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Diving In June...


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I received following mail from a friend:

I am having 2 weeks off, to spend time with my father whom I have not seen for 4 years. Guess it is about time. The thing is, I he is a diver, and wanna dive. And I have no real relationship with the beaches of Malaysia.

So I am thinking, maybe u can advice me if Phuket will have some interesting dive places? Maybe u have the right contacts ;-) Or is the season already over in a way that u would not recommend to go there?

In a way, I would rather go to Phuket than some beaches in Malaysia that I do not know at all - and that takes 4+ hours to get to in any case. Because I know Phuket is easy to reach - and we have only 4 to 5 days to spend it is easy to reach from here.

I am looking at the days around June 7 to 11th...

Cheers and thanks in advance!

All the best!

As I have no idea about diving I need your help/recommendations please :jap:



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There are some nice divesites in the area, and diving is year round. Even stronger, June is normally very nice with not many other divers, not too much boat traffic, and nice sightings of marine life that tends to shy away when it gets too busy.

Depending on the plans and experience, I would say 1 day Racha Islands, 1 day Shark Point/King Cruiser area and 1 day Bida Islands (Phi Phi area), and you'll have 3 very nice divedays.

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Hi Thaigerd

Quite agree with Steven about the daytrip dive sites. During the low season months the divers tend to see more marine life on the daytrip dive sites (Koh Rachas/Sharkpoint/King Cruiser Wreck areas and around Phi Phi)due to the less amount of divers and less boat surface traffic as during the high season months.

Hope this helps your friend.

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Agreed with above. Best bet IMO is the Phi Phi overnight trip that runs twice a week. Last June/July I swam with two whale sharks within 8 days of each other on Koh Doc Mai and then King Cruiser. We were seeing mantas in the area at the same time too.

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Agreed with above. Best bet IMO is the Phi Phi overnight trip that runs twice a week. Last June/July I swam with two whale sharks within 8 days of each other on Koh Doc Mai and then King Cruiser. We were seeing mantas in the area at the same time too.

Thanks for your input!!


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