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Abhisit Calls On Thaksin To Stop Intimidation Efforts

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It's simple my friends, Thaksin's crowd get voted in on numbers based on their conning of the vast rural poor vote (after all you can't be serious about a party run on remote control by a fugitive), in the last election 70% of the red and yellow cards were against the PPP, they flagrantly break the rules or make a mockery of them and when they attempt to free Thaksin by tearing up the law books they will come unstuck. Their opponents have plenty of material to nail them, and disqualify them using the law. So, we have this endless cycle of the Thaksin camp trying to legitimize their claim to leadership through vote numbers and their opponents delegitimizing them through the legal system. If PTP were a little less blatant about being Thaksin Inc. And a little more real as a political party they might manage to break this ridiculous cycle. The whole system is a farce, starting in 2001 with the assets concealment case, and since the coups of 2006 and 'Dec '20007' The red camp have taken it all to new heights!

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<snip for brevity>

Thaksin was out of the country and although Democratically elected, the army moved in and handec the job over to a fellow farang.

<snip for brevity>

Thaksin had resigned to try to run an election, early in 2006, and was therefore not "Democratically elected" at the time of the September-2006 coup, you may recall having read this before on TV, but forgotten ?

The military-junta handed over power to PM-Sorayud, a Thai citizen, who organised an election in December-2007 which brought about a coalition-government led by PM-Samak, also a Thai citizen. So who was the "fellow farang" to whom you refer ? <_<


maewrocks said:

If that is the case could you please let the Thaksin apologists know;

Which other democracy in the world has a coalition that is lead by the party that got the 2nd most seats in the previous election by a substantial margin?

Thanks in advance.

timekeeper responds:

the way you have phrased your question leads me to this conclusion:

in the UK, which is a democracy (apparently), in the previous election, the conservatives got the 2nd most seats to labour by a substantial margin

now the conservatives are in a coalition with the liberals

i think that ticks all your boxes..............


Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

Actually you are wrong 100%. This is a view borne out of blinkered prejudice. How can you support the Thaksin side - Thaksin was a murderer and thief? (the drug killings and the corruption) He has been blacklisted by democracies such as the UK and the USA which is why he sought refuge in tinpot dictatorships like Montenegro. Thaksin was described by Human Rights Watch as a one of the worst kind of dictators.

On the other hand Abihsit has shown great courage in the face of continual intimidation by a neo-nazi movement and even by some of his own supporters who were unhappy about his moves against corruption and towards a western-styled democracy. As I drove around the country last week I saw many defaced Abhisit posters but not one defaced Pheu Thai poster. That speaks a lot.

Mark my words and mark them carefully. If the red neo-nazis take control of Thailand after the next election under the leadership of the clone of Thaksin or Thaksin himself it will be a sad day for Thailand with no chance of democracy for many years to come. I fear for Thailand and the poor disinherited and manipulated masses that make up the majority of the population of whom many are duped by Thaksin's manipulative charms.

And if you want to question the 'neo nazi' tag I suggest you study Wilhelm Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism before so doing.

I read this several times as I could not believe what i was reading. Any of us can take very very short phrases from a 400 page document and say exactly what we want it to say. Thakisn Shinawatra was never convicted of the offences or Murder nor has he been convicted of thievery. In fact his trial was not fair, that is documented by several leaders of the world but once a conviction was registered the countries you mention had no choice but to exclude him from entering or staying in the country.

I am ashamed of Britain and of it's leaders for allowing this persecution to be carried out. This now third world dicatorship we live in is a worse place for not having Thaksin at the healm to steer it's way through the political mire that is now prevelant throughout the world.

Abhisit has been brave, easy to do when the armed forces not the electorate gave you a job you failed to obtain on many occassions before because you failed to get a majority. Instead the great people of the Kingdom of Thailand voted for the person who gave them health, schools and affordable housing in many areas of the country.

I guess we will just have to read this twaddle from people who don't understand the meaning of democracy and as for neo nazis, When Riech first wrote about The Mass Psychology of Fascism in 1930-33 he was talking about something that begat nazism, perhaps you should study it yourself as it clearly has nothing to do with the events of Thailands corrupt political society when governments can be made and supported with a gun.

Good luck whatever the decision as long as the party with the most votes forms the next government.

God Bless the King and the people of this great Kingdom of Thailand

welcome red newbie, back as a re-register in a different name or a genuine newcomer who just wanted to wave a red flag?

either way, i see you have dived straight in to the political fray and ignored the thousands of other fascinating non political posts on Thaivisa

you have made it very clear why you are here..............


