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Hi all,

I have a friend in CR that I would like to have broadband for Skype usage, and I would like to know what options now exist for a reasonable price.

Back in July Tayto posted:

"I have been using T-Net by Cat N-Rich package, 335 baht per 30 days unlimited for well over a year now and have been quite happy with it.There is a 3 baht connection charge and this works out about another 100 to 150 baht a month

T-Net/TT&T now have a broadband package offer, Maxnet, 590 baht, 256/128 speed including free modem if you sign up for a year.

This seems to be very good value but I have been reading some bad press about it.Any comments please?"

And Dr. Locker posted:

"I have the 512/256-Connection.

But many of my friends ordered the smaller one.

Till now everybody is fine with his broadband.

When you only want to use internet the normal way (email & surfing with a few smaller downloads) you should be very happy with this connection.

OK, sometimes there are a few problems. But anyway it is the best choice for now.

By the way, TRUE-Internet (well known from BKK) has an office beside ITD-Plaza.

Perhaps they offer another choice."

Here are a few of my questions:

Is Maxnet still the best option for a reasonable price in CR? How much is the 512/256 broadban connection? Is the 256/128 broadband still 590/month?

Any updates on the quality? Any other good options now available, like TRUE-Internet?

Thanks for any help here.

Seeker :o

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We have had the MaxNet 512/256 ADSL for 11 weeks now. Can't compare it to other high-speed connections in Thailand because this is the first we've had here, but we had DSL service in the states for 5 years and compared to that, MaxNet sucks! It is slower than dial-up at times and the slow times are unpredictable and last for hours.Also have tried DSL connections in a variety of cybercafes all over Thailand and the connections in C.R. are slower than anywhere else outside of Nan, so it may not necessarily be the ISP. That said, MaxNet IS slow, expensive (790 baht / month) and the customer service isn't so hot,either. If anybody knows of a better ISP here in C.R. I would be willing to switch.

We have had the MaxNet 512/256 ADSL for 11 weeks now. Can't compare it to other high-speed connections in Thailand because this is the first we've had here, but we had DSL service in the states for 5 years and compared to that, MaxNet sucks!  It is slower than dial-up at times and the slow times are unpredictable and last for hours.Also have tried DSL connections in a variety of cybercafes all over Thailand and the connections in C.R. are slower than anywhere else outside of Nan, so it may not necessarily be the ISP. That said, MaxNet IS slow, expensive (790 baht / month) and the customer service isn't so hot,either. If anybody knows of a better ISP here in C.R. I would be willing to switch.

Thanks Chris and Dan,

Sounds pretty grim. I hope someone here knows of a better option or has a better report.


We have had the MaxNet 512/256 ADSL for 11 weeks now. Can't compare it to other high-speed connections in Thailand because this is the first we've had here, but we had DSL service in the states for 5 years and compared to that, MaxNet sucks!  It is slower than dial-up at times and the slow times are unpredictable and last for hours.Also have tried DSL connections in a variety of cybercafes all over Thailand and the connections in C.R. are slower than anywhere else outside of Nan, so it may not necessarily be the ISP. That said, MaxNet IS slow, expensive (790 baht / month) and the customer service isn't so hot,either. If anybody knows of a better ISP here in C.R. I would be willing to switch.

I have to agree with Chris and Dan, Maxnet sucks.

I got the free modem with 256/128 speed costing 590 baht connection but the speed is slower than dial up most of the time.

If you want to contact customer service for Maxnet be prepared for a long wait,they leave you hanging on the telephone for hours.

Maxnet sucks


Well. I guess since there have been no favorable posts and everyone here uses the internet then I must conclude that there is still no decent broadband in CR.

There is really no technical nor direct financial reason now for Thailand not to have top notch broadband connectivity like India or other countries. The bandwidth cost from international fibre optic backbone providers has continued to fall dramatically during the past 4 years.

I will look more into the big picture of broadband in my upcoming vacation time and do some posting in the "Internet, computers, communication, technology in Thailand" forum

Thanks all!

Well. I guess since there have been no favorable posts and everyone here uses the internet then I must conclude that there is still no decent broadband in CR.

