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Foreign Ministry website under attack

THAILAND: Staff at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) have asked the Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MICT) for help in tackling what appears to be an impish attack on its website.


The Google response to a search for ‘ministry foreign affairs thailand’ turns up some rather interesting results.

The website was unavailable for several hours on Wednesday, and a Google search for the ministry turned up a number of links that appeared to lead to advertising for Propecia (a treatment for baldness), and for male sex enhancement drugs Viagra and Cialis.

The ministry was unaware of the attack until informed of it by The Phuket News. A spokesperson at the ministry told the newspaper the following day, “We have informed the MICT that our website may have been hacked.”

The attacker appears to have changed only the metatitles of the web pages. Clicking on them opens pages with legitimate MoFA content.

Click here to see for yourself.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/wp-post.php?id=25280

-- thephuketnews.com 2011-06-02



I'm pretty sure that instead of fixing their security issues, they will not block Google from being accessed from Thailand. That should be the logical thing to do. Or who knows, maybe they weren't even hacked, but someone at the Ministry was really selling Viagra.



I'm pretty sure that instead of fixing their security issues, they will not block Google from being accessed from Thailand. That should be the logical thing to do. Or who knows, maybe they weren't even hacked, but someone at the Ministry was really selling Viagra.


LOL Yes that sounds about right to me, corrupt from the inside, the PM is right corruption is spreading like a plague, as if we didn't already know this to have already happened all over Thailand :rolleyes::wacko:


Maybe this was a "test" to see what could be done, if a certain side of the main 2 combating political parties tries to use the press and certain govt agencies to attack the other party backed by a certain person of means abroad?

Just speculation, but cyber attacks to shut down partisan PR on govt websites isn't out of the question, if your opponents manipulate govt agencies and even certain large groups with weapons against you.

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