ;)

You said....

Why should he be treated any better than anyone else accused of a violent crime? :ermm:

Both were accused of a violent crime....

Neither have been to court.

One has been freed to leave to another country via payola

The other remains in jail with no bail allowed

One had obvious proof of violence ( yet freed ) & the other does not ( yet jailed without bail )

All that aside & leaving the Davis example alone.....

Murderers & Rapist are allowed bail in most cases.

This case is oddly tainted & one would need to look at what important IMF votes are about to take place.

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You already decided he's guilty

You keep trying to say this, but I already told you several times that all I am saying is that he should be treated like any other rape suspect.

Just why do you always have to distort other poster's words and then start getting personal? :bah:

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A RAPIST is someone who raped (women/woman/girl) and he never raped anyone.


Might as well throw out the case then, as long as you're sure

I'm not the one to judge that; as far as the records show, he never raped anyone and was never convicted; that's what counts.

If he's guilty in NYC is up to the further investigations and eventual trial but the whole case stinks, worldwide.

So far, NOTHING is published about the accusing woman...NOTHING.

Why not?


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Do you not understand the word ACCUSED? :rolleyes:

Aaah, you're withdrawing and softening your words and sentences already.

You are being dishonest once again. I have not softened or withdrawn anything. THIS is exactly what I said:

He is an accused rapist. Get over it.

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Where is Emile Zola when you need him? (Oh, I see LaoPo already referenced that infamous case of antisemitism and injustice, in France. Interesting that a cleaning woman played such a pivotal role in that affair.)

M. Strauss-Khan does seem to have quite a history of hitting on the ladies, and in some cases (all hush-hush but French journalists refer to it as a "known secret") was unrelenting and physical. When confronted by the mother of one of his victims he apologized and said he "went crazy".

I do find it odd that, given his wealth and status as a Caviar Socialist and that he could basically purchase any sexual gratification he requires, he would assault a maid in a hotel. But some people do have peculiar needs.

I wouldn't write off American Justice after ~ 36 hours, give it a chance (easy for me to say, I'm not in Rikers); after all it did take the French what, ten years to finally pardon Dreyfuss. I suspect that there will be little doubt as to his innocence or guilt, ultimately.

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Where is Emile Zola when you need him? (Oh, I see LaoPo already referenced that infamous case of antisemitism and injustice, in France. Interesting that a cleaning woman played such a pivotal role in that affair.)

Strauss-Kahn is not an islamist rapist? :huh:

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Where is Emile Zola when you need him? (Oh, I see LaoPo already referenced that infamous case of antisemitism and injustice, in France. Interesting that a cleaning woman played such a pivotal role in that affair.)

M. Strauss-Khan does seem to have quite a history of hitting on the ladies, and in some cases (all hush-hush but French journalists refer to it as a "known secret") was unrelenting and physical. When confronted by the mother of one of his victims he apologized and said he "went crazy".

I do find it odd that, given his wealth and status as a Caviar Socialist and that he could basically purchase any sexual gratification he requires, he would assault a maid in a hotel. But some people do have peculiar needs.

I wouldn't write off American Justice after ~ 36 hours, give it a chance (easy for me to say, I'm not in Rikers); after all it did take the French what, ten years to finally pardon Dreyfuss. I suspect that there will be little doubt as to his innocence or guilt, ultimately.

:)..I like your well written comment. DSK has indeed a well known, even notorious, womanizing reputation but according to a large part of the French people (published in newspapers and on television), he's certainly not a rapist.

We have to wait and see if he will be considered to have been a rapist within the American Jurisdictional system if the accusation by the mysterious Guinea woman is considered to be 100% true, whether correct or incorrect in the eyes of DSK.


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Where is Emile Zola when you need him? (Oh, I see LaoPo already referenced that infamous case of antisemitism and injustice, in France. Interesting that a cleaning woman played such a pivotal role in that affair.)

Strauss-Kahn is not an islamist rapist? :huh:

No, but an alledgedly Jewish accused rapist, according to some.


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Just doing some more reading...I missed the Star Trek/Wrath of Khan reference in that the victim's attacker "went where no man has gone before", aka Sodomy. :shock1:

I assume the DNA tests will be conclusive, assuring clear-cut innocence, or guilt.

I realize that one accuser, or even two does not indicate guilt...

Tristane Banon, 31, a journalist and writer who has publicly claimed that Dominique Strauss-Kahn tried to rape her during an interview in 2002, now plans to file the legal complaint against him that she had decided against nine years ago, her lawyer, David Koubbi, said Monday.


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I deleted much of a senseless argument.

LaoPo, you are clearly distorting another poster's words. This is borderline trolling.

He said "accused" that does not imply guilt, it is exactly how most courts describe a person who has not been proven guilty. Now drop it please.

