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Hi all my question to anyone that might know is, how do you deal with Bi -Polar, I am sure this is something I have as I change every few minutes even seconds, one minute I can be as happy as Larry and the next minute feeling like I have many problems, decisions are difficult even something as simple as choosing a colour, I am not depressed never feel so bad as to want to harm myself it is just this constant changing of how I am feeling, very annoying but something I have lived with for many years, lots of other examples like buying a new car, just bought another new car and now I am thinking of selling it because I worry about being able to afford it, which to be honest I can't as money is tight, taking up many sports and buying all the equipment only to give it up quickly, feel free to have a laugh I try too but sometimes it just gets on my nerves. any ideas anyone?


kenny ,

you need a bad woman/ or two .

to clean out your tubes , and clear your mind .

i was going to start a self help group ,

but i changed my mind .


best of luck.


Obviously no sensible answers, easily bored yes but able to cope with it, the constant change of mood is copeable but very annoying, please don't reply if you have only silly :angry: remarks to make..


Obviously no sensible answers, easily bored yes but able to cope with it, the constant change of mood is copeable but very annoying, please don't reply if you have only silly :angry: remarks to make..

It wasn't a silly reply. I was serious.

Outside of surgeons, doctors are worthless nowadays when it comes to this kind of thing, and are mis-diagnosing and mis-prescribing like never before. I wouldn't trust one as far as I can spit.

If you are Google-diagnosed...well...then... we're wasting our time here.

Many people have the exact symptoms you describe. My mother did. I have had friends and co-workers who do. These are really "syndromes" and "disorders" that have come about, largely, in the past few decades or so. They did not exist before then.

Doctors say chemical imbalances lead to these disorders. BS. They have the cause-effect backward. I believe what we think and do has a direct effect on our brain and body chemistry. Food can too, especially the processed fake garbage with ingredients largely supplied by Dow.

Clean up what you eat and think and get some basic exercise. Get away from complexity and get simple in every aspect of your life.


Obviously no sensible answers, easily bored yes but able to cope with it, the constant change of mood is copeable but very annoying, please don't reply if you have only silly :angry: remarks to make..

It wasn't a silly reply. I was serious.

Outside of surgeons, doctors are worthless nowadays when it comes to this kind of thing, and are mis-diagnosing and mis-prescribing like never before. I wouldn't trust one as far as I can spit.

If you are Google-diagnosed...well...then... we're wasting our time here.

Many people have the exact symptoms you describe. My mother did. I have had friends and co-workers who do. These are really "syndromes" and "disorders" that have come about, largely, in the past few decades or so. They did not exist before then.

Doctors say chemical imbalances lead to these disorders. BS. They have the cause-effect backward. I believe what we think and do has a direct effect on our brain and body chemistry. Food can too, especially the processed fake garbage with ingredients largely supplied by Dow.

Clean up what you eat and think and get some basic exercise. Get away from complexity and get simple in every aspect of your life.

Ah sorry I can see you are talking sense, must admit since being here I have lacked exercise and do enjoy the odd 1 or 4 big Mc's I did take Seroxat for a couple of yrs not for depression but generaly feeling down Dr's of course automaticaly diagnose depression, anyway these tablets changed me completely and for the better, I still can't believe how much they altered my mood and general being, maybe I should get them again, I just hate taking tablets especially ones that do alter your chemical balance.


I mostly agree with happyrobert.

You also mentioned taking Seroxat for 2 years. Are you taking any other medication? Even seemingly healthy, all natural foods can interact with medication. Do a specific search for medication do's and don'ts. Follow the instructions.

Cross check the drugs and dosage of same. Getting regular exercise does a world of good. It will help you stay focused on a task. You may have allowed your brain to trick you to a certain extent also. Life these days is stressful, more so than in previous generations. Just about everybody needs to take stock of what is important in their life and make a plan, stay focused. Get a good nights sleep, too.


I mostly agree with happyrobert.

You also mentioned taking Seroxat for 2 years. Are you taking any other medication? Even seemingly healthy, all natural foods can interact with medication. Do a specific search for medication do's and don'ts. Follow the instructions.

Cross check the drugs and dosage of same. Getting regular exercise does a world of good. It will help you stay focused on a task. You may have allowed your brain to trick you to a certain extent also. Life these days is stressful, more so than in previous generations. Just about everybody needs to take stock of what is important in their life and make a plan, stay focused. Get a good nights sleep, too.

Thanks for the tips exercise is a must and trying to plan is also important.


Messing with brain chemistry is a serious matter. The doctors a hundred years from now will likely look upon the doctors of today who precribe all this stuff as the surgeons of today look on their counterparts of the 1800's.

As butchers.


