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Forget A Thai Lady


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Okay so don't sugar coat it. You cheated on your girlfriend and you're STILL cheating.

And I didn't misunderstand, I knew the TH BG had a boy I read your previous post. The reason why I assumed she was a stripper was because you said something along the lines of your current girlfriend knew you were going to a strip club and had let you before.

You seem to change the story every few seconds  :D

Anyway so you called your girlfriend and told her you'd tell her later. So you didn't really confront her about it then did you? I was right, backbone of jelly  :o

If I was you I'd stop what you were doing with the Thai girl until you have told the girlfriend or at least stop having sexual contact with her, your current girlfriend deserves that much. And how do you know this girl will stay with you when she sees your true colous and that you have cheated on her?

And if you have cheated once will you cheat again? Once a cheater always a cheater I say.

Now we have got down to the nitty gritty you are in quite a state arn't you. And rushing it a bit. A week and you are already thinking about taking her to England. My advice for you - wake up!

About the stripper thing: I have been to strip bars in germany and in thailand. No touching, no ######ing (at least for me) and in my opinion (my gf has the same) this is ok. So I dont think that I am changing anything.

Oh, maybe you got this wrong with my girlfriend. Currently I am living in another country than she does (studying somewhere else). So that is why I definitely do not have any sex with her (not for the last 2 months because I was not at home). And at the phone I did not tell her straight away because I wanted to think first. Since I am going to tell her the story I think this is at least ok although not good.

And again: I will tell the thai girl that I had a girlfriend before but did manage to tell her.

But talking here somehow made up my decision: I will just wait some time. I would really like to see her in November (because she cant come in Dec. + Jan.... no space in the house) and I would do anything but I think she will not get a visa, right?

After 2 or 3 weeks I may at least think rationally. If I am still crazy about her and she is still not working in a bar (a friend of mine lives there.... he will also help me and watch out for her) I will make up my mind for a solution.

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If I was you I'd stop what you were doing with the Thai girl until you have told the girlfriend or at least stop having sexual contact with her, your current girlfriend deserves that much. And how do you know this girl will stay with you when she sees your true colous and that you have cheated on her?

fact is

1 u re not him

2 his TGF need ATM

3 just phunk him off... you know ... the word "troll"

Yuppers. I've given up on this guy now.

And you know the word mofo don't you Bambi? :D:o

EDIT - Farangone just read your post. You said she used to live in England before so she'll already have a visa won't she?

Edited by Ice Maiden
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i've seen some of your posts and they make me laugh, this one well.

if you were on television you'd make a fortune, bella


oui oui being a troll..and for real life a model and doctor ..sometime its fun ....i love to be a muppet some time!

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@ice: Where was I changing the story? To the cheating: I will tell both girls about this, just tomorrow. I just wanted to have some time to think.

But maybe u guys are right and I am making a really big mistake.

Whatever happens, I will let u know. But as I said, I will take my time and relax a little bit.

BTW: I am a guy from another country currently studying in Australia.

And to the sex thing that the especially the male people here are referring to: I had lots more sex with my girlfriend. In fact this was the only little bit disappointing thing with the thai lady. I think most of you would even judge my girlfriend to be more beautiful than the thai girl. Sex is not that important for me (and definitely was not the reason for the travel to thailand)

But dont know why: This thai girl just broke my heart. Maybe just because I felt sorry for her, maybe because I just needed a girl I could spoil or maybe because she is the one. The only thing which drives me crazy is that I might not find out.

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Bloody cliche as it comes to the point of absurdity.... :o

Are you sure this isn't Scampy doing another fairytale Brit ? :D

Well you know our Scampy - creative writing is his forte!!! :D

As for being Aussie troll seems to be a bit off - I smell non native english in troll's writing. :D

Have to love these 3 day instant relationships - gal packs it in to work shop for departing farang - "you good man not like all the rest" :D

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@ice: Where was I changing the story? To the cheating: I will tell both girls about this, just tomorrow. I just wanted to have some time to think.

But maybe u guys are right and I am making a really big mistake.

Whatever happens, I will let u know. But as I said, I will take my time and relax a little bit.

BTW: I am a guy from another country currently studying in Australia.

And to the sex thing that the especially the male people here are referring to: I had lots more sex with my girlfriend. In fact this was the only little bit disappointing thing with the thai lady. I think most of you would even judge my girlfriend to be more beautiful than the thai girl. Sex is not that important for me (and definitely was not the reason for the travel to thailand)

But dont know why: This thai girl just broke my heart. Maybe just because I felt sorry for her, maybe because I just needed a girl I could spoil or maybe because she is the one. The only thing which drives me crazy is that I might not find out.

I'm too tired to explain myself.

Off to sleep :o

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As for being Aussie troll seems to be a bit off - I smell non native english in troll's writing.  :o

######, are you reading what I write? I AM NOT AUSSIE. I JUST STUDY THERE!!!!!! I already said that my english is bad...... or at least not too good. Will study here til the end of january

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Will go to bed as well.