There is really no technical nor direct financial reason now for Thailand not to have top notch broadband connectivity like India or other countries.  The bandwidth cost from international fibre optic backbone providers has continued to fall dramatically during the past 4 years. 

I will look more into the big picture of broadband in my upcoming vacation time and do some posting in the "Internet, computers, communication, technology in Thailand" forum

Thanks all!


Maxnet down a good part of yesterday.

After spending over 22 minutes hanging on for customer service they informed me they had a problem in Chiang mai.

Maxnet Sucks


For those interested in DSL service. I live 40 KM outside Chiangrai and have had TT&T phone service. For DSL I have been using LOXINFO for over a year. In a word - 'excellant'. It is my understanding that TOT is terrible for DSL service! I do not know this for a fact - just heresay. I plan to move to Chiangrai in the very near future and understand from TT&T that I can get there service when I move. If I can I will stick with them and LOXINFO(?).

Side Note: Does anyone know where I can Rent a 2 or 3 bedroom relatively New HOUSE in Chiangrai - Not town-house - free standing. ANYWHERE as long as it is within a 3-6 KM area. Do not care about cost.

Thanks for any and all replies. PM me - Anytime.




Hi Al,

Let's see if I understand you correctly.

You have phone service with TT&T and through LOXINFO a permanent DSL connection. This means you do not need to "dial up". It is on 24/7 and all you need to do is to turn on your computer to be online? What is the cost of this service? And what are the promised download/upload speeds?

Hmm, you are also 40 km out in the middle of nowhere. I think you must actually have a dial up account if I am not mistaken. Anyway please let me know the speeds and cost.

Thanks for the info.


As for finding a house. Try either the Sinthanee villages 1+2+3 and possible 5, but it could be too long away. Try also country home down at pattaya noi.

As for high speed internet and skype. I got 1024/216 with TOT. Connection is fluent like a normal phone call when both are on skype. When you call somebody with outskype, there will be lag. I pay 1,000 baht a month for this service. There is also a bussiness solution available costing 2,700 a month, with the same upload/download speed as mine. Trick is they put less people to share the same network/cable. My modem doesnt always work, but like everything lese in Thailand, you need patience. Once I am on, I stay there. It took some time in the western countries to develop quality ADSL connections as well. I am satisfied with my ADSL connection.

There is also IP Star and IPTV, where IP Star is the better. IP star is suposed to be the best possible solution. I have had IP TV for the minimum period. Very rare it worked. I was very dis satisfied with the IPTV service.

As for ADSL, one and half years ago Loxinfo promised with in a year to cover the whole country, no matter your location. My informations are not updated, but being a ADSL user you would probably want to be less than 3 kilometers from their mainserver. Or else your connection will not be reliable. TOT is complicated for a forreigner. You will need a work permit to sign up or it cant be in your name.

  • 7 months later...

I got Maxnet 512/256 two weeks ago. Will cost something like 900 Baht a month.

Some people, who are much better informed than me, told me that it would have been better to take 256/128: It is cheaper and the rather small capacity of the telephonelines would limit the speed anyhow.

But Potter has better experiences, maybe related to the distance of his house to the location of an ADSL-station (???).

They told me that 4 km is the maximum distance. And I am on 4,3 km.

Anyhow, my maxnet worked for 4 days. Great, I enjoyed it very much.

The last 10 days however, it is impossible to open a page. What a pity!

But they are working at it :o:D

Two questions:

What happened with Gmail? Suddenly I have to go to internetshops to check my mail. It simply doesn't open (I have a dial-upp now, courtesy of TTandT, snailspeed).

What is this naughty 'Cyberinspector' doing on my computer?

'Spy-sheriff' my virusprogram calls his or its illegal identity. I don't get rid of it. It opens everytime I 'turn' a page, whatever the content is. :D

Limbo :D

Two questions:

What happened with Gmail? Suddenly I have to go to internetshops to check my mail. It simply doesn't open (I have a dial-upp now, courtesy of TTandT, snailspeed).

What is this naughty 'Cyberinspector' doing on my computer?