Messing with brain chemistry is a serious matter. The doctors a hundred years from now will likely look upon the doctors of today who precribe all this stuff as the surgeons of today look on their counterparts of the 1800's.

As butchers.

Agree and especially here all thay want to do is give you lots of pills and charge you lots of bht, I will sort my problem out the natrual way.:rolleyes:


I have to disagree with much of what has been posted here.

While certainly there are doctors who inappropriately prescribe pyschotropics (and not just in Thailand ) there are some excellent, Western-trained psychiatrists to be found here who do in fact know what they are doing, and the correct use of medication can make a world of difference. The key word being "correct" which means the right type of drug for the specific condition (which of course requires first an accurate diagnosis) and used only in situations which actually call for medication. Some do, and some do not.

I can't begin to tell from your post whether you personally need medication nor, if you do, exactly what your disorder is/treatment should be. What you describe could have as much or more to do with anxiety than to either depression or BPD, but it is impossible to say for sure, and these are not diagnoses you can safely make on yourself.

What I would recommend you do is either:

1. See a good, western-trained psychiatrist specializing in mood disorders for a proper evaluation and treatment recommendations


2. See a good therapist/counselor and start therapy for your various issues; he/she can refer you to a pyschiatrist for medication if it appears to be necessary.

The second choice is usually best unless the mood swings are so severe as to cause you to take impulsive actions (of a significant magnitude) that you later regret, or you are seriously depressed but you indicated no to the second one. The advantage of starting with counselling is that (1) it will often be enough i.e. you may be able to avoid medication and (2) therapists spend far more time with their clients than psychiatrists do and thus will get to know you better, and I think more often arrive at a correct understanding of what is going in than even the best pyschiatrist may. So even if medication proves necessary it is advantageous to let a therapist evaluate and make the referral. (Again, assuming there is no great urgency. In cases of severe depression or in people experiencing manic states that lead to uncontrollable behavior with negative consequences, there should be no delaying seeing a pyschiatrist. )

There is a pinned notice on mental health resources in Thailand that gives details of a n umber of qualified western counsellors.

Please do not self-medicate with Seroxat or anything else. Depression, anxiety and BPD are very different conditions and taking medication for one condition when you in fact have the other can make matters much worse. Anti-depressents in particular can trigger sxevere manic states in people with BPD.



I have similar problems from time to time, I live in the Uk, I see a cognitive behavioural therapist, he is very god, google CBT and see what you think no medication, medication could be a final resort, the thing with meds is you have to stop them at some point or at least try to.

Not sure if there are therapists in Thailand that can offer this support might be worth a look through the forums to see.

Good luck, I find the feelings are very hard to deal with as the feelings are all over the place and very unsettling

Good luck



I have similar problems from time to time, I live in the Uk, I see a cognitive behavioural therapist, he is very god, google CBT and see what you think no medication, medication could be a final resort, the thing with meds is you have to stop them at some point or at least try to.

Not sure if there are therapists in Thailand that can offer this support might be worth a look through the forums to see.

Good luck, I find the feelings are very hard to deal with as the feelings are all over the place and very unsettling

Good luck

Thanks for everyones information, I am firstly going to try exercise and also try to put any worry out of my mind, I went through 2 yrs of counseling nothing to do with depression but an accident I had in the Fire Brigade which made me down a lot of the time, I have always been strong enough to get through any problems of the past but there was a time when on occasions I thought I could not cope but again fought my way through it, since leaving the UK 2 yrs ago I have been the happiest I have ever been, it's just this constant mood swings which are not serious just annoying, I am 55 now so I don't see this problem getting any worse I am to strong a person and can deal with most things again it is just so annoying. hope this makes sense.

Looking back to my accident I think this could have something to do with what is happening now, I still think about it and I always have a picture of the event even to this day in my mind which was over 11 yrs ago, oh well I am happy but always confused as to why one minute I think it's great then the next it is not...



I have similar problems from time to time, I live in the Uk, I see a cognitive behavioural therapist, he is very god, google CBT and see what you think no medication, medication could be a final resort, the thing with meds is you have to stop them at some point or at least try to.

Not sure if there are therapists in Thailand that can offer this support might be worth a look through the forums to see.

Good luck, I find the feelings are very hard to deal with as the feelings are all over the place and very unsettling

Good luck

Thanks for everyones information, I am firstly going to try exercise and also try to put any worry out of my mind, I went through 2 yrs of counseling nothing to do with depression but an accident I had in the Fire Brigade which made me down a lot of the time, I have always been strong enough to get through any problems of the past but there was a time when on occasions I thought I could not cope but again fought my way through it, since leaving the UK 2 yrs ago I have been the happiest I have ever been, it's just this constant mood swings which are not serious just annoying, I am 55 now so I don't see this problem getting any worse I am to strong a person and can deal with most things again it is just so annoying. hope this makes sense.