Although I cant understand some postings, some of them opened my mind.

I will wait and maybe tomorrow none of the two girls will talk to me anymore (thats what I deserve I guess).

If the thai girl wants to see me when I come back to my home country (I think i misused the term before) at the end of january.... maybe I will see her. Currently I hope so, but let's see after I cooled down.

Have a nice evening, morning or whatever.

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As for being Aussie troll seems to be a bit off - I smell non native english in troll's writing.  :o

######, are you reading what I write? I AM NOT AUSSIE. I JUST STUDY THERE!!!!!! I already said that my english is bad...... or at least not too good. Will study here til the end of january

phunk u too ..how dare u re rude with Brit???

obvious;y .. you're just a troll from somewhere

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Will go to bed as well.

good for u kiddo .. dont forget your milk

Although I cant understand some postings, some of them opened my mind.

we re  open mind  even u re troll

I will wait and maybe tomorrow none of the two girls will talk to me anymore (thats what I deserve I guess).

how is rosy palmy??

If the thai girl wants to see me when I come back to my home country (I think i misused the term before) at the end of january.... maybe I will see her. Currently I hope so, but let's see after I cooled down.

well .. no idea

Have a nice evening, morning or whatever.

yah .. u'd be sunk in grave ..!!  gogo ... suck somebody's nipple and sleep well ...thanks for make us TV  members fun here ...kiddo

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There is no such thing as love at first site. That is lust. Love is something one devoples over time through interaction(speaking,sharing and bonding) not of the sexual nature. Love is duty and honor to the person you have made a vow to. This is why one does not make vows lightly.

It doesn't matter what you are feeling farangone, you have dishonored yourself and the woman you made a promise to. I suggest you spend more time thinking about how to redeem yourself and less about your mistakes.

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There is no such thing as love at first site. That is lust. Love is something one devoples over time through interaction(speaking,sharing and bonding) not of the sexual nature.

Oh noooooo !!! My world has been shattered.

Every morning, at shaving time, I thought it was true love. I'm now gunna smash that rotten mirror.

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I just read through this post and there is somethings I don't understand

1. why would anyone ask total strangers to help him make his mind up about something so personal.

there are so many unknown factors (as can be seen in the subsequent posts) that it is impossible to make any judgement

2. why would anyone bother to respond - for the same reasons

The posts suggesting he grow up and make his own decision are the only ones making any sense. Oh, except for Bambina's flirting :o

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There is no such thing as love at first site. That is lust. Love is something one devoples over time through interaction(speaking,sharing and bonding) not of the sexual nature. Love is duty and honor to the person you have made a vow to. This is why one does not make vows lightly.

Thats your definition.. Everyone is different.. I would have said the same had it not been for my first wife..

Walked past one look and smitten (call it lust) from that night we didnt seperate.. Probably 5 nights apart in 4 years.. she was the perfect woman and more..

RIP Baby.

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Just logged onto this post and dont really have much to say on the matter, apart from the original poster sounds really really pathetic for the most part.

Ok, everyone at some point may have the urge to cheat on a partner (me included) but some of the points, such as the fact that she doesnt speak much English, his farang lady is beautiful and the rest. I mean just get a grip.

Follow your heart, use your head and dont rely on a forum for all the answers!

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As the 'anti-love pill' is not yet available, the only solution is to replace the problem with a new problem. Get your butt on a plane back here and spend some quality time in the bars. Pretty soon, maybe within hours, your problem will be replaced by a new, fresh problem. :o

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Sorry if I sound ignorant, I'm not exactly a veteran to these forums. But why such responses? People can get feelings and the guy seems to be honest with his post so far. I see no reason for such hastyness. Unless, of course, if there's something I don't know (which I won't be surprised of).

You need to ask yourself these questions:

- Are you sure that your inlove with her? And not just because shes lovely and nice and hair smells nice too.

-Are you ready to accept criticism from your family and friends? knowing that shes a bar girl?

-are you sure that shes not playing you on her hand and trying to get your sympathy, whatsoever?

- Are you sure its not just an infatuation? Co'z she looks lovely, kind,blah blah blah

-are you sure shes honest enough for you to trust that she will be faithful to you? not going to be like " when the cat is away the mouse will play" ( hope i quoted it right)

- (and in some instances) are you sure that you can help support her family?

- and are you willing to take a risk and ruin your relationship with you g/f ( the one) just for her that you don't have any idea if it will last.

you see, most farang man are attracted to asian girls especially Thai girls, it is because, they are the exact opposite in appearance( color and body) etc...and can be a doll when they meet any farang!..that most farang can't get from there homeland( not all)

BTW,,,Sympathy will not give you any help,,,,,,criticism and hastyness will help you realizes that sometimes, you are stupid and need to wake up!

And lastly,,,HEY! your only 25 and young, why won't you just enjoy life at the moment?

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