If that is the case could you please let the Thaksin apologists know;

Which other democracy in the world has a coalition that is lead by the party that got the 2nd most seats in the previous election by a substantial margin?

Thanks in advance.

What does "substantial margin" have to do with it?

The way it works in all parliamentary systems is that the parties that can get a majority of MPs together are the ones that form government.

Really, is it that hard to understand?


Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

Actually you are wrong 100%. This is a view borne out of blinkered prejudice. How can you support the Thaksin side - Thaksin was a murderer and thief? (the drug killings and the corruption) He has been blacklisted by democracies such as the UK and the USA which is why he sought refuge in tinpot dictatorships like Montenegro. Thaksin was described by Human Rights Watch as a one of the worst kind of dictators.

On the other hand Abihsit has shown great courage in the face of continual intimidation by a neo-nazi movement and even by some of his own supporters who were unhappy about his moves against corruption and towards a western-styled democracy. As I drove around the country last week I saw many defaced Abhisit posters but not one defaced Pheu Thai poster. That speaks a lot.

Mark my words and mark them carefully. If the red neo-nazis take control of Thailand after the next election under the leadership of the clone of Thaksin or Thaksin himself it will be a sad day for Thailand with no chance of democracy for many years to come. I fear for Thailand and the poor disinherited and manipulated masses that make up the majority of the population of whom many are duped by Thaksin's manipulative charms.

And if you want to question the 'neo nazi' tag I suggest you study Wilhelm Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism before so doing.

I read this several times as I could not believe what i was reading. Any of us can take very very short phrases from a 400 page document and say exactly what we want it to say. Thakisn Shinawatra was never convicted of the offences or Murder nor has he been convicted of thievery. In fact his trial was not fair, that is documented by several leaders of the world but once a conviction was registered the countries you mention had no choice but to exclude him from entering or staying in the country.

I am ashamed of Britain and of it's leaders for allowing this persecution to be carried out. This now third world dicatorship we live in is a worse place for not having Thaksin at the healm to steer it's way through the political mire that is now prevelant throughout the world.

Abhisit has been brave, easy to do when the armed forces not the electorate gave you a job you failed to obtain on many occassions before because you failed to get a majority. Instead the great people of the Kingdom of Thailand voted for the person who gave them health, schools and affordable housing in many areas of the country.

I guess we will just have to read this twaddle from people who don't understand the meaning of democracy and as for neo nazis, When Riech first wrote about The Mass Psychology of Fascism in 1930-33 he was talking about something that begat nazism, perhaps you should study it yourself as it clearly has nothing to do with the events of Thailands corrupt political society when governments can be made and supported with a gun.

Good luck whatever the decision as long as the party with the most votes forms the next government.

God Bless the King and the people of this great Kingdom of Thailand

Let's see about the murder:

2700 so called drug dealers summarily executed. Some of these were Thaksin's political opponents, others were drug users plucked randomly from drop-in centres and then shot. This was of Thaksin's doing and so far he has not been convicted, agreed, but then there seems to be a thousand reasons why this has not been pursued in spite of demands from human rights organisations. Thaksin was also opposed as being an unfit person to own a football club when he acquired Manchester City.

Theft: Corruption on the scale that Thaksin and his family enjoyed, amounts to mass thievery. There is no other description.

As for democracy, I think it is the reds and Pheu Thai who do not understand the term. Democracy is about allowing your opponents to have a voice and the mass vandalism against Abhisit and Democrat Party posters in Chiang Mai bares witness to the fact that it is indeed the red leaders who simply mouth the word 'democracy' because they know the word is not understood by that sector of society to which they appeal.

Reich did not write ABOUT the Mass Psychology of Fascism. This was a serious analysis of the rise of fascism and, sadly, there are huge parallels between the mass rallies of the national socialist movement in pre war Germany and the red rallies that destroyed the centre of Bangkok last year. Hitler, in Mein Kampf made it clear that a political movement cannot be built on argumentation (as he called it) but rather by emotional manipulation. Is something not self evident to you here?

Indeed, many of us love the King of Thailand. Unfortunately there seems to be a contradiction amongst the masses between their love of the King (genuine and well founded) and their hero worshipping of Thaksin and his cronies (and clones!). I fear for the future of Thailand if this mob takes control. I really do.

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