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Android Apps For Learning Thai


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Some context first....

I lived in Thailand for 6 years between 2001 and 2007..... Left cause I was a little disillusioned and thought I missed family and friends back home!

Now after 4 years back in Ireland, I have no relocated back to Thailand last week...... turns out that friends all move on with their own lives....plus my whole family is getting the hell out of Ireland as it is up the proverbial creek!

My grand plan is to get my Thai (speaking, reading & writing) up to a level where I can watch TV, read newspapers and generally just get by chatting with people......

I invested a lot of effort before but cause I was working I didnt have the time..... now I do!

I just got myself a new Android phone and was wondering if anyone could recommend good Android Apps for learning Thai.....dictionaries and phrasebooks especially..... I used to use this from Paiboon on my Palm years ago and found it great - is there something like that for Android?


Would appreciate any help.....


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Paiboon have yet to release their dictionary as an Android App (it is currently available as an iPhone App). But they do say they are working on it. When they have I'll buy an Android phone.

The other thing to get is Anki for Android, the flashcards system. I think on Android it is free (in contrast it is around 10 dollars for iPhone).

Those two Apps will become the main feature of your life. You will live and sleep them.


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Paiboon have yet to release their dictionary as an Android App (it is currently available as an iPhone App). But they do say they are working on it. When they have I'll buy an Android phone.

The other thing to get is Anki for Android, the flashcards system. I think on Android it is free (in contrast it is around 10 dollars for iPhone).

Those two Apps will become the main feature of your life. You will live and sleep them.


Sound man - thanks for that.... will try to install Anki and see how I go.... and keep an eye out for new Paiboon dict for Android...... I also installed Google Translate but its missing the ability to speak in Thai..... i guess that is some time down the road....

Or maybe I will just have to force myself to spend the extra few seconds to read it in Thai..... and get all my consonant classes right!

Thanks for help....

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Still getting to grips with my new phone..... steep learning curve as I have been stuck with work provided crappy IPAQs for the last few years.....

Android looks like it has some great potential...... still havent found a really good dictionary yet.... The ThaiDict just doesnt do it for me.......

I've been using thai-language.com instead but would be great if that was on an app cause problem is that wi-fi and 3g coverage is proving to be a real pain!!!!

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If you want a Palm PDA with the Paiboon dictionary installed take a look at the ad in the classified section: http://classifieds.thaivisa.com/miscellaneous/miscellaneous-goods-for-sale/palmone-tungsten-e2-pda-108120.html

Doesn't really solve your problem, but does get you the best Thai dictionary in electronic format, and you can use Anki on it! laugh.gif

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Thanks but I already have a Tungsten T from years back and I used the Paiboon app which was great.

But now my reading is improving so I've decided to press ahead without the English transliteration and just force myself to read Thai......and thereby getting the tones correct - eventually!!!

It's gonna be a long slog but seeing as though there isnt much English spoken around here I should be getting plenty of practice!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just emailed the publisher of the electronic version of Benjawan Poomsan Becker's dictionary and got this:

Hi there,

I previously purchased Benjawan Poomsam Becker's Thai dictionary for Palm from you. Palms are now very old technology.
Do you plan to release this, or another Thai dictionary for Android?
I see you have an iphone version, but I am personally Apple averse, as are a great many other people, and will not be buying an iphone!


Yes, we are planning an Android version to be released at the end of this year. We'll let you know Android news and details as they arise at this email address.


- Chris Pirazzi

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Thanks..... but I am going to stick with the Thai Dict that doesnt give transliteration..... better in the long run..... so I can read and pronounce better....... Bit more difficult (actually a lot more!!) but worth it in the end ( I Hope).

Bigger problem now is the crap Wifi and signal that I get with new HTC Incrdible S...... feel like chucking it in the bin!

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  • 6 months later...

The Becker's dictionary is about to be released onto Android. They are currently beta-testing it. You need Android 2.2 (at least) and .3 GB on the SD. Should be about another month of waiting.

...And Then There Was Light...

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The Becker's dictionary is about to be released onto Android. They are currently beta-testing it. You need Android 2.2 (at least) and .3 GB on the SD. Should be about another month of waiting.

Details here

Thanks. However the info on that page is decribed as a "December 28th, 2010 Update".

Hopefully that's supposed to read "December 28th, 2011 Update". then?

Yes, as another poster said, it's reason enough to get an Android phone.

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I've got the TalkingThai app from Paiboon for the iPhone. It's about 500 baht and has a lot of detail and info. And it's all down offline. Once installed, that's it. And it doesn't take up too much space. I recommend it for whichever platform you can use it on.

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  • 1 month later...

J F Y I:

the Paiboon-App "Talking Thai" is now available on Android too. Not exactly a cheapo (700 THB), even more expensive then the i-phone APP before, but it already gets rave reviews everywhere.

If someone is really determined to improve his Thai skills, it may be well worth the purchase.

Me myself already considering to do so.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

great, DRoseMJD.

Please share your experiences after u have used it for a while.

Overall I would say that it is a very good App. I am definitely not the best person to judge this type of thing but I have found the pronunciation and script guides very helpful as well as the thai keyboard. I am very happy with the purchase, the only problem I have is with the phonetic part of the dictionary that allows you to search by how a word sounds is quite difficult because of the script and the fact that it is impossible to find if you mess up one letter. I have no idea how that could be fixed though really, if anyone has a specific question about the App I would be happy to answer.

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