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Danish Shengen Visa Easier To Get Then Visa For Shengen Countrys?

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yestersay someone told me ,that it would be more easier to get a danish schengen visa,for eu to bring a thai woman to europe,then get a visa from a german country!

is this information true?

can some one explain the diffrence?

garantee for woman on danish ambasy also the same one month 1500€ then in german speaking countrys or lower?

thx for information!

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It might well be but she is supposed to apply at the Schengen Country which is her main destination in the Schengen Area, or if touring the country in which you the area.

I'm not sure how vigorously they check at the borders but as you have to supply details of your journey and accomodation when applying, if somebody applied at the Danish Consulate when it's obvious the main destination is Germany then they could possibly be refused.

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The requirements are the same for all Schengen countries.

Remember that if the applicant is the spouse of an EU citizen and traveling with or to join that EU citizen then many of the requirements do not apply.

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I'm not sure how vigorously they check at the borders but as you have to supply details of your journey and accomodation when applying, if somebody applied at the Danish Consulate when it's obvious the main destination is Germany then they could possibly be refused.

Had word from an acquaintance living in France whose Thai GF went to TLS (processing agent for the French Embassy in Bangkok) on Friday, May 27th to apply for a Schengen. Their planned travel itinerary started in Paris, followed by Switzerland, Italy, south of France, Spain and then back to Paris. But because they were planning to spend more nights iItaly than in another other Schengen state, TLS advised her to apply at the Italian Embassy instead. Applicant had all the other required documentation and six previous Schengen visas from France, Italy and Switzerland. TLS said the choice was hers, but strongly implied that if she proceeded with the French application, she would be rejected. She wisely declined the proceed.

Interestingly, they returned her Schengen visa fee but retained the 1,200 baht TLS administration charge. That's going to be my next business - visa application processing center.

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I do not understand the OP's post:

1) Application made at the Danish Embassy to enter Schengen.....ok therefore, if granted, one is allowed to travel in any other state

2) What do you mean...."Then" get a visa from a German country....Do you mean "than"?

Theoldgit : once the visa has been granted it means that the financial status has been evaluated and the risk not to return to Thailand is quite low; therefore whatever one decides to do, once in Europe, is one's problem and there is absolutely no reason why one should be stopped at a border. Even though , documents (presented at the Embassy) should be sufficient if questionned

In any case I should point out that a visa does not grant one the automatic entry in the Schengen space if the immigration officer suspects something fishy

7/7 This is correct: requirements are the same for every Schengen member

Kamnan: There is something I do not understand , the fee is paid once the dossier is accepted, therefore how can the applicant gave any money before the dossier was taken under consideration by the staff in charge ?

Edited by alyx
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Theoldgit : once the visa has been granted it means that the financial status has been evaluated and the risk not to return to Thailand is quite low; therefore whatever one decides to do, once in Europe, is one's problem and there is absolutely no reason why one should be stopped at a border. Even though , documents (presented at the Embassy) should be sufficient if questionned

In any case I should point out that a visa does not grant one the automatic entry in the Schengen space if the immigration officer suspects something fishy

alyx - Yes I realise there are no borders within the Schengen Area, I was just pointing out the fact that you should apply for a Schengen Visa at the country of your main destination. You have indicated that the consulate considering the application will have evaluated the financial status and that they would have decided and the risk not to return to Thailand is quite low, or at least the risk that the applicant would leave the Schengen Area. They also ask to see the evidence of the proposed trip, "KamnanT's" experience at the TLS Contact Centre seems to have borne out my advice that you should apply at the country that is your main destination, not one that you suspect gives you the best chance..

Yes, 7by7 was correct in saying that the requirement are the same for all Schengen Area countries, and that includes the requirement I pointed out.

Your point about the visa not giving automatic entry into Schengen is well made, in fact it applies to most, if not all, countries, though it would probably need to be a bit more than the IO suspecting something fishy, but that would indeed instigate some robust checking.

Edited by theoldgit
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Kamnan: There is something I do not understand , the fee is paid once the dossier is accepted, therefore how can the applicant gave any money before the dossier was taken under consideration by the staff in charge ?

Apparently at TLS the first thing you do upon arrival is pay the fees (Schengen visa fee & TLS processing fee). You then proceed to have your application assessed by a TLS staff member. If they conclude that your application is incomplete, then you have three options:

1. Proceed with the application and bring any additional documents to include with your application before 2pm the same day, or

2. Proceed with your application "as is", or

3. Do not proceed with your application.

if you opt for #3, they will refund the visa fee but not the TLS processing fee. Nice little earner, that.

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