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Pheu Thai MP Candidates Laid Down In Coffin For Good Luck


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Thai Temple Offers the Ultimate Chance at Rebirth

Wat Prommanee, a Buddhist temple, 66 miles northeast of Bangkok, offers believers the chance to lay in a coffin for a few moments, then rise up and feel reborn…

I for one find coffins to be really creepy and I wouldn't dream of lying down in one if someone paid me all the money in the world, but at Wat Prommanee people actually wait in line and pay a fee for a chance to do just that. It's one of the strangest ceremonies in the world, but one that has been rising in popularity ever since the temple started practicing it, over six years ago. Nine colorful coffins dominate the main hall of Wat Prommanee Temple, and hundreds of people lie down in them every day, playing dead for about a minute and a half, listening to religious chants, and rise up at command feeling cleansed and relaxed.

Wat Prommanee basically offers a daily resurrection service that many Thais believe washes away bad luck and helps prolong their life. It makes sense that people wish for a second chance in life, especially when confronted with serious issues, but lying down in a decorated coffin hardly seems like a solution. I mean, what if it doesn't change anything, right? Well, they just go back and do it again. The ceremony apparently relaxes them and gives them positive thoughts, so many people come back to Wat Prommanee Temple for the chance to be reborn several times over a few years. All they have to do is pay a small fee.


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I guess this will soon replace the fish tanks on the streets.

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Pheu Thai constituency MP candidates lied down in coffins ahead of the election, believing that it will bring them good luck and will protect them from any violence during the election campaign.

Or are they just practising for what's to come?

Edited by Beetlejuice
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responses above make a very strong statement of the shallow cultural understanding by some of the posters on here.

it also illustrates some red members lack of a sense of humour............

Bungalownights got it right.

your rresponse proves my point, thank you for your help :lol:

It does not prove your point - because you did not make one.

do keep up rrreddin

i said some rred members lack of a sense of humour

the was my point and you helped make it by being so humorless in your rresponse

you have just done it again ..........thanks again :lol:

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responses above make a very strong statement of the shallow cultural understanding by some of the posters on here.

it also illustrates some red members lack of a sense of humour............

Bungalownights got it right.


another red with no sense of humour

except when he claims to live in a fancy condo.........

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Seems the Democrats missed a great opportunity - they should have nailed the lids down tight while they had the chance.

Amazing Thailand, can you believe people will actually vote for these idiots.

A perfect example of ignorance and disrespect towards Thai culture.

Welcome to Thailand, you must have arrived yesterday.

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Seems the Democrats missed a great opportunity - they should have nailed the lids down tight while they had the chance.

Amazing Thailand, can you believe people will actually vote for these idiots.

A perfect example of ignorance and disrespect towards Thai culture.

Welcome to Thailand, you must have arrived yesterday.

Burning witches was considered culture once upon a time - guess you agree with that as well.

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Worrying that people who aspire to positions of such power and influence believe in claptrap like this.

This is so stupid it's unbelievable, little kids wouldn't do this again can you imagine say the Brits or Germans doing this ???........................Now add this to the Aussie interview with the opposing P.M. and -come on what do you really think ???

I understand the thinking behind this in Thailand, BUT NOT at top Political level please.

they believe this will wash away all jinx? Idiotic thing!!!!!!!!!

l :cheesy: :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: very funny!!!!!

they will be Thai M.Ps? Nope!!!! no way!!!!!!!................ superstition?

bullet proof vests and cars are what they should consider..........

p.s. i wont even bother read this article. How did they come up with this idea? anyone??



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Seems the Democrats missed a great opportunity - they should have nailed the lids down tight while they had the chance.

Amazing Thailand, can you believe people will actually vote for these idiots.

I believe a wooden stake through the heart first is standard practice with bloodsuckers like these.:D

And then 100 gallons of cement to seal the deal.

Amazing ignorance on display.

Why is it we see this idiocy in PTP,

but nothing like it, other than visiting wats, in the Dems?

Oh yeah, I remember. It's because they can think.

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Seems the Democrats missed a great opportunity - they should have nailed the lids down tight while they had the chance.

Amazing Thailand, can you believe people will actually vote for these idiots.

A perfect example of ignorance and disrespect towards Thai culture.

Welcome to Thailand, you must have arrived yesterday.

Burning witches was considered culture once upon a time - guess you agree with that as well.

Who is burning witches here? :whistling:

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Seems the Democrats missed a great opportunity - they should have nailed the lids down tight while they had the chance.

Amazing Thailand, can you believe people will actually vote for these idiots.

A perfect example of ignorance and disrespect towards Thai culture.

Welcome to Thailand, you must have arrived yesterday.

Burning witches was considered culture once upon a time - guess you agree with that as well.

If they float they must be burned but if they sink no problem. Common sensewhistling.gif

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Seems the Democrats missed a great opportunity - they should have nailed the lids down tight while they had the chance.

Amazing Thailand, can you believe people will actually vote for these idiots.

A perfect example of ignorance and disrespect towards Thai culture.

Welcome to Thailand, you must have arrived yesterday.

it rather looks like you arrived recently, registered on TV nine days ago.........

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Seems the Democrats missed a great opportunity - they should have nailed the lids down tight while they had the chance.

Amazing Thailand, can you believe people will actually vote for these idiots.

A perfect example of ignorance and disrespect towards Thai culture.

Welcome to Thailand, you must have arrived yesterday.

I would suggest the root of this ritual is in Chinese culture not Thai culture for starters...:rolleyes:

Dont worry there will be plenty of time to get your rosey coloured spectacles removed, seeing as it appears you have just arrived...:rolleyes:

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Seems the Democrats missed a great opportunity - they should have nailed the lids down tight while they had the chance.

Amazing Thailand, can you believe people will actually vote for these idiots.

A perfect example of ignorance and disrespect towards Thai culture.

Welcome to Thailand, you must have arrived yesterday.

Burning witches was considered culture once upon a time - guess you agree with that as well.

Please tell me you don't seriously believe that burning witches was culture. If so, your understanding of culture is seriously messed up, my friend.


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Seems the Democrats missed a great opportunity - they should have nailed the lids down tight while they had the chance.

Amazing Thailand, can you believe people will actually vote for these idiots.

A perfect example of ignorance and disrespect towards Thai culture.

Welcome to Thailand, you must have arrived yesterday.

Burning witches was considered culture once upon a time - guess you agree with that as well.

Please tell me you don't seriously believe that burning witches was culture. If so, your understanding of culture is seriously messed up, my friend.


Just one defintion of "Culture"

"the total of the inherited ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge, which constitute the shared bases of social action"

So yes the burning of witches could be considered a "Culture"......so back to your dictionary old chap...:whistling:

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Thai Visa is an English language forum, English is the only acceptable language, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

A post and a reply have been removed as the link was to a German language site.

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Seems the Democrats missed a great opportunity - they should have nailed the lids down tight while they had the chance.

Amazing Thailand, can you believe people will actually vote for these idiots.

Haha, that's so funny. Haha, I'm falling off the chair rolling on the floor, I can't stop laughing! (End of sarcasm)

Maybe you should do some research. Both Chuvit and Abhisit have laid down in coffins before.

It doesn't make it any less inane.

Any other excuse your red shirt apologists can come up with?

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