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Be Aware Of Bad It Companies

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If you plan to work with any small IT companies in Thailand, be aware of those that promise you everything but deliver nothing. Examples of such companies are Eclipse Computing and International Effiscient (IEC), both located on Silom road. These companies will provide nice analysis with promises that they cannot keep. If you need to do business with an IT company for software or hardware needs, contact one of the bigger wellknown international IT companies. They maybe more expensive, but you know that you will not be disappointed.

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If you plan to work with any small IT companies in Thailand, be aware of those that promise you everything but deliver nothing. Examples of such companies are Eclipse Computing and International Effiscient (IEC), both located on Silom road. These companies will provide nice analysis with promises that they cannot keep. If you need to do business with an IT company for software or hardware needs, contact one of the bigger wellknown international IT companies. They maybe more expensive, but you know that you will not be disappointed.

Not always. I have worked with small local shops here but I was very careful with payments and delivery. If you don't follow the project (or if you are technically not fit to follow it) they will take you for a nice ride.

Actually, I have been riped off more by farangs than Thais here.

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Actually, both of these companies are foreign owned. Probably the only objective for the owners is to use the company to stay in Thailand with their girlfriend and not care about the investment that other companies make when they use their services.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Butterfly, you summed it up very well, when you contract an IT company, the customer has to project manage things. This is the case with all IT companies big and small.

I will tell you from the inside that the big multinational companies are not perfect and I can quote some examples in Thailand on some monumental stuff-ups where the losses went up to 100m USD.

The thing about the Larger International companies is they just have better and more lawyers.

At the end of the day, the customer must take responsibility for as much as possible, not only does this mean you have some control over what is happening and oyu can see problems when they eventuate, but also you can lower the cost of the engagement.

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One thing to keep in mind is that when you contract with any IT company you need to give them detailed specifics. Any detail left out is assumed to be up to company discretion. When dealing with Thai in Tech matters make sure you have a Thai national with you. Unless you speak Thai that is? Even if they speak English, it’s the conversation with there partner you want to hear.

When I said details I mean detailed. My partner and I wanted to have a box built and they fudged up on the Ram. We had the original quote and they changed it out quickly. Be sure and check everything such as brand and model before taking delivery. We thought they did it on purpose so we didn’t use them for the big job. We simple walked by two weeks latter with 10 CPU’s on a cart from a shop close to them. They looked, we smiled they cried, and lost about 200,000 baht in sales.

To you statement about using a bigger company. I am engrossed with a dispute of competence with IBM. ( Hope that’s big enough) They have had a laptop in 5 times and not been able to diagnose or solve the problem. This was even after I told them exactly how to solve the problem. (In my former life I worked for IBM as a Tech) So you never know.

If you have a IT need post it here I am sure someone will know someone. That’s really how things work here. So ask around b4 you spend the bucks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, not all small IT companies are bad. At least not ours ;-)

We can even proof it with an impressive reference list.

This contains e.g. Siemens Ltd. and Mapthaput Immigration.

Many big companies in Rayong province are our customers, many of them with service contracts.

We offer short term and long term service contracts and quite a lot of experience and knowledge in the network field. Of course we also sell and fix PCs etc.

Anyway, if somebody needs a good IT Service in Rayong (where we are located) and Chonburi area, just send me a PM since 'm not sure whether it is allowed in this forum to include our office address and phone numbers.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest The Judge

Sounds like someone I know.

Wrote a book, called a company near Nimanheiman apparently farang operated.

Screwed his book entirely. He has just begun working with a new company, who feel they can recover at least a good proportion.

Good luck to him. They can only work afternoons apparently. But they have high hopes.

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Give these guys a look www.mustang-technologies.com

I've been to their offices a couple times and they have pictures of HH Princess Srindahorn giving them kudos hanging all over their walls, are run by American management, were working on some Halliburton software while I was there, and seemed quite professional.

They're located off Chang Wattana Rd in BKK, just west of the western, north-south leg (Crimony why can't they number the expressways???????????) of the expressway system in a HUGE building that has "SOFTWARE PARK" emblazoned on a sign at the top of the building.

It's the only tall (30 stories or so) building along that stretch of road so it's kind of tough to miss.

Good luck.

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As an ###### / project consultant / net work consultant with some rather big networking project under my belt i can tell you the following:

IT in thailand is still lagging 5 to 8 years behind the rest of the world.

The best you can expect is a Hobby pc builder who shows up to perform your network and when a problem arises finds out a story.

"If "you find a experienced ###### or consultant in thailand his experience will still be stuck with AS 400 , Novell 4.x windows NT 4.

So don't expect something more. All systems used in thailand (including banks) are unsecure, old, in need of replacement but there's nobody capable of replacing them.

Try doing a electronic transfer from one account to the other one in 2 minutes.

2 people (one takes from his account) (the other recieves) Same bank , toghether at the desk ect.. They can't .

They have to redraw from one (count the money, give to your friend, deposit back)

Technology in thailand ????


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