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Thailand Backs Australia'S Refugee Deal


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Thailand has lent its support to Australia's new bilateral arrangements for asylum seekers with Malaysia which the Thai Foreign Minister says is a potential model for the region in facing migration issues.

Thai Foreign Minister, Kasit Piroyma, said the agreement would provide some sort of certainty and also a model for others to study later....

Full article:


Having had a few trips to LOS and occasionally looking in on the issues as posted on TV, i am suprised to see this report on Ninemsn today.

The issue has attracted some debate over here, mainly for the huge costs involved for the government. Some pundits are claiming the cost (per recipient) could exceed AU$50,000.

As always, i guess it will be an opportunity for the "do-gooders" (who rarely see what goes on in other countries) to take the moral high ground, along with the opposition who will oppose everything, and use the plight of these people for the purposes of their own personal agendas.

Personally, i think australia could use a dose of Thailands (and other countries) brand of "practical" ways of dealing with things like this, but i guess that will never happen.

I am a little suprised that Thailand has bought into the debate though...What's in it for the Thai government to have a stance on this issue??

After reading TV, i sometimes get the opinion that Thailand is pretty much oblivious to news and issues from other countries.

I do recall Thailand recieving some bad press a while ago concerning the treatment of some refugee boat people off the coast of Thailand...

Have they changed their policy or thoughts on the issue?

Im just suprised to see this, especially since the recent news of the Thai minister who went on report as saying he does'nt "respect" farangs..

SO..Whats the good punters of TV opinions on this?

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Thailands plocy towards refugees is very simple...put them back in the boat and push them back out to sea....:whistling:

So "any model" would be an improvement.....Thailand is obviously supporting this because there is possibly something in it for them, ie offload Burmese refugees on the borders or some sort of finanical consideration they are trying to get their hands on

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I am a little suprised that Thailand has bought into the debate though...What's in it for the Thai government to have a stance on this issue??

From the article Malaysia isn't just taking Australian asylum seekers, they're trading them at a 1:5 ratios for refugees in Malaysia. For Malaysia and Thailand they reduce the number of refugees by 5 for every 1 they take. For Australia they send the message that asylum seekers who wash up in Australia will never have a chance of living there.

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I am a little suprised that Thailand has bought into the debate though...What's in it for the Thai government to have a stance on this issue??

From the article Malaysia isn't just taking Australian asylum seekers, they're trading them at a 1:5 ratios for refugees in Malaysia. For Malaysia and Thailand they reduce the number of refugees by 5 for every 1 they take. For Australia they send the message that asylum seekers who wash up in Australia will never have a chance of living there.

I can see the reasoning behind the idea, but the ultimate question i guess is..WHAT will be the eventual outcome of this?

John Howard and the like have tried many scenarios to try and sweep this under the election campaign carpet..(why it is even given election campaign status is beyond me) it seems our Julia has found a way TO PAY to make the issue dissapear.

Call me a conspiracist (no shortage lately :rolleyes: ) but consider this scenario:

1. The foreign companies (be they Thai or Malaysian) enlisted to take "care" of the refugees from Oz charge a ridiculous premium for processing each refugee,

2. Fat cats of said companies pocket 90% of the dosh (ala teamoney) and treat refugess to even worse conditions from whence they came,

3.The refugees who have wound up in LOS or Malaysia, (now "out of sight, out of mind" for the aussies) get thrown in a in a leaky boat and kicked out..or worse.

4. Any exiting refugees lucky enough to make it out of LOS or Malaysia intact are happily sent to Australia to forge a new life on the welfare system.

5. All prospective refugees (new and old) as well as people smugglers, become aware of the new system, hence they push the refugees straight to Thailand or Malaysia hoping to become the ratio that gets quick entry into Australia.

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well, Thailand is buying into it because the issue has been raised at a variety of regional forums for a good little while.

It is good politics for all concerned (and excuse the cynicism).

Australia doesn't wind up with 'boatloads' of predominately middle eastern asylum seekers. Those that come are swapped for more 'acceptable' Burmese refugees.

Malaysia (and who knows, soon, Thailand) gets to offload Burmese refugees (not particularly welcome in Thailand) to replaced by less ME refugees.

The Australian opposition then can't yell 'stop the boats', and SE Asian countries who actually bear the brunt of refugees have a bit more support from a western country in assisting in resettling those who have been sitting in their camps for many, many years.

Everyone is happy. Who knows, maybe even refugees might even get something out of it.

Edited by samran
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well, Thailand is buying into it because the issue has been raised at a variety of regional forums for a good little while.

It is good politics for all concerned (and excuse the cynicism).

Australia doesn't wind up with 'boatloads' of predominately middle eastern asylum seekers. Those that come are swapped for more 'acceptable' Burmese refugees.

Malaysia (and who knows, soon, Thailand) gets to offload Burmese refugees (not particularly welcome in Thailand) to replaced by less ME refugees.

The Australian opposition then can't yell 'stop the boats', and SE Asian countries who actually bear the brunt of refugees have a bit more support from a western country in assisting in resettling those who have been sitting in their camps for many, many years.

Everyone is happy. Who knows, maybe even refugees might even get something out of it.

That's it!

Samran you've hit the nail on the head.

Good post.

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Australia will send back 800 to Malaysia and take 5000 over the next 5 years from Malaysia processed by the UNCHR. This is what is proposed. Australias intake will rise to 14750 per year. (all refugees) up 1000.

Thailand has only expressed interest in being involved. East Timor was another.

But Manus Is (PNG) or Nauru are the obvious places to sent them for processing.

The purpose in to deter people smugglers. Part of a "regional solution" to the problem.

Cost is another important factor in its implementation.

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