'Spy-sheriff' my virusprogram calls his or its illegal identity. I don't get rid of it. It opens everytime I 'turn' a page, whatever the content is. :o

Limbo :D

Q1. My Gmail still working fine. Sounds like a firewall problem on your put.

Q2. Cyberinspector is the program by the gov. to block out a half a million porn sites i think. :D


About speed or Gmail i cant help you Limbo, but about this 'Cyberinspector' ...........I suggest that when you are not at home, lock windows and doors, close your computer, and save it with a password, I think that when you are not at home, or asleep, after a days hard work, someone breaks into your house starts your computer and goes to dirty sexpages. :o


There is so much contradictory info here it is impossible to judge wot is more relevant, i.e. location provider, computer etcetc but if this is any help my situation is

I am 15 kms from C Rai and used to have dial up,, absolutely chronic, all i ever could do was just about check email. Last month i subscribed to the Maxnet deal 256/128 @ 590 Bt + tax and I haven't looked back, hence my presence on this forum and the ability to whizz around the internet. Even tho the deal says bittorrent not possible i have dl'd substantial amounts of music. My computer not big enough for the Giga movie stuff, but that is by the by.

I'm on a tt&t phone line and at least 3 kms from an exchange so i'm sure my speeds could be better were i closer to town, but then i guess other factors come into it which are too complex for my little brain to fathom.

The internet shop down the road was not noticeably quicker yesterday with a much bigger adsl connection than mine.

About speed or Gmail i cant help you Limbo, but about this 'Cyberinspector' ...........I suggest that when you are not at home, lock windows and doors, close your computer, and save it with a password, I think that when you are not at home, or asleep, after a days hard work, someone breaks into your house starts your computer and goes to dirty sexpages. :o

Thank you Erg for your suggestion.

As a test I surfed to one of these sites which are considered a threath to public health and forced myself to look at the most incredible disgusting but also fascinating pictures.

Was there any 'cyberinspector' showing up to look over my shoulder? No!

Why does this character show up when I read the Volkskrant, The Guardian, Dagens Nyheter or even Thaivisa?

My conclusion is that the 'cybersinspector's presence is not related to websites, but hides itself as spyware in your computer.




im using internet at my dormitory. with 100.0 Mbps lan. connect almost 24 hr even im not using it. its suck sometimes with other dorm'smates play online game.but its good enough for 300b/month.mostly i use for my entertaining and education...ohh and its from TT&T.

PS. i dont have virus scan on my laptop only spyware remover but no viruses here no spywares here.virus scan make ur computer run slowly than usual...


I am 14 km south of CR and I have had Maxnet 512/256 for a couple of months. I started with 256/128 but I was not happy with speed and connections so I upgraded to 512/256.

I still had a lot of problems, did not work for days and stopped to work suddenly. :o

I got the guys out two times, no problem, they came within a day. They found nothing first time but the second group said I had wrong router. I was too far away with that model. So I went to Big C to TT&T and got another router for free. :D

After that I have almost no problem.

When I download music by torrent I sometimes got stuck. I close the download, unplug the router for 20 seconds and then, Bang, everything is working fine again.

I use Skype and talk to family in Europe with video and it works really good.

So in the end, I am now happy with Maxnet but it took some time to "tune" it in. :D:D:D

I am 14 km south of CR and I have had Maxnet 512/256 for a couple of months. I started with 256/128 but I was not happy with speed and connections so I upgraded to 512/256.

I still had a lot of problems, did not work for days and stopped to work suddenly. :o

I got the guys out two times, no problem, they came within a day. They found nothing first time but the second group said I had wrong router. I was too far away with that model. So I went to Big C to TT&T and got another router for free. :D

After that I have almost no problem.

When I download music by torrent I sometimes got stuck. I close the download, unplug the router for 20 seconds and then, Bang, everything is working fine again.

I use Skype and talk to family in Europe with video and it works really good.

So in the end, I am now happy with Maxnet but it took some time to "tune" it in. :D:D:D

Have to agree with you.

I still have the 256/128.

Knock on wood.......It's working well. can even download a few movies but very slowly.

Have'nt tried Skype but I dont think it will work.


skype is great, good voice and video quality but only when u use your webcam with ur friend or family, ur small cam's window is not seperate from ur chatter's cam window...thats all the problem i have noticed from skype..