Looking back to my accident I think this could have something to do with what is happening now, I still think about it and I always have a picture of the event even to this day in my mind which was over 11 yrs ago, oh well I am happy but always confused as to why one minute I think it's great then the next it is not...

For over 20 years I saw the things humans can do to one another, on a daily basis, sometimes with as little motivation as a bag of grass, or a family argument. I saw babies placed in microwave ovens; husband kill and cut up the body to dipose of it at a dump with hefty bags of household trash, and kids kill teachers for a bad grade. I've seen pain and remember most of it. I'm not even getting into the really awful stuff here.

I remember especially the children who did--could not possibly have done--anything to deserve their horrible fate.

But I've always exercised, practiced more than one martial art, including Tai Chi, and eat very clean. Minor alcohol consumption.

I do not hardly ever watch the news. I refuse to watch TV. It annoys me and has a serious effect on me when I do; I can't stand the instantaneous changing of the camera angles. Music videos make me want to beat the crap out of someone. It is designed, along with constant terror alerts, et al, to keep us hyped up, ฟuck with our emotions, releasing load after load of epinephrine.

I do not watch porn. It gets worse every year. There is an agenda. I know Thai who frequent websites that show accidents or suicides or decapitations. These people are sick, and over the last two years they have become scary. Now they fantasize about doing it to someone.

I do watch old movies where the camera stayed on the actors a long time, sometimes for minutes. It was lulling. Today, we have screaming people, out of control with their emotions, histrionically acting like teenagers on crack, and the camera moves like it is on meth. I can not watch a piece of crap like Lethal Weapon. Danny Glover and Mel Gibson screaming like girls for 90 minutes. Contrast that with Bullett, starring Steve McQueen. Everyone is calm, even the bad guys.

I listen to Mozart, Bach and Japanese flute. Music that moves calmly, intelligently. If I listened to rap or hip hop when I was a cop, I probably would not have made it twenty + years. I read books, a lot of biographies, Sun Szu, Gibbons, and others than are quieting.

A walk on the beach every day with my (calm and well trained) dogs, while living in a simple 30 square meter bungalow with minimal, but comfortable furnishings. I have a car, but I want to sell it.

I am much more calm and steady than I was when I ate crap food, drank a gallon of joe everyday, watched team sports and TV in general--thinking it would relax and calm me-- while I saw the worst of human beings.

I also am 55. We live in a very different world today than when we were in grade school, don't we? Do you think that's a possibe reason for what we experience today? I am continuously seeking more ways to simplfy and halt the barage of garbage the media and powers than be try to shove into my head and heart.

Bottom line, some people may need drugs who have become far gone. Does not sound to me like you are one of those. And although I think bi-polar diagnosis are a crock, I doubt vascillation is one of the symptoms. It is a symptom though of many "disorders." It seems the only therapies most doctors precribe include medicines--expensive-- that are patented. 35% of Americans are on anti-depressants!

Last week someone posted that they were testosterone deficient. They made a list of symptoms. Most of these symptoms are also those of aging. Googling for medical diagnosis is pure BS.

Whether or not you are a Christian, regardless, here is some good advice: "Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Or, if you are a computer geek: Garbage in--garbage out.


There is a therapeutic technique called "EMDR" (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) specifically developed to help people integrate and move past traumatic memories. http://www.emdrnetwork.org/

Although originally developed and used for classic post-traumatic stress disorder (war veterans, etc) it has been found equally effective in overcoming the effects of long-standing chronic traumas suffered during childhood.

It requires only short-term therapy and I can personally attest to its effectiveness. Must however have a therapist who has had specific training and is certified in it. http://www.emdrnetwork.org/choosing.html

It is an excellent alternative to drawn out therapies, medications and all the other things traditionally done with only limited success. It works directly with how the brain handles and stores memories.

(not appropriate for people with BPD or psychosis).

  • 3 months later...

I think certain medical conditions are beyond the scope of this forum and should be dealt by consulting a qualified physician only. In my experience, from observing and working with (on my regular non-medical job) manic depressive people (Bi-Polor illness) depression is the biggest concern and current medical advise is to treat this illness with medication. After, of course, it has been diagnosed. and ...... as the moderator stated you do not indicate any depression (if you truly realize what it is) so you cannot be manic depressive or Bi-polor as they call it these days. Anyways, now that I even mixed myself up, bottom line is I worked a high profile stressful City job for many years and worked with many manic depressive people. You should immediately see a physician if you f feel this is something more than "the Blues" or normal mood swings. The medications they use today work for most people and that is the recommended treatment.

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