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A RAPIST is someone who raped (women/woman/girl) and he never raped anyone.


Might as well throw out the case then, as long as you're sure

I'm not the one to judge that; as far as the records show, he never raped anyone and was never convicted; that's what counts.

If he's guilty in NYC is up to the further investigations and eventual trial but the whole case stinks, worldwide.

So far, NOTHING is published about the accusing woman...NOTHING.

Why not?


Since when have they published details of the alleged victim before a Grand Jury

has even heard the case ? What do you want - her name telephone number and address ? :blink:

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I can't even begin to imagine what it would feel like

to go from a $3000 per night environment and first class jet travel to this - even

for just 72 hours :ermm:

For the record, the accused was not in First class when he was arrested. The AF AB 330-200 cabin does not have 1st class.

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The Maid is, at this point, the victim of an alleged criminal act. She is not on trial, nor will any information be given out about her. If she conspired with anyone in a set-up, he will be free to go and she will be charged with a whole host of charges and will find herself in the clink.

You might want to take a look at some of the famous mug shots of people in the USA. Commit certain crimes, the big one being driving under the influence, and you will be charged and you will spend some time in jail. Those who spend time in jail are not restricted to Hollywood either. Washington has had it's fair share.

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Maybe it was just misunderstanding. Perhaps Monsieur just wanted to give the chambermaid a tip before checking out?

Or maybe with all the pent-up frustration of forcing his unwanted attention on a unwilling Greece it all came to a head?

As long as he hasn't left a trail of similarly attacked maids at other Sofitels he may be OK. Perhaps the maid will recant, and end up working under Monsieur at the IMF?

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I haven't studied the case (as some apparently have) and while I'm not the least bit interested to start looking for conspiracies and/or politics machinations behind the scenes, I don't rule out the possibility of such things may exist in this case (as no doubt they may have in others).

But what strikes me as odd about this thread are the following:

1) The ridiculous -- and offensive -- notion that a rich and powerful man could not be guilty of a crime like this. If one wants to cite a person's wealth and power in such a case, one could just as easily say that 'being used to getting whatever he wants, when he wants it, such a man would not take no from anyone but especially some lowly chambermaid'.

I remember both arguments being made for Mike Tyson -- and both of them sound: I doubt if either one was right.

I also remember people scratching their heads at Bill Clinton's choice of Ms. Lewinsky, given his wealth and power. And the allegations against him in the past. (If anything, I'm a Clinton fan - not bashing him).

2) The idea that the public should be well-informed on the maid and that the lack of that information is suspicious and unfair. We've come a long way from the days when it was typically OK to make the victim at fault in cases of sexual assault and while there's no question that -- as in any crime -- the accused's rights must be protected in every way including scrutiny of the accuser, that is not and should necessarily not be the public's business at this stage if ever.

Yes, tragically there have been people's lives devastated by false accusations of sexual assault or, even worse, paedophilia, but I would rather have the situation we have now -- hyper-vigilance and a climate where victims feel able to come forth -- than what existed in the past (turning a blind eye and victims being punished in various ways for coming forward).

3) The idea that a person's social stature should determine how they are treated in a criminal proceeding, and the way that idea is expressed with such certainty and as if it were a given -- I honestly thought in this day and age most every westerner at least pretended to have more egalitarian views than that. If the man is being treated more harshly than he should be under the law or treated differently from others when all else is equal, because of who he is -- that's wrong. But that's not what I'm talking about.

Of course people of wealth and influence are often if not always treated better. That does not mean it should be that way or that we should insist it should happen when it doesn't. Rule of Law is a paramount and fundamental aspect of US democracy as is due process and blah blah blah...just because the US does not and can not attain those and other high ideals, the goal should be to always strive for them nonetheless and thus get as close as we can and perhaps move incrementally closer to them). [The preceding obviously applies to many other countries as well]

4) The blatant and apparently overpowering bias for "DSK" shown by some.

I'm sure I should take more care in making this post than doing my usual banging it out off the top of my head - especially with a smart and articulate poster like GK participating -- but...eff it...why start that habit now?

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I can't even begin to imagine what it would feel like

to go from a $3000 per night environment and first class jet travel to this - even

for just 72 hours :ermm:

For the record, the accused was not in First class when he was arrested. The AF AB 330-200 cabin does not have 1st class.

Yes, the pointy-end on that aircraft is called, perhaps appropriately, "Affaires", so business class rather than "La Premiere", AKA First Class.

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That she considered DSK to be a risk of fleeing says something about her (limited) judgement and not realizing that a man with his stature would NOT flee (his wife was already on the way to NY from Paris as told to the judge), risking about everything he has and stands for.

Yeah sure, as if he didn't risk it all with this (and other) alleged and confessed acts many times already.

Says to me good call judge.

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