There are quite some 'farang' in Chiang Rai who believe in miracles.

Since a couple of hours I am one of them.

I got myself a new computer, my dear Mr. Magic came to install it and ten minutes later I had a perfect ADSL connection.

Tomorrow I will phone to TT and T and express my gratitude for the fact that they have been working at it for almost a week (and tell them that they can relax now).

Limbo (happy) :o


Skype is great. Free when you talk to someone on Internet. But you can also call someone in England with telephone or mobile and only pay cost for local call!


The market constantly changes. What was bad 6 month ago might be good today and what was good 6 month ago might be bad today.

What one needs, an other might not need. It all depends on what you will be using your connection to. Most connections (even dial up) can do simple surfing such as thaivisa.com, emails, internet newspapers etc. For downloading music, skype and internet calls you will probably need adsl or if you like the fast speed. Which kind package is not so important. If you deal with bussiness, watch your home tv, listen to the radio or as some people mentioned internet gaming and you want quality you are probably better off with an expensive bussiness solution costing thousands of baht per month. Also be ware transfers inside Thailand are much faster than international transfers.

The basic quistions are. What do you need your connection for? How many hours a day/week wil you be using your connection? What is your budget?

I got TOT bussiness package costing 2700 baht a month. It is the best I have had and I am still not satisfied. It has happened the connection went down friday after their office closed and there is nothing you can do untill monday morning when their office opens. Before that I had TOT 1,000 baht a month and it did not have same power. The key is they put a lot of people on the same connection and you then share the connection with others.

High Speed internet is being build and should reach out further and further. As we know, in Thailand things sometimes get delayed....

  • 2 weeks later...
Skype is great. Free when you talk to someone on Internet. But you can also call someone in England with telephone or mobile and only pay cost for local call!

After reading your post about Skype, I went out today and bought a cheap headset and micophone set (110 baht) and downloaded Skype .

No problem. I got $10 dollar credit with the credit card and within 5 minutes I was connected.

Had a bit of problem with the hand set, where do you plug it in?.........this one you have to disconnect the speakers and plug it in there.

I think I'll have to get a better set.

Anyway, I started phoning numbers in Thailand.........no reply.........no dial even to my own mobile.

I think the Thai network is bogged down.

Then I phoned a few friends in Ireland and England.............got through no problem and great reception.The calls, acording to Skype work out about less than 2 cents but I don't understand why I was charged $2 something for 11 minutes of calls.

Anyway my question is, is Skype known for overcharging or did I miss something?

Then I phoned a few friends in Ireland and England.............got through no problem and great reception.The calls, acording to Skype work out about less than 2 cents but I don't understand why I was charged $2 something for 11 minutes of calls.

Anyway my question is, is Skype known for overcharging or did I miss something?

Been using Skype for 1 year and never heard of them overcharging. Calls to mobile #s or special numbers (certain strange UK "toll-free" #s) can be quite a bit more than the 2 cent rate). You need to go to their rate page and look for the rate to the exchange you called. You can also go to your account page and look at your call list and you will see exactly what they billed you for each call.

Have fun. I really enjoy Skype and use it all the time. You can also call toll-free #s in USA and normal toll-free #s in UK for free which is very handy when contacting airlines, for example.


  • 2 months later...

it seems nigel's question about fastest most powerful internet question is being now lumped in to an internet thread more concerned with skype. let alone, being lumped in with an old thread it is more likely to be ignored.

i'm curious too.

if i have a budget of 1000- 3000 baht per month what is the fastest and most powerful then?

thanks readers.


I have Maxnet and it has a lot of problem where I am for the moment. The last 4 days it has been down 90% of the time. But hopefully it will go back to be up 95%.

So for the moment I can't recommend it!


i know very little about computers, but i have the tt+t max pack for just over 600baht amonth and so far very pleased with the service.

last year i had a guy from norway half thai (nice guy )who rented a house from me he paid about 2.400 baht a month for a tt+t package he was selling stuff on the internet and had 3 or 4 computers going at the same time, i would say he was a computer wizz kid, no complaints from him about